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SCR-155 Breast Cancer Awareness and Prevention Month.(2023-2024)

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Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 155

Relative to breast cancer awareness.

[ Approved by Governor  July 03, 2024. Filed with Secretary of State  July 03, 2024. ]


SCR 155, Gonzalez. Breast Cancer Awareness and Prevention Month.
This measure would proclaim the month of October 2024 as Breast Cancer Awareness and Prevention Month.
Fiscal Committee: NO  

WHEREAS, According to the American Cancer Society, with the exception of skin cancers, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among American women in the United States. Breast cancer accounts for about 30 percent of all new female cancers each year.
WHEREAS, It is estimated that 310,720 new cases of invasive breast cancer and approximately 56,500 cases of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) will be diagnosed in women in the United States in 2024.
WHEREAS, It is estimated that about 42,780 women in the United States will die from breast cancer in 2024 and the chance that a woman will die from this disease is about 1 in 40. Breast cancer is second only to lung cancer as the leading cause of cancer-related deaths among women.
WHEREAS, Systemic racism has impacts on the social determinants of health. Mortality rates have remained about 40 percent higher in Black women than in White women since the early 2000s, despite lower breast cancer incidence in Black women.
WHEREAS, Men are more likely to be diagnosed with advanced breast cancer and have lower survival rates than women. Delayed detection in men is likely due to lack of awareness, limited knowledge about effective treatment, and the absence of screening.
WHEREAS, Earlier detection of breast cancer through mammography and self-examination increases chances of successful treatment. The United States Preventive Services Task Force recommends that women between 40 and 74 years of age should have a breast examination by a health expert every two years.
WHEREAS, Mammography is the single most effective method of detecting breast changes that may be cancer, long before physical symptoms, detectable lumps, or abnormalities can be felt.
WHEREAS, Because of early detection, screening, increased awareness, and proper treatment, breast cancer death rates have been steady in women younger than 50 years of age, but have continued to decrease in older women. From 2012 to 2021, the death rate from breast cancer went down by 1 percent per year.
WHEREAS, It is in the best interest of all Californians to join this continuing battle against breast cancer by promoting greater awareness of the need for early detection, appropriate treatment, and the importance of finding a cure, as well as a means of prevention; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate of the State of California, the Assembly thereof concurring, That the Legislature hereby declares the month of October 2024 as Breast Cancer Awareness and Prevention Month in California; and be it further
Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate transmit copies of this resolution to the author for appropriate distribution.