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SR-17 (2023-2024)

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Enrolled  March 14, 2023
Passed  IN  Senate  March 13, 2023


Senate Resolution
No. 17

Introduced by Senator Archuleta

February 15, 2023

Relative to Stiff Person Syndrome Awareness.


SR 17, Archuleta.

WHEREAS, Stiff Person Syndrome (SPS) is a rare neurological autoimmune disorder that affects one in a million people; and
WHEREAS, SPS is a terminal condition and there is no known cure; and
WHEREAS, SPS affects all ages and all racial and ethnic groups; and
WHEREAS, SPS predominantly affects more females than males; and
WHEREAS, SPS affects a person’s central nervous system and motor skills; and
WHEREAS, SPS causes heightened sensitivity to stimuli, muscle stiffening and spasms, diminished posture, and impaired mobility; and
WHEREAS, Many people with SPS either never receive a proper diagnosis or remain undiagnosed; and
WHEREAS, Early diagnosis of SPS allows patients to access treatment and support from health professionals; and
WHEREAS, Increased research into SPS may lead to a better understanding of the syndrome, more effective treatments, and an eventual cure for the syndrome; and
WHEREAS, Recently discovered treatments, including the use of autologous stem cell transplant, are improving the quality of life for individuals with SPS, but many symptoms associated with the syndrome remain untreated; and
WHEREAS, Patients suffering from SPS often suffer embarrassment due to abnormal and involuntary movements, which leads them to withdraw from society and increasingly isolate themselves as the disease progresses; and
WHEREAS, The Senate can raise awareness of SPS in the public and the medical community; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate of the State of California, That the Senate supports raising awareness and educating the public about SPS and applauds the efforts of advocates and organizations that encourage awareness, promote research, and provide education, support, and hope to those impacted by SPS; and be it further
Resolved, That the Senate recognizes the commitment of researchers, health professionals, and others dedicated to finding an effective treatment and cure for SPS; and be it further
Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate transmit copies of this resolution to the author for appropriate distribution.