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SB-824 Foster care.(2023-2024)

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Date Published: 04/11/2023 09:00 PM

Amended  IN  Senate  April 11, 2023


Senate Bill
No. 824

Introduced by Senator Ashby
(Coauthor: Senator Skinner)

February 17, 2023

An act to amend Section 1522 of the Health and Safety Code, and to amend Sections 309, 319, 361.2, 361.3, 361.4, 727.05, 11363, 11402, 11461.3, 11461.4, 16120, and 16519.5 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, relating to foster care.


SB 824, as amended, Ashby. Foster care.
(1) Existing law subjects foster care provider applicants, resource family applicants, and certain other adults in those homes, to a criminal records check and requires the applicant or other adult in the applicant’s home to obtain a criminal record clearance or criminal record exemption prior to licensure or approval. Existing law prohibits the State Department of Social Services or other approving entity from granting a criminal records exemption, except as specified, to an applicant or other adult in the applicant’s home who has been convicted of certain felonies. Existing law authorizes the State Department of Social Services or other approving entity, for the purpose of the resource family approval process described below, to grant an exemption from disqualification for the conviction of a felony for which a criminal record exemption cannot be granted if the applicant is a relative seeking placement of a specific relative child or children, the applicant or other adult living in the home is of present good character necessary to justify granting the exemption, and the applicant or other adult living in the home has not been convicted of certain felonies within the last 5 years.
This bill would, among other things, additionally authorize the department, or other approving entity, to grant an exemption under those circumstances to a nonrelative extended family member or an extended family member.
(2) Existing law authorizes the court to order temporary placement of the child in the home of a relative, extended family member, or nonrelative extended family member, and requires the court to consider the results of a criminal records check, among other things, before ordering that placement. Existing law also authorizes the placement of a child on an emergency basis in the home of a relative or nonrelative extended family member, and requires the relative or nonrelative extended family member to submit an application for approval as a resource family after the emergency placement. Existing law authorizes the court to place a child after an order of removal, or on a temporary or emergency basis in the home of a relative, regardless of the status of any criminal record exemption or resource family approval if the court finds that the placement does not pose a risk to the health and safety of the child.
This bill would also authorize the court to place a child after an order of removal, or on a temporary or emergency basis, in the home of a nonrelative extended family member or an extended family member, regardless of the status of any criminal record exemption or resource family approval or tribally approved home approval if the court finds that the placement does not pose a risk to the health and safety of the child.
(3) Existing law establishes the state-funded Kinship Guardianship Assistance Payment Program (Kin-GAP), which provides aid on behalf of eligible children who are placed in the home of a relative guardian. Existing law requires aid in the form of state-funded Kin-GAP to be provided on behalf of any child under 18 years of age and to any eligible youth under 19 years of age who has had a kinship guardianship established, as described above, and who meets other requirements, including that the child or youth has been adjudicated a dependent child or ward of the juvenile court, has been residing for at least 6 consecutive months in the approved home of the prospective relative guardian, and has had the dependency jurisdiction or wardship terminated, as specified.
This bill would also make eligible for state-funded Kin-GAP, Kin-GAP a child who was subject to an order for placement with a relative regardless of the status of any criminal record exemption or resource family approval or tribally approved home approval, as specified.
(4) Existing law establishes the Aid to Families with Dependent Children-Foster Care (AFDC-FC) program, under which counties provide payments to foster care providers on behalf of qualified children in foster care. In order to be eligible for AFDC-FC, existing law requires a child or nonminor dependent to be placed in one of several specified placements, including, among others, the approved home of a relative or a nonrelative extended family member.
This bill would also add to that list of eligible placements the home of a nonrelative extended family member or extended family member who has been authorized by the juvenile court and is ineligible for emergency caregiver funding due to the denial of resource family approval or approval as a tribally approved home.
(5) Existing law establishes the Approved Relative Caregiver Funding Program (ARC) for the purpose of making the amount paid to relative caregivers for the in-home care of children and nonminor dependents placed with them who are ineligible for AFDC-FC payments equal to the amount paid on behalf of children and nonminor dependents who are eligible for AFDC-FC payments. Existing law requires the ARC to fund the placement of a child with an approved relative caregiver if the placement of the child or nonminor dependent is not eligible for AFDC-FC while placed with the approved relative caregiver because the child or nonminor dependent is not eligible for federal financial participation in the AFDC-FC payment.
This bill would also require funding for placement of a child with an approved relative caregiver if the child or nonminor dependent is not eligible for AFDC-FC while placed with the approved relative caregiver because the placement was authorized by the juvenile court.
(6) Existing law establishes the Adoption Assistance Program (AAP), which provides financial aid to the adoptive families of special needs children. Under existing law, AAP payments are provided on behalf of youth between 18 and 21 years of age if the youth meets specified requirements, including that the prospective adoptive parent or any adult living in the prospective adoptive home has completed specified criminal background check requirements.
This bill would instead require the criminal background check requirement to be according to the resource family approval requirements, or that the child was subject to an order for placement with a relative, nonrelative extended family member, or extended family member, regardless of the status of any criminal record exemption or resource family approval or tribally approved home approval.
(7) Existing law provides for the implementation of the resource family approval process, which replaces the multiple processes for licensing foster family homes, certifying foster homes by licensed foster family agencies, approving relatives and nonrelative extended family members as foster care providers, and approving guardians and adoptive families. Existing law requires the child’s placement to be funded by ARC if the child-specific approval is granted to a relative who has received a criminal records exemption by showing that the relative is seeking placement of a specific child or children with whom the relative is related, the relative is of present good character necessary to justify granting the exemption pursuant to certain factors, and the relative does not have a felony conviction within the last 5 years for specified crimes. Existing law requires the relative to be ineligible for federal financial participation while the child is placed with them.
This bill would also require a nonrelative extended family member or extended family member, who has received the criminal records exemption, to receive funding under AFDC-FC or ARC and to be ineligible for federal financial participation.
(8) By expanding the application of the above county-administered funding programs, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program.
(9) Existing law continuously appropriates moneys from the General Fund to defray a portion of county costs under the AFDC-FC program.
This bill would provide that the continuous appropriation would not be made for purposes of implementing the bill.
(10) The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement.
This bill would provide that no reimbursement is required by this act for a specified reason.
Vote: MAJORITY   Appropriation: NO   Fiscal Committee: YES   Local Program: YES  

The people of the State of California do enact as follows:


 Section 1522 of the Health and Safety Code is amended to read:

 The Legislature recognizes the need to generate timely and accurate positive fingerprint identification of applicants as a condition of issuing licenses, permits, or certificates of approval for persons to operate or provide direct care services in a community care facility, foster family home, certified family home or resource family of a licensed foster family agency, or a tribally approved home. Therefore, the Legislature supports the use of the fingerprint live-scan technology, as identified in the long-range plan of the Department of Justice for fully automating the processing of fingerprints and other data by the year 1999, otherwise known as the California Crime Information Intelligence System (CAL-CII), to be used for applicant fingerprints. It is the intent of the Legislature in enacting this section to require the fingerprints of those individuals whose contact with community care clients may pose a risk to the clients’ health and safety. An individual shall be required to obtain either a criminal record clearance or a criminal record exemption from the State Department of Social Services before their initial presence in a community care facility or certified family home.
(a) (1) Before and, as applicable, subsequent to issuing a license or special permit to a person to operate or manage a community care facility, the State Department of Social Services shall secure from an appropriate law enforcement agency a criminal record to determine whether the applicant or any other person specified in subdivision (b) has been convicted of a crime other than an infraction or arrested for a crime specified in Section 290 of the Penal Code, or for violating Section 245, 273ab, or 273.5 of the Penal Code, subdivision (b) of Section 273a of the Penal Code, or, prior to January 1, 1994, paragraph (2) of Section 273a of the Penal Code, or for a crime for which the department is prohibited from granting a criminal record exemption pursuant to subdivision (g).
(2) The criminal history information shall include the full criminal record, if any, of those persons, and subsequent arrest information pursuant to Section 11105.2 of the Penal Code.
(3) The following shall apply to the criminal record information:
(A) If the State Department of Social Services finds that the applicant, or any other person specified in subdivision (b), has been convicted of a crime other than an infraction, the application shall be denied, unless the department grants an exemption pursuant to subdivision (g) of this section or Section 1522.7.
(B) If the State Department of Social Services finds that the applicant, or any other person specified in subdivision (b), is awaiting trial for a crime other than an infraction the State Department of Social Services may cease processing the criminal record information until the conclusion of the trial.
(C) If no criminal record information has been recorded, the Department of Justice shall provide the applicant and the State Department of Social Services with a statement of that fact.
(D) If the State Department of Social Services finds, after licensure, that the licensee, or any other person specified in paragraph (1) of subdivision (b), has been convicted of a crime other than an infraction, the license may be revoked, unless the department grants an exemption pursuant to subdivision (g).
(E) An applicant and any other person specified in subdivision (b) shall submit fingerprint images and related information to the Department of Justice for the purpose of searching the criminal records of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, in addition to the criminal records search required by this subdivision. If, after licensure, or the issuance of a certificate of approval of a certified family home by a foster family agency, the department determines that the licensee or any other person specified in subdivision (b) has a criminal record, the department may revoke the license, or require a foster family agency to revoke the certificate of approval, pursuant to Section 1550. The department may also suspend the license or require a foster family agency to suspend the certificate of approval pending an administrative hearing pursuant to Section 1550.5.
(F) The State Department of Social Services shall develop procedures to provide the individual’s state and federal criminal history information with the written notification of the individual’s exemption denial or revocation based on the criminal record. Receipt of the criminal history information shall be optional on the part of the individual, as set forth in the agency’s procedures. The procedure shall protect the confidentiality and privacy of the individual’s record, and the criminal history information shall not be made available to the employer.
(G) Notwithstanding any other law, the department may provide an individual with a copy of the individual’s state or federal level criminal offender record information search response as provided to that department by the Department of Justice if the department has denied a criminal background clearance based on this information and the individual makes a written request to the department for a copy specifying an address to which it is to be sent. The state or federal level criminal offender record information search response shall not be modified or altered from its form or content as provided by the Department of Justice and shall be provided to the address specified by the individual in the individual’s written request. The department shall retain a copy of the individual’s written request and the response and date provided.
(b) (1) In addition to the applicant, this section is applicable to criminal record clearances and exemptions for the following persons:
(A) Adults responsible for administration or direct supervision of staff.
(B) Any adult, other than a client, residing in the facility, certified family home, resource family home, or tribally approved home.
(C) Any person who provides client assistance in dressing, grooming, bathing, or personal hygiene. Any nurse assistant or home health aide meeting the requirements of Section 1338.5 or 1736.6, respectively, who is not employed, retained, or contracted by the licensee, and who has been certified or recertified on or after July 1, 1998, shall be deemed to meet the criminal record clearance requirements of this section. A certified nurse assistant and certified home health aide who will be providing client assistance and who falls under this exemption shall provide one copy of their current certification, prior to providing care, to the community care facility. The facility shall maintain the copy of the certification on file as long as care is being provided by the certified nurse assistant or certified home health aide at the facility or in a certified family home or resource family home of a foster family agency. This paragraph does not restrict the right of the department to exclude a certified nurse assistant or certified home health aide from a licensed community care facility or certified family home or resource family home of a foster family agency pursuant to Section 1558.
(D) Any staff person, volunteer, or employee who has contact with the clients.
(E) Any adult who works in a community care facility that is eligible to accept placement of a dependent child.
(F) If the applicant is a firm, partnership, association, or corporation, the chief executive officer or other person serving in like capacity.
(G) Additional officers of the governing body of the applicant, or other persons with a financial interest in the applicant, as determined necessary by the department by regulation. The criteria used in the development of these regulations shall be based on the person’s capability to exercise substantial influence over the operation of the facility.
(2) The following persons are exempt from the requirements applicable under paragraph (1):
(A) A medical professional, as defined in department regulations, who holds a valid license or certification from the person’s governing California medical care regulatory entity and who is not employed, retained, or contracted by the licensee if all of the following apply:
(i) The criminal record of the person has been cleared as a condition of licensure or certification by the person’s governing California medical care regulatory entity.
(ii) The person is providing time-limited specialized clinical care or services.
(iii) The person is providing care or services within the person’s scope of practice.
(iv) The person is not a community care facility licensee or an employee of the facility.
(B) A third-party repair person or similar retained contractor if all of the following apply:
(i) The person is hired for a defined, time-limited job.
(ii) The person is not left alone with clients.
(iii) When clients are present in the room in which the repair person or contractor is working, a staff person who has a criminal record clearance or exemption is also present.
(C) Employees of a licensed home health agency and other members of licensed hospice interdisciplinary teams who have a contract with a client or resident of the facility, certified family home, or resource family home and are in the facility, certified family home, or resource family home at the request of that client or resident’s legal decisionmaker. The exemption does not apply to a person who is a community care facility licensee or an employee of the facility.
(D) Clergy and other spiritual caregivers who are performing services in common areas of the community care facility, certified family home, resource family home, or tribally approved home or who are advising an individual client at the request of, or with the permission of, the client or legal decisionmaker, are exempt from fingerprint and criminal background check requirements imposed by community care licensing. This exemption does not apply to a person who is a community care licensee or employee of the facility.
(E) Members of fraternal, service, or similar organizations who conduct group activities for clients if all of the following apply:
(i) Members are not left alone with clients.
(ii) Members do not transport clients off the facility, certified family home, or resource family home premises.
(iii) The same organization does not conduct group activities for clients more often than defined by the department’s regulations.
(3) In addition to the exemptions in paragraph (2), the following persons in foster family homes, resource family homes, certified family homes, tribally approved homes, and small family homes are exempt from the requirements applicable under paragraph (1):
(A) Adult friends and family of the foster parent, who come into the home to visit for a length of time no longer than defined by the department in regulations, provided that the adult friends and family of the foster parent are not left alone with the foster children. However, the foster parent, acting as a reasonable and prudent parent, as defined in paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 362.04 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, may allow their adult friends and family to provide short-term care to the foster child and act as an appropriate occasional short-term babysitter for the child.
(B) Parents of a foster child’s friend when the foster child is visiting the friend’s home and the friend, foster parent, or both are also present. However, the foster parent, acting as a reasonable and prudent parent, may allow the parent of the foster child’s friend to act as an appropriate, occasional short-term babysitter for the child without the friend being present.
(C) Individuals who are engaged by a foster parent to provide short-term care to the child for periods not to exceed 24 hours. Caregivers shall use a reasonable and prudent parent standard in selecting appropriate individuals to act as appropriate occasional short-term babysitters.
(4) In addition to the exemptions specified in paragraph (2), the following persons in adult day care and adult day support centers are exempt from the requirements applicable under paragraph (1):
(A) Unless contraindicated by the client’s individualized program plan (IPP) or needs and service plan, a spouse, significant other, relative, or close friend of a client, or an attendant or a facilitator for a client with a developmental disability if the attendant or facilitator is not employed, retained, or contracted by the licensee. This exemption applies only if the person is visiting the client or providing direct care and supervision to the client.
(B) A volunteer if all of the following apply:
(i) The volunteer is supervised by the licensee or a facility employee with a criminal record clearance or exemption.
(ii) The volunteer is never left alone with clients.
(iii) The volunteer does not provide client assistance with dressing, grooming, bathing, or personal hygiene other than washing of hands.
(5) (A) In addition to the exemptions specified in paragraph (2), the following persons in adult residential and social rehabilitation facilities, unless contraindicated by the client’s individualized program plan (IPP) or needs and services plan, are exempt from the requirements applicable under paragraph (1): a spouse, significant other, relative, or close friend of a client, or an attendant or a facilitator for a client with a developmental disability if the attendant or facilitator is not employed, retained, or contracted by the licensee. This exemption applies only if the person is visiting the client or providing direct care and supervision to that client.
(B) This subdivision does not prevent a licensee from requiring a criminal record clearance of any individual exempt from the requirements of this section, provided that the individual has client contact.
(6) Any person similar to those described in this subdivision, as defined by the department in regulations.
(c) (1) Subsequent to initial licensure, a person specified in subdivision (b) who is not exempted from fingerprinting shall obtain either a criminal record clearance or an exemption from disqualification pursuant to subdivision (g) of this section or Section 1522.7 from the State Department of Social Services prior to employment, residence, or initial presence in the facility. A person specified in subdivision (b) who is not exempt from fingerprinting shall be fingerprinted. The licensee shall submit fingerprint images and related information to the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, through the Department of Justice, for a state and federal level criminal offender record information search, or comply with paragraph (1) of subdivision (h). These fingerprint images and related information shall be sent by electronic transmission in a manner approved by the State Department of Social Services and the Department of Justice for the purpose of obtaining a permanent set of fingerprints, and shall be submitted to the Department of Justice by the licensee. A licensee’s failure to prohibit the employment, residence, or initial presence of a person specified in subdivision (b) who is not exempt from fingerprinting and who has not received either a criminal record clearance or an exemption from disqualification pursuant to subdivision (g) or to comply with paragraph (1) of subdivision (h), as required in this section, shall result in the citation of a deficiency and the immediate assessment of civil penalties in the amount of one hundred dollars ($100) per violation per day for a maximum of five days, unless the violation is a second or subsequent violation within a 12-month period in which case the civil penalties shall be in the amount of one hundred dollars ($100) per violation for a maximum of 30 days, and shall be grounds for disciplining the licensee pursuant to Section 1550. The department may assess civil penalties for continued violations as permitted by Section 1548. The fingerprint images and related information shall then be submitted to the Department of Justice for processing. Upon request of the licensee, who shall enclose a self-addressed stamped postcard for this purpose, the Department of Justice shall verify receipt of the fingerprints. The department shall not require the person to disclose their criminal history information prior to receipt of the live scan results.
(2) Within 14 calendar days of the receipt of the fingerprint images, the Department of Justice shall notify the State Department of Social Services of the criminal record information, as provided in subdivision (a). If no criminal record information has been recorded, the Department of Justice shall provide the licensee and the State Department of Social Services with a statement of that fact within 14 calendar days of receipt of the fingerprint images. Documentation of the individual’s clearance or exemption from disqualification shall be maintained by the licensee and be available for inspection. If new fingerprint images are required for processing, the Department of Justice shall, within 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of the fingerprints, notify the licensee that the fingerprints were illegible, the Department of Justice shall notify the State Department of Social Services, as required by Section 1522.04, and shall also notify the licensee by mail, within 14 days of electronic transmission of the fingerprints to the Department of Justice, if the person has no criminal history recorded. A violation of the regulations adopted pursuant to Section 1522.04 shall result in the citation of a deficiency and an immediate assessment of civil penalties in the amount of one hundred dollars ($100) per violation per day for a maximum of five days, unless the violation is a second or subsequent violation within a 12-month period in which case the civil penalties shall be in the amount of one hundred dollars ($100) per violation for a maximum of 30 days, and shall be grounds for disciplining the licensee pursuant to Section 1550. The department may assess civil penalties for continued violations as permitted by Section 1548.
(3) Except for persons specified in subdivision (b) who are exempt from fingerprinting, the licensee shall endeavor to ascertain the previous employment history of persons required to be fingerprinted. If it is determined by the State Department of Social Services, on the basis of the fingerprint images and related information submitted to the Department of Justice, that subsequent to obtaining a criminal record clearance or exemption from disqualification pursuant to subdivision (g), the person has been convicted of, or is awaiting trial for, a sex offense against a minor, or has been convicted for an offense specified in Section 243.4, 273a, 273ab, 273d, 273g, or 368 of the Penal Code, or a felony, the State Department of Social Services shall notify the licensee to act immediately to terminate the person’s employment, remove the person from the community care facility, or bar the person from entering the community care facility. The State Department of Social Services may subsequently grant an exemption from disqualification pursuant to subdivision (g). If the conviction or arrest was for another crime, except an infraction, the licensee shall, upon notification by the State Department of Social Services, act immediately to either (A) terminate the person’s employment, remove the person from the community care facility, or bar the person from entering the community care facility; or (B) seek an exemption from disqualification pursuant to subdivision (g). The State Department of Social Services shall determine if the person shall be allowed to remain in the facility until a decision on the exemption from disqualification is rendered. A licensee’s failure to comply with the department’s prohibition of employment, contact with clients, or presence in the facility as required by this paragraph shall result in a citation of deficiency and an immediate assessment of civil penalties in the amount of one hundred dollars ($100) per violation per day and shall be grounds for disciplining the licensee pursuant to Section 1550.
(4) The department may issue an exemption from disqualification on its own motion pursuant to subdivision (g) if the person’s criminal history indicates that the person is of good character based on the age, seriousness, and frequency of the conviction or convictions. The department, in consultation with interested parties, shall develop regulations to establish the criteria to grant an exemption from disqualification pursuant to this paragraph.
(5) Concurrently with notifying the licensee pursuant to paragraph (3), the department shall notify the affected individual of their right to seek an exemption from disqualification pursuant to subdivision (g). The individual may seek an exemption from disqualification only if the licensee terminates the person’s employment or removes the person from the facility after receiving notice from the department pursuant to paragraph (3).
(d) (1) Before and, as applicable, subsequent to issuing a license or certificate of approval to a person or persons to operate a foster family home, certified family home as described in Section 1506, or resource family pursuant to Section 1517 of this code or Section 16519.5 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, the State Department of Social Services or other approving authority shall secure California and Federal Bureau of Investigation criminal history information to determine whether the applicant or any person specified in subdivision (b) who is not exempt from fingerprinting has ever been convicted of a crime other than an infraction or arrested for a crime specified in subdivision (c) of Section 290 of the Penal Code, for violating Section 245, 273ab, or 273.5, subdivision (b) of Section 273a, or, prior to January 1, 1994, paragraph (2) of Section 273a, of the Penal Code, or for a crime for which the department is prohibited from granting a criminal record exemption pursuant to subdivision (g). The State Department of Social Services or other approving authority shall not issue a license or certificate of approval to a foster family home, certified family home, or resource family applicant who has not obtained both a California and Federal Bureau of Investigation criminal record clearance or exemption from disqualification pursuant to subdivision (g).
(2) The criminal history information shall include the full criminal record, if any, of those persons.
(3) Neither the Department of Justice nor the State Department of Social Services may charge a fee for the fingerprinting of an applicant for a license, special permit, or certificate of approval described in this subdivision. The record, if any, shall be taken into consideration when evaluating a prospective applicant.
(4) The following shall apply to the criminal record information:
(A) If the applicant or other persons specified in subdivision (b) who are not exempt from fingerprinting have convictions that would make the applicant’s home unfit as a foster family home, a certified family home, or resource family, the license, special permit, certificate of approval, or presence shall be denied.
(B) If the State Department of Social Services finds that the applicant, or any person specified in subdivision (b) who is not exempt from fingerprinting, is awaiting trial for a crime other than an infraction, the State Department of Social Services or other approving authority may cease processing the criminal record information until the conclusion of the trial.
(C) For purposes of this subdivision, a criminal record clearance provided under Section 8712 of the Family Code may be used by the department or other approving authority.
(D) To the same extent required for federal funding, a person specified in subdivision (b) who is not exempt from fingerprinting shall submit a set of fingerprint images and related information to the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, through the Department of Justice, for a state and federal level criminal offender record information search, in addition to the criminal records search required by subdivision (a).
(5) Any person specified in this subdivision shall, as a part of the application, be fingerprinted and sign a declaration under penalty of perjury regarding any prior criminal convictions or arrests for any crime against a child, spousal or cohabitant abuse, or a crime for which the department cannot grant an exemption if the person was convicted and shall submit these fingerprints to the licensing agency or other approving authority.
(6) (A) Subsequent to initial licensure, certification, or approval, a person specified in subdivision (b) who is not exempt from fingerprinting shall obtain both a California and Federal Bureau of Investigation criminal record clearance, or an exemption from disqualification pursuant to subdivision (g), prior to employment, residence, or initial presence in the foster family home, certified family home, or resource family home. A foster family home licensee or foster family agency shall submit fingerprint images and related information of persons specified in subdivision (b) who are not exempt from fingerprinting to the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, through the Department of Justice, for a state and federal level criminal offender record information search, or to comply with paragraph (1) of subdivision (h). A foster family home licensee’s or a foster family agency’s failure to either prohibit the employment, residence, or initial presence of a person specified in subdivision (b) who is not exempt from fingerprinting and who has not received either a criminal record clearance or an exemption from disqualification pursuant to subdivision (g), or comply with paragraph (1) of subdivision (h), as required in this section, shall result in a citation of a deficiency, and the immediate civil penalties of one hundred dollars ($100) per violation per day for a maximum of five days, unless the violation is a second or subsequent violation within a 12-month period in which case the civil penalties shall be in the amount of one hundred dollars ($100) per violation for a maximum of 30 days, and shall be grounds for disciplining the licensee pursuant to Section 1550. A violation of the regulation adopted pursuant to Section 1522.04 shall result in the citation of a deficiency and an immediate assessment of civil penalties in the amount of one hundred dollars ($100) per violation per day for a maximum of five days, unless the violation is a second or subsequent violation within a 12-month period in which case the civil penalties shall be in the amount of one hundred dollars ($100) per violation for a maximum of 30 days, and shall be grounds for disciplining the foster family home licensee or the foster family agency pursuant to Section 1550. The State Department of Social Services may assess penalties for continued violations, as permitted by Section 1548. The fingerprint images shall then be submitted to the Department of Justice for processing.
(B) Upon request of the licensee, who shall enclose a self-addressed envelope for this purpose, the Department of Justice shall verify receipt of the fingerprints. Within five working days of the receipt of the criminal record or information regarding criminal convictions from the Department of Justice, the department shall notify the applicant of any criminal arrests or convictions. If no arrests or convictions are recorded, the Department of Justice shall provide the foster family home licensee or the foster family agency with a statement of that fact concurrent with providing the information to the State Department of Social Services.
(7) If the State Department of Social Services or other approving authority finds that the applicant, or any other person specified in subdivision (b) who is not exempt from fingerprinting, has been convicted of a crime other than an infraction, the application or presence shall be denied, unless the department grants an exemption from disqualification pursuant to subdivision (g).
(8) If the State Department of Social Services or other approving authority finds, after licensure or the granting of the certificate of approval, that the licensee, certified foster parent, resource family, or any other person specified in subdivision (b) who is not exempt from fingerprinting, has been convicted of a crime other than an infraction, the license or certificate of approval may be revoked or rescinded by the department or the foster family agency, whichever is applicable, unless the department grants an exemption from disqualification pursuant to subdivision (g). A licensee’s failure to comply with the department’s prohibition of employment, contact with clients, or presence in the facility as required by paragraph (3) of subdivision (c) shall be grounds for disciplining the licensee pursuant to Section 1550.
(e) (1) The State Department of Social Services shall not use a record of arrest to deny, revoke, rescind, or terminate an application, license, certificate of approval, employment, or residence unless the department investigates the incident and secures evidence, whether or not related to the incident of arrest, that is admissible in an administrative hearing to establish conduct by the person that may pose a risk to the health and safety of a person who is or may become a client.
(2) The department shall not issue a criminal record clearance to a person who has been arrested for a crime specified in Section 290 of the Penal Code, or for violating Section 245, 273ab, or 273.5, or subdivision (b) of Section 273a, of the Penal Code, or, prior to January 1, 1994, paragraph (2) of Section 273a of the Penal Code, or for a crime for which the department is prohibited from granting a criminal record exemption pursuant to subdivision (g), prior to the completion of an investigation pursuant to paragraph (1).
(3) The State Department of Social Services is authorized to obtain arrest or conviction records or reports from any law enforcement agency as necessary to the performance of its duties to inspect, license, and investigate community care facilities and individuals associated with a community care facility.
(f) (1) For purposes of this chapter, a conviction means a plea or verdict of guilty or a conviction following a plea of nolo contendere. Any action that the State Department of Social Services is permitted to take following the establishment of a conviction may be taken when the time for appeal has elapsed, when the judgment of conviction has been affirmed on appeal, or when an order granting probation is made suspending the imposition of sentence, notwithstanding a subsequent order pursuant to Sections 1203.4 and 1203.4a of the Penal Code permitting the person to withdraw a plea of guilty and to enter a plea of not guilty, or setting aside the verdict of guilty, or dismissing the accusation, information, or indictment. For purposes of this chapter, the record of a conviction, or a copy thereof certified by the clerk of the court or by a judge of the court in which the conviction occurred, shall be conclusive evidence of the conviction. For purposes of this chapter, the arrest disposition report certified by the Department of Justice, or documents admissible in a criminal action pursuant to Section 969b of the Penal Code, shall be prima facie evidence of the conviction, notwithstanding any other law prohibiting the admission of these documents in a civil or administrative action.
(2) For purposes of this chapter, the department shall consider criminal convictions from another state or federal court as if the criminal offense was committed in this state.
(g) (1) Except as otherwise provided in this subdivision with respect to a foster care provider applicant, including a relative caregiver, nonrelative extended family member, or resource family, after review of the record, the department may grant an exemption from disqualification for a license or special permit as specified in paragraph (4) of subdivision (a), or for a license, special permit, or certificate of approval as specified in paragraphs (4), (7), and (8) of subdivision (d), or for employment, residence, or presence in a community care facility as specified in paragraphs (3), (4), and (5) of subdivision (c), if the department has substantial and convincing evidence to support a reasonable belief that the applicant or the person convicted of the crime, if other than the applicant, is rehabilitated and is presently of such good character as to justify issuance of the license or special permit or granting an exemption for purposes of subdivision (c). Except as otherwise provided in this subdivision, an exemption shall not be granted pursuant to this subdivision if the conviction was for any of the following offenses:
(A) (i) An offense specified in Section 220, 243.4, or 264.1, subdivision (a) of Section 273a, or, prior to January 1, 1994, paragraph (1) of Section 273a, Section 273ab, 273d, 288, or 289, subdivision (c) of Section 290, or Section 368, of the Penal Code, or was a conviction of another crime against an individual specified in subdivision (c) of Section 667.5 of the Penal Code.
(ii) Notwithstanding clause (i), the department may grant an exemption regarding the conviction for an offense described in paragraph (1), (2), (7), or (8) of subdivision (c) of Section 667.5 of the Penal Code, if the employee or prospective employee has been rehabilitated as provided in Section 4852.03 of the Penal Code, has maintained the conduct required in Section 4852.05 of the Penal Code for at least 10 years, and has the recommendation of the district attorney representing the employee’s county of residence, or if the employee or prospective employee has received a certificate of rehabilitation pursuant to Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 4852.01) of Title 6 of Part 3 of the Penal Code.
(B) A felony offense specified in Section 729 of the Business and Professions Code or Section 206 or 215, subdivision (a) of Section 347, subdivision (b) of Section 417, or subdivision (a) of Section 451 of the Penal Code.
(C) (i) Notwithstanding clause (ii) of subparagraph (A), an exemption shall not be granted pursuant to this subdivision to any applicant for licensure of a community care facility eligible to accept placement of a dependent child if either that applicant or any other person specified in subdivision (b) who is associated with the facility has a felony conviction for either of the following offenses:
(I) A felony conviction for child abuse or neglect, spousal abuse, crimes against a child, including child pornography, or for a crime involving violence, including rape, sexual assault, or homicide, but not including other physical assault and battery. For purposes of this subclause, a crime involving violence means a violent crime specified in clause (i) of subparagraph (A) or subparagraph (B).
(II) A felony conviction for physical assault, battery, or a drug- or alcohol-related offense that occurred within the last five years.
(ii) This subparagraph shall be operative to the extent that compliance with these provisions is required by federal law as a condition for receiving funding under Title IV-E of the federal Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Sec. 670 et seq.).
(2) (A) For a foster care provider applicant, a resource family applicant, a tribally approved home applicant, or a prospective respite care provider, as described in Section 16501.01 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, except as specified in clause (iv), an exemption shall not be granted if that applicant, or any individual subject to the background check requirements of this section pursuant to foster care provider applicant, resource family approval, tribally approved home, or respite care provider standards, has a conviction within the past 10 years for any of the following offenses:
(i) An offense specified in Section 220, 243.4, or 264.1, subdivision (a) of Section 273a, or, prior to January 1, 1994, paragraph (1) of Section 273a, Section 273ab, 273d, 288, or 289, subdivision (c) of Section 290, or Section 368, of the Penal Code, or was a conviction of another crime against an individual specified in subdivision (c) of Section 667.5 of the Penal Code.
(ii) A felony offense specified in Section 729 of the Business and Professions Code or Section 206 or 215, subdivision (a) of Section 347, subdivision (b) of Section 417, or subdivision (a) of Section 451 of the Penal Code.
(iii) Except as specified in clause (iv), an exemption shall not be granted pursuant to this subdivision to any foster care provider applicant, including a tribally approved home applicant, if that applicant, or any other person specified in subdivision (b) in those homes, has a felony conviction for either of the following offenses:
(I) A felony conviction for child abuse or neglect, spousal abuse, crimes against a child, including child pornography, or for a crime involving violence, including rape, sexual assault, or homicide, but not including other physical assault and battery. For purposes of this subparagraph, a crime involving violence means a violent crime specified in clause (i) of subparagraph (A), or clause (ii) of this subparagraph.
(II) A felony conviction, within the last five years, for physical assault, battery, or a drug- or alcohol-related offense.
(III) This clause does not apply to licenses or approvals when a caregiver was granted an exemption to a criminal conviction described in clause (i) prior to the enactment of this clause.
(IV) This clause shall remain operative only to the extent that compliance with its provisions is required by federal law as a condition for receiving funding under Title IV-E of the federal Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Sec. 670 et seq.).
(iv) For the sole purpose of approving a home pursuant to subparagraph (B) of paragraph (4) of subdivision (c) of Section 16519.5 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, the department or other approving entity may grant an exemption for a relative, a nonrelative extended family member, as defined in Section 362.7 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, or an extended family member, as defined by subdivision (c) of Section 224.1 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, or any other adult living in the home of the applicant, who has been convicted of an offense described in this subparagraph if the applicant is seeking placement of a specific child or children with whom the applicant is related or has a family-like familial or mentoring relationship, the applicant or other adult living in the home is of present good character necessary to justify granting the exemption pursuant to the factors described in subparagraph (C), and the applicant or other adult living in the home does not have a felony conviction within the last five years for child abuse or neglect, spousal abuse, rape, sexual assault, homicide, or any other crime against a child, including child pornography. An exemption granted pursuant to this clause shall only be valid for purposes of the applicant’s child-specific resource family approval, or tribally approved home approval pursuant to subdivision (r) of Section 224.1 and Section 10553.12 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, and shall not be transferrable to any other setting pursuant to subdivision (h).
(B) The department or other approving entity may grant an exemption from disqualification to a foster care provider, resource family applicant, tribally approved home applicant, or any individual subject to the background check requirements of this section pursuant to foster care provider applicant, resource family approval, tribally approved home, or respite care provider standards, if the department or other approving entity has substantial and convincing evidence to support a reasonable belief that the applicant or the person convicted of the crime, if other than the applicant, is of present good character necessary to justify the granting of an exemption and the conviction is for one of the following offenses:
(i) (I) Any misdemeanor conviction within the last three years that is not otherwise prohibited by subparagraph (A).
(II) Notwithstanding subparagraph (A), a misdemeanor conviction for statutory rape, as defined in Section 261.5 of the Penal Code, a misdemeanor conviction for indecent exposure, as defined in Section 314 of the Penal Code, or a misdemeanor conviction for financial abuse against an elder, as defined in Section 368 of the Penal Code, shall be eligible for the consideration of an exemption as set forth in subparagraph (C).
(ii) Any felony conviction within the last five years that is not otherwise prohibited by subparagraph (A).
(C) When granting an exemption for a crime listed in subparagraph (B), the department or other approving entity shall consider all reasonably available information, including, but not limited to, the following:
(i) The nature of the crime or crimes.
(ii) The period of time since the crime was committed.
(iii) Any longstanding pattern of criminal conduct.
(iv) Circumstances surrounding the commission of the crime indicating the likelihood of future criminal activity.
(v) Activities since conviction, including employment, participation in therapy, education, or treatment.
(vi) Whether the person convicted has successfully completed probation or parole, obtained a certificate of rehabilitation, or been granted a pardon by the Governor.
(vii) Any character references or other evidence submitted by the applicant.
(viii) Whether the person convicted demonstrated honesty and truthfulness concerning the crime or crimes during the application and approval process.
(D) (i) The department or other approving entity shall grant an exemption from disqualification to a foster care provider applicant, resource family applicant, tribally approved home applicant, or any person subject to the background check requirements of this section pursuant to foster care provider applicant, resource family approval, tribally approved home, or respite care provider standards, who has been convicted of an offense not listed in subparagraph (A) or (B), if the individual’s state and federal criminal history information received from the Department of Justice independently supports a reasonable belief that the applicant or the person convicted of the crime, if other than the applicant, is of present good character necessary to justify the granting of an exemption.
(ii) Notwithstanding the fact that an individual meets the criteria described in clause (i), the department or other approving entity, at its discretion, as necessary to protect the health and safety of a child, may evaluate a person described in clause (i), for purposes of making an exemption decision, pursuant to the criteria described in subparagraphs (B) and (C).
(E) This paragraph does not apply to licenses or approvals for which a caregiver was granted an exemption for a criminal conviction prior to January 1, 2018.
(3) The department shall not prohibit a person from being employed or having contact with clients in a facility, certified family home, or resource family home on the basis of a denied criminal record exemption request or arrest information unless the department complies with the requirements of Section 1558 of this code or Section 16519.6 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, as applicable.
(h) (1) For purposes of compliance with this section, the department may permit an individual to transfer a current criminal record clearance, as defined in subdivision (a), from one facility to another, as long as the criminal record clearance has been processed through a state licensing district office, and is being transferred to another facility licensed by a state licensing district office. The request shall be submitted to the department on a form provided by the department or submitted via the department’s secure online portal. Upon request of the licensee, who shall verify the individual’s identity, the State Department of Social Services shall verify whether the individual has a clearance that can be transferred.
(2) The State Department of Social Services shall hold criminal record clearances in its active files for a minimum of three years after an employee is no longer employed at a licensed facility in order for the criminal record clearance to be transferred.
(3) A criminal record clearance or exemption processed by the department, a county office with clearance and exemption authority pursuant to Section 16519.5 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, or a county office with department-delegated licensing authority shall be accepted by the department or county upon notification of transfer.
(4) With respect to notifications issued by the Department of Justice pursuant to Section 11105.2 of the Penal Code and Section 1522.1 concerning an individual whose criminal record clearance was originally processed by the department, a county office with clearance and exemption authority pursuant to Section 16519.5 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, or a county office with department-delegated licensing authority, all of the following shall apply:
(A) The Department of Justice shall process a request from the department or a county to receive the notice only if all of the following conditions are met:
(i) The request shall be submitted to the Department of Justice by the agency to be substituted to receive the notification.
(ii)  The request shall be for the same applicant type as the type for which the original clearance was obtained.
(iii) The request shall contain all prescribed data elements and format protocols pursuant to a written agreement between the department and the Department of Justice.
(B) (i) On or before January 7, 2005, the department shall notify the Department of Justice of all county offices that have department-delegated licensing authority.
(ii) The department shall notify the Department of Justice within 15 calendar days of the date on which a new county office receives department-delegated licensing authority or a county’s delegated licensing authority is rescinded.
(C) The Department of Justice shall charge the department, a county office with department-delegated licensing authority, or a county child welfare agency with criminal record clearance and exemption authority, a fee for each time a request to substitute the recipient agency is received for purposes of this paragraph. This fee shall not exceed the cost of providing the service.
(i) The full criminal record obtained for purposes of this section may be used by the department or by a licensed adoption agency as a clearance required for adoption purposes.
(j) If a licensee or facility is required by law to deny employment or to terminate employment of any employee based on written notification from the department that the employee has a prior criminal conviction or is determined unsuitable for employment under Section 1558, the licensee or facility shall not incur civil liability or unemployment insurance liability as a result of that denial or termination.
(k) The State Department of Social Services may charge a fee for the costs of processing electronic fingerprint images and related information.

SEC. 2.

 Section 309 of the Welfare and Institutions Code is amended to read:

 (a) Upon delivery to the social worker of a child who has been taken into temporary custody under this article, the social worker shall immediately investigate the circumstances of the child and the facts surrounding the child’s being taken into custody and attempt to maintain the child with the child’s family through the provision of services. The social worker shall immediately release the child to the custody of the child’s parent, guardian, Indian custodian, or relative, regardless of the parent’s, guardian’s, Indian custodian’s, or relative’s immigration status, unless one or more of the following conditions exist:
(1) The child has no parent, guardian, Indian custodian, or relative willing to provide care for the child.
(2) Continued detention of the child is a matter of immediate and urgent necessity for the protection of the child and there are no reasonable means by which the child can be protected in their home or the home of a relative.
(3) If it is known or there is reason to know the child is an Indian child, the child has been physically removed from the custody of a parent or parents or an Indian custodian, continued detention of the child continues to be necessary to prevent imminent physical damage or harm to the child, and there are no reasonable means by which the child can be protected if maintained in the physical custody of their parent or parents or Indian custodian.
(4) There is substantial evidence that a parent, guardian, or Indian custodian of the child is likely to flee the jurisdiction of the court, and, in the case of an Indian child, fleeing the jurisdiction will place the child at risk of imminent physical damage or harm.
(5) The child has left a placement in which the child was placed by the juvenile court.
(6) The parent or other person having lawful custody of the child voluntarily surrendered physical custody of the child pursuant to Section 1255.7 of the Health and Safety Code and did not reclaim the child within the 14-day period specified in subdivision (g) of that section.
(b) In any case in which there is reasonable cause for believing that a child who is under the care of a physician and surgeon or a hospital, clinic, or other medical facility, cannot be immediately moved, and is a person described in Section 300, the child shall be deemed to have been taken into temporary custody and delivered to the social worker for the purposes of this chapter while the child is at the office of the physician and surgeon or the medical facility.
(c) If the child is not released to their parent or guardian, the child shall be deemed detained for purposes of this chapter.
(d) (1) If a relative, as defined in Section 319, an extended family member of an Indian child, as defined in Section 224.1 and Section 1903 of the federal Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 (25 U.S.C. Sec. 1901 et seq.), or a nonrelative extended family member, as defined in Section 362.7, is available and requests emergency placement of the child pending the detention hearing, or after the detention hearing and pending the dispositional hearing conducted pursuant to Section 358, the county welfare department shall initiate an assessment of the relative’s, extended family member’s, or nonrelative extended family member’s suitability for emergency placement pursuant to Section 361.4.
(2) Upon completion of the assessment pursuant to Section 361.4, the child may be placed in the home on an emergency basis. Following the emergency placement of the child, the county welfare department shall evaluate and approve or deny the home pursuant to Section 16519.5. If the home in which the Indian child is placed is licensed or approved by the child’s tribe, the provisions of Section 16519.5 do not apply for further approval. The county shall require the relative or nonrelative extended family member to submit an application for approval as a resource family and initiate the home environment assessment no later than five business days after the placement, or require the extended family member to submit an application for approval as a tribally approved home pursuant to subdivision (r) of Section 224.1 and Section 10553.12.
(3) If the sole issue preventing an emergency placement of a child with a relative, extended family member, or nonrelative extended family member is a lack of resources, including, but not limited to, physical items such as cribs and car seats, the agency shall use reasonable efforts to assist the relative or nonrelative extended family member, or active efforts in the case of an Indian child being placed with an extended family member, in obtaining the necessary items within existing available resources. The department shall work with counties and stakeholders to issue guidance regarding reasonable efforts requirements, or in the case of an Indian child, active efforts requirements.
(e) (1) If the child is removed, the social worker shall conduct, within 30 days, an investigation in order to identify and locate all grandparents, parents of a sibling of the child, if the parent has legal custody of the sibling, adult siblings, other adult relatives of the child, as defined in paragraph (2) of subdivision (h) of Section 319, including any other adult relatives suggested by the parents, and, if it is known or there is reason to know the child is an Indian child, any extended family members, as defined in Section 224.1 and Section 1903 of the federal Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 (25 U.S.C. Sec. 1901 et seq.). As used in this section, “sibling” means a person related to the identified child by blood, adoption, or affinity through a common legal or biological parent. The social worker shall provide to all adult relatives who are located, except when that relative’s history of family or domestic violence makes notification inappropriate, within 30 days of removal of the child, written notification and shall also, whenever appropriate, provide oral notification, in person or by telephone, of all the following information:
(A) The child has been removed from the custody of their parent or parents, guardian or guardians, or Indian custodian.
(B) An explanation of the various options to participate in the care and placement of the child and support for the child’s family, including any options that may be lost by failing to respond. The notice shall provide information about providing care for the child while the family receives reunification services with the goal of returning the child to the parent or guardian, how to become a resource family, and additional services and support that are available in out-of-home placements, and, if it is known or there is reason to know the child is an Indian child, the option of obtaining approval for placement through the tribe’s license or approval procedure. The notice shall also include information regarding the Kin-GAP Program (Article 4.5 (commencing with Section 11360) of Chapter 2 of Part 3 of Division 9), the CalWORKs program for approved relative caregivers (Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 11200) of Part 3 of Division 9), adoption, and adoption assistance (Chapter 2.1 (commencing with Section 16115) of Part 4 of Division 9), as well as other options for contact with the child, including, but not limited to, visitation. The State Department of Social Services, in consultation with the County Welfare Directors Association of California and other interested stakeholders, shall develop the written notice.
(2) The social worker shall also provide the adult relatives notified pursuant to paragraph (1) with a relative information form to provide information to the social worker and the court regarding the needs of the child. The form shall include a provision whereby the relative may request the permission of the court to address the court, if the relative so chooses. The Judicial Council, in consultation with the State Department of Social Services and the County Welfare Directors Association of California, shall develop the form.
(3) (A) The social worker shall use due diligence in investigating the names and locations of the relatives, as well as any parent and alleged parent, pursuant to paragraph (1), including, but not limited to, asking the child in an age-appropriate manner about any parent, alleged parent, and relatives important to the child, consistent with the child’s best interest, and obtaining information regarding the location of the child’s parents, alleged parents, and adult relatives. Each county welfare department shall do both of the following:
(i) Create and make public a procedure by which a parent and relatives of a child who has been removed from their parents or guardians may identify themselves to the county welfare department and the county welfare department shall provide parents and relatives with the notices required by paragraphs (1) and (2).
(ii) Notify the State Department of Social Services, on or before January 1, 2024, in an email or other correspondence, whether it has adopted one of the suggested practices for family finding described in All-County Letter 18-42 and, generally, whether the practice has been implemented through training, memoranda, manuals, or comparable documents. If a county welfare department has not adopted one of the suggested practices for family finding described in All-County Letter 18-42, the county welfare department shall provide a copy to the State Department of Social Services of its existing family finding policies and practices, as reflected in memoranda, handbooks, manuals, training manuals, or any other document, that are in existence prior to January 1, 2022.
(B) The due diligence required under subparagraph (A) shall include family finding. For purposes of this section, “family finding” means conducting an investigation, including, but not limited to, through a computer-based search engine, to identify relatives and kin and to connect a child or youth, who may be disconnected from their parents, with those relatives and kin in an effort to provide family support and possible placement. If it is known or there is reason to know that the child is an Indian child, as defined by Section 224.1, “family finding” also includes contacting the Indian child’s tribe to identify relatives and kin.

SEC. 3.

 Section 319 of the Welfare and Institutions Code is amended to read:

 (a) At the initial petition hearing, the court shall examine the child’s parents, guardians, Indian custodian, or other persons having relevant knowledge and hear the relevant evidence as the child, the child’s parents or guardians, the child’s Indian custodian, the petitioner, the Indian child’s tribe, or their counsel desires to present. The court may examine the child, as provided in Section 350.
(b) The social worker shall report to the court on the reasons why the child has been removed from the parent’s, guardian’s, or Indian custodian’s physical custody, the need, if any, for continued detention, the available services and the referral methods to those services that could facilitate the return of the child to the custody of the child’s parents, guardians, or Indian custodian, and whether there are any relatives who are able and willing to take temporary physical custody of the child. If it is known or there is reason to know the child is an Indian child, the report shall also include all of the following:
(1) A statement of the risk of imminent physical damage or harm to the Indian child and any evidence that the emergency removal or placement continues to be necessary to prevent the imminent physical damage or harm to the child.
(2) The steps taken to provide notice to the child’s parents, custodians, and tribe about the hearing pursuant to this section.
(3) If the child’s parents and Indian custodians are unknown, a detailed explanation of what efforts have been made to locate and contact them, including contact with the appropriate Bureau of Indian Affairs regional director.
(4) The residence and the domicile of the Indian child.
(5) If either the residence or the domicile of the Indian child is believed to be on a reservation or in an Alaska Native village, the name of the tribe affiliated with that reservation or village.
(6) The tribal affiliation of the child and of the parents or Indian custodians.
(7) A specific and detailed account of the circumstances that caused the Indian child to be taken into temporary custody.
(8) If the child is believed to reside or be domiciled on a reservation in which the tribe exercises exclusive jurisdiction over child custody matters, a statement of efforts that have been made and that are being made to contact the tribe and transfer the child to the tribe’s jurisdiction.
(9) A statement of the efforts that have been taken to assist the parents or Indian custodians so the Indian child may safely be returned to their custody.
(c) The court shall order the release of the child from custody unless a prima facie showing has been made that the child comes within Section 300, the court finds that continuance in the parent’s or guardian’s home is contrary to the child’s welfare, and any of the following circumstances exist:
(1) There is a substantial danger to the physical health of the child or the child is suffering severe emotional damage, and there are no reasonable means by which the child’s physical or emotional health may be protected without removing the child from the parent’s or guardian’s physical custody.
(2) There is substantial evidence that a parent, guardian, or custodian of the child is likely to flee the jurisdiction of the court, and, in the case of an Indian child, fleeing the jurisdiction will place the child at risk of imminent physical damage or harm.
(3) The child has left a placement in which the child was placed by the juvenile court.
(4) The child indicates an unwillingness to return home, if the child has been physically or sexually abused by a person residing in the home.
(d) If the court knows or there is reason to know the child is an Indian child, the court may only detain the Indian child if it also finds that detention is necessary to prevent imminent physical damage or harm. The court shall state on the record the facts supporting this finding.
(e) (1) If the hearing pursuant to this section is continued pursuant to Section 322 or for any other reason, the court shall find that the continuance of the child in the parent’s or guardian’s home is contrary to the child’s welfare at the initial petition hearing or order the release of the child from custody.
(2) If the court knows or has reason to know the child is an Indian child, the hearing pursuant to this section may not be continued beyond 30 days unless the court finds all of the following:
(A) Restoring the child to the parent, parents, or Indian custodian would subject the child to imminent physical damage or harm.
(B) The court is unable to transfer the proceeding to the jurisdiction of the appropriate Indian tribe.
(C) It is not possible to initiate an Indian child custody proceeding as defined in Section 224.1.
(f) (1) The court shall also make a determination on the record, referencing the social worker’s report or other evidence relied upon, as to whether reasonable efforts were made to prevent or eliminate the need for removal of the child from their home, pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 306, and whether there are available services that would prevent the need for further detention. Services to be considered for purposes of making this determination are case management, counseling, emergency shelter care, emergency in-home caretakers, out-of-home respite care, teaching and demonstrating homemakers, parenting training, transportation, and any other child welfare services authorized by the State Department of Social Services pursuant to Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 16500) of Part 4 of Division 9. The court shall also review whether the social worker has considered whether a referral to public assistance services pursuant to Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 11200) and Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 14000) of Part 3 of, Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 17000) of Part 5 of, and Chapter 10 (commencing with Section 18900) of Part 6 of, Division 9 would have eliminated the need to take temporary custody of the child or would prevent the need for further detention.
(2) If the court knows or has reason to know the child is an Indian child, the court shall also determine whether the county welfare department made active efforts to provide remedial services and rehabilitation programs designed to prevent the breakup of the Indian family. The court shall order the county welfare department to initiate or continue services or programs pending disposition pursuant to Section 358.
(3) If the child can be returned to the custody of their parent, guardian, or Indian custodian through the provision of those services, the court shall place the child with their parent, guardian, or Indian custodian and order that the services shall be provided. If the child cannot be returned to the physical custody of their parent or guardian, the court shall determine if there is a relative who is able and willing to care for the child, and has been assessed pursuant to Section 361.4.
(4) In order to preserve the bond between the child and the parent and to facilitate family reunification, the court shall consider whether the child can be returned to the custody of their parent who is enrolled in a certified substance abuse treatment facility that allows a dependent child to reside with their parent. The fact that the parent is enrolled in a certified substance abuse treatment facility that allows a dependent child to reside with their parent shall not be, for that reason alone, prima facie evidence of substantial danger. The court shall specify the factual basis for its conclusion that the return of the child to the custody of their parent would pose a substantial danger or would not pose a substantial danger to the physical health, safety, protection, or physical or emotional well-being of the child.
(g) If a court orders a child detained, the court shall state the facts on which the decision is based, specify why the initial removal was necessary, reference the social worker’s report or other evidence relied upon to make its determination whether continuance in the home of the parent or legal guardian is contrary to the child’s welfare, order temporary placement and care of the child to be vested with the county child welfare department pending the hearing held pursuant to Section 355 or further order of the court, and order services to be provided as soon as possible to reunify the child and their family, if appropriate.
(h) (1) (A) If the child is not released from custody, the court may order the temporary placement of the child in any of the following for a period not to exceed 15 judicial days:
(i) The home of a relative, an extended family member, as defined in Section 224.1 and Section 1903 of the federal Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 (25 U.S.C. Sec. 1901 et seq.), or a nonrelative extended family member, as defined in Section 362.7, that has been assessed pursuant to Section 361.4.
(ii) The approved home of a resource family, as defined in Section 16519.5, or a home licensed or approved by the Indian child’s tribe.
(iii) An emergency shelter or other suitable licensed place.
(iv) A place exempt from licensure designated by the juvenile court.
(B) A youth homelessness prevention center licensed by the State Department of Social Services pursuant to Section 1502.35 of the Health and Safety Code shall not be a placement option pursuant to this section.
(C) If the court knows or has reason to know that the child is an Indian child, the Indian child shall be detained in a home that complies with the placement preferences set forth in Section 361.31 and in the federal Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 (25 U.S.C. Sec. 1901 et seq.), unless the court finds good cause exists pursuant to Section 361.31 not to follow the placement preferences. If the court finds good cause not to follow the placement preferences for detention, this finding does not affect the requirement that a diligent search be made for a subsequent placement within the placement preferences.
(2) Relatives shall be given preferential consideration for placement of the child. As used in this section, “relative” means an adult who is related to the child by blood, adoption, or affinity within the fifth degree of kinship, including stepparents, stepsiblings, and all relatives whose status is preceded by the words “great,” “great-great,” or “grand,” or the spouse of any of these persons, even if the marriage was terminated by death or dissolution.
(3) When placing in the home of a relative, an extended family member, as defined in Section 224.1 and Section 1903 of the federal Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978, or nonrelative extended family member, the court shall consider the recommendations of the social worker based on the assessment pursuant to Section 361.4 of the home of the relative, extended family member, or nonrelative extended family member, including the results of a criminal records check and prior child abuse allegations, if any, before ordering that the child be placed with a relative or nonrelative extended family member. The court may authorize the placement of a child on a temporary basis in the home of a relative, extended family member, or nonrelative extended family member, regardless of the status of any criminal record exemption or resource family approval, or tribally approved home approval pursuant to subdivision (r) of Section 224.1 and Section 10553.12, if the court finds that the placement does not pose a risk to the health and safety of the child. The court shall order the parent to disclose to the social worker the names, residences, and any known identifying information of any maternal or paternal relatives of the child. The social worker shall initiate the assessment pursuant to Section 361.3 of any relative to be considered for continuing placement.
(i) In the case of an Indian child, any order detaining the child pursuant to this section shall be considered an emergency removal within the meaning of Section 1922 of the federal Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978. The emergency proceeding shall terminate if the child is returned to the custody of the parent, parents, or Indian custodian, the child has been transferred to the custody and jurisdiction of the child’s tribe, or the agency or another party to the proceeding recommends that the child be removed from the physical custody of their parent or parents or Indian custodian pursuant to Section 361 or 361.2.
(j) (1) At the initial hearing upon the petition filed in accordance with subdivision (c) of Rule 5.520 of the California Rules of Court or anytime thereafter up until the time that the minor is adjudged a dependent child of the court or a finding is made dismissing the petition, the court may temporarily limit the right of the parent or guardian to make educational or developmental services decisions for the child and temporarily appoint a responsible adult to make educational or developmental services decisions for the child if all of the following conditions are found:
(A) The parent or guardian is unavailable, unable, or unwilling to exercise educational or developmental services rights for the child.
(B) The county placing agency has made diligent efforts to locate and secure the participation of the parent or guardian in educational or developmental services decisionmaking.
(C) The child’s educational and developmental services needs cannot be met without the temporary appointment of a responsible adult.
(2) If the court limits the parent’s educational rights under this subdivision, the court shall determine whether there is a responsible adult who is a relative, nonrelative extended family member, or other adult known to the child and who is available and willing to serve as the child’s educational representative before appointing an educational representative or surrogate who is not known to the child.
(3) If the court cannot identify a responsible adult to make educational decisions for the child and the appointment of a surrogate parent, as defined in subdivision (a) of Section 56050 of the Education Code, is not warranted, the court may, with the input of any interested person, make educational decisions for the child. If the child is receiving services from a regional center, the provision of any developmental services related to the court’s decision shall be consistent with the child’s individual program plan and pursuant to the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act (Division 4.5 (commencing with Section 4500)). If the court cannot identify a responsible adult to make developmental services decisions for the child, the court may, with the input of any interested person, make developmental services decisions for the child. If the court makes educational or developmental services decisions for the child, the court shall also issue appropriate orders to ensure that every effort is made to identify a responsible adult to make future educational or developmental services decisions for the child.
(4) A temporary appointment of a responsible adult and temporary limitation on the right of the parent or guardian to make educational or developmental services decisions for the child shall be specifically addressed in the court order. An order made under this section shall expire at the conclusion of the hearing held pursuant to Section 361 or upon dismissal of the petition. Upon the entering of disposition orders, additional needed limitation on the parent’s or guardian’s educational or developmental services rights shall be addressed pursuant to Section 361.
(5) This section does not remove the obligation to appoint surrogate parents for students with disabilities who are without parental representation in special education procedures, as required by state and federal law, including Section 1415(b)(2) of Title 20 of the United States Code, Section 56050 of the Education Code, Section 7579.5 of the Government Code, and Rule 5.650 of the California Rules of Court.
(6) If the court appoints a developmental services decisionmaker pursuant to this section, the developmental services decisionmaker shall have the authority to access the child’s information and records pursuant to subdivision (u) of Section 4514 and paragraph (23) of subdivision (a) of Section 5328, and to act on the child’s behalf for the purposes of the individual program plan process pursuant to Sections 4646, 4646.5, and 4648 and the fair hearing process pursuant to Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 4700) of Division 4.5, and as set forth in the court order.
(k) For a placement made on or after October 1, 2021, each temporary placement of the child pursuant to subdivision (h) in a short-term residential therapeutic program shall comply with the requirements of Section 4096 and be reviewed by the court pursuant to Section 361.22.
(l) For a placement made on or after July 1, 2022, each temporary placement of the child pursuant to subdivision (h) in a community treatment facility shall comply with the requirements of Section 4096 and be reviewed by the court pursuant to Section 361.22.

SEC. 4.

 Section 361.2 of the Welfare and Institutions Code is amended to read:

 (a) If a court orders removal of a child pursuant to Section 361, the court shall first determine whether there is a parent of the child, with whom the child was not residing at the time that the events or conditions arose that brought the child within the provisions of Section 300, who desires to assume custody of the child. If that parent requests custody, the court shall place the child with the parent unless it finds that placement with that parent would be detrimental to the safety, protection, or physical or emotional well-being of the child. The fact that the parent is enrolled in a certified substance abuse treatment facility that allows a dependent child to reside with their parent shall not be, for that reason alone, prima facie evidence that placement with that parent would be detrimental.
(b) If the court places the child with that parent, the court may do any of the following:
(1) Order that the parent become legal and physical custodian of the child. The court may also provide reasonable visitation by the noncustodial parent. The court shall then terminate its jurisdiction over the child. The custody order shall continue unless modified by a subsequent order of the superior court. The order of the juvenile court shall be filed in any domestic relation proceeding between the parents.
(2) Order that the parent assume custody subject to the jurisdiction of the juvenile court and require that a home visit be conducted within three months. In determining whether to take the action described in this paragraph, the court shall consider any concerns that have been raised by the child’s current caregiver regarding the parent. After the social worker conducts the home visit and files their report with the court, the court may then take the action described in paragraph (1), (3), or this paragraph. However, this paragraph does not imply that the court is required to take the action described in this paragraph as a prerequisite to the court taking the action described in either paragraph (1) or (3).
(3) Order that the parent assume custody subject to the supervision of the juvenile court. In that case the court may order that reunification services be provided to the parent or guardian from whom the child is being removed, or the court may order that services be provided solely to the parent who is assuming physical custody in order to allow that parent to retain later custody without court supervision, or that services be provided to both parents, in which case the court shall determine, at review hearings held pursuant to Section 366, which parent, if either, shall have custody of the child.
(c) The court shall make a finding, either in writing or on the record, of the basis for its determination under subdivisions (a) and (b).
(d) Part 6 (commencing with Section 7950) of Division 12 of the Family Code shall apply to the placement of a child pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2) of subdivision (e).
(e) If the court orders removal pursuant to Section 361, the court shall order the care, custody, control, and conduct of the child to be under the supervision of the social worker who may place the child in any of the following:
(1) The home of a noncustodial parent, as described in subdivision (a), regardless of the parent’s immigration status.
(2) The approved home of a relative, or the home of a relative who has been assessed pursuant to Section 361.4 and is pending approval pursuant to Section 16519.5, regardless of the relative’s immigration status.
(3) The approved home of a nonrelative extended family member, as defined in Section 362.7, or the home of a nonrelative extended family member who has been assessed pursuant to Section 361.4 and is pending approval pursuant to Section 16519.5.
(4) The approved home of a resource family, as defined in Section 16519.5, or a home that is pending approval pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (e) of Section 16519.5.
(5) A foster home considering first a foster home in which the child has been placed before an interruption in foster care, if that placement is in the best interest of the child and space is available.
(6) If it is known or there is reason to know that the child is an Indian child, as defined by Section 224.1, a home or facility in accordance with the placement preferences contained in Section 361.31 and the federal Indian Child Welfare Act (25 U.S.C. Sec. 1901 et seq.).
(7) A suitable licensed community care facility, except a youth homelessness prevention center licensed by the State Department of Social Services pursuant to Section 1502.35 of the Health and Safety Code.
(8) With a foster family agency, as defined in subdivision (g) of Section 11400 and paragraph (4) of subdivision (a) of Section 1502 of the Health and Safety Code, to be placed in a suitable family home certified or approved by the agency, with prior approval of the county placing agency.
(9) A community care facility licensed as a group home for children vendored by a regional center pursuant to Section 56004 of Title 17 of the California Code of Regulations or a short-term residential therapeutic program, as defined in subdivision (ad) of Section 11400 of this code and paragraph (18) of subdivision (a) of Section 1502 of the Health and Safety Code. A child of any age who is placed in a community care facility licensed as a group home for children vendored by a regional center or a short-term residential therapeutic program shall have a case plan that indicates that placement is for purposes of providing short-term, specialized, and intensive treatment for the child, the case plan specifies the need for, nature of, and anticipated duration of this treatment, pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (d) of Section 16501.1, and the case plan includes transitioning the child to a less restrictive environment and the projected timeline by which the child will be transitioned to a less restrictive environment. Any placement longer than six months shall be documented consistent with paragraph (3) of subdivision (a) of Section 16501.1 and, unless subparagraph (A) or (B) applies to the child, shall be approved by the deputy director or director of the county child welfare department no less frequently than every six months.
(A) A child under six years of age shall not be placed in a community care facility licensed as a group home for children vendored by a regional center or a short-term residential therapeutic program except under the following circumstances:
(i) If the facility meets the applicable regulations adopted under Section 1530.8 of the Health and Safety Code and standards developed pursuant to Section 11467.1 of this code, and the deputy director or director of the county child welfare department has approved the case plan.
(ii) The short-term, specialized, and intensive treatment period shall not exceed 120 days, unless the county has made progress toward or is actively working toward implementing the case plan that identifies the services or supports necessary to transition the child to a family setting, circumstances beyond the county’s control have prevented the county from obtaining those services or supports within the timeline documented in the case plan, and the need for additional time pursuant to the case plan is documented by the caseworker and approved by a deputy director or director of the county child welfare department.
(iii) To the extent that placements pursuant to this paragraph are extended beyond an initial 120 days, the requirements of clauses (i) and (ii) shall apply to each extension. In addition, the deputy director or director of the county child welfare department shall approve the continued placement no less frequently than every 60 days.
(iv) In addition, if a case plan indicates that placement is for purposes of providing family reunification services, the facility shall offer family reunification services that meet the needs of the individual child and their family, permit parents, guardians, or Indian custodians to have reasonable access to their children 24 hours a day, encourage extensive parental involvement in meeting the daily needs of their children, and employ staff trained to provide family reunification services. In addition, one of the following conditions exists:
(I) The child’s parent, guardian, or Indian custodian is also under the jurisdiction of the court and resides in the facility.
(II) The child’s parent, guardian, or Indian custodian is participating in a treatment program affiliated with the facility and the child’s placement in the facility facilitates the coordination and provision of reunification services.
(III) Placement in the facility is the only alternative that permits the parent, guardian, or Indian custodian to have daily 24-hour access to the child in accordance with the case plan, to participate fully in meeting all of the daily needs of the child, including feeding and personal hygiene, and to have access to necessary reunification services.
(B) A child who is 6 to 12 years of age, inclusive, may be placed in a community care facility licensed as a group home for children vendored by a regional center or a short-term residential therapeutic program under the following conditions:
(i) The deputy director of the county welfare department shall approve the case prior to initial placement.
(ii) The short-term, specialized, and intensive treatment period shall not exceed six months, unless the county has made progress or is actively working toward implementing the case plan that identifies the services or supports necessary to transition the child to a family setting, circumstances beyond the county’s control have prevented the county from obtaining those services or supports within the timeline documented in the case plan, and the need for additional time pursuant to the case plan is documented by the caseworker and approved by a deputy director or director of the county child welfare department.
(iii) To the extent that placements pursuant to this paragraph are extended beyond an initial six months, the requirements of this subparagraph shall apply to each extension. In addition, the deputy director or director of the county child welfare department shall approve the continued placement no less frequently than every 60 days.
(10) Any child placed in a short-term residential therapeutic program shall be either of the following:
(A) A child who has been assessed as meeting one of the placement requirements set forth in subdivisions (b) and (h) of Section 11462.01.
(B) A child under six years of age who is placed with their minor parent or for the purpose of reunification pursuant to clause (iv) of subparagraph (A) of paragraph (9).
(11) The home of a relative, nonrelative extended family member, an extended family member, as defined by subdivision (c) of Section 224.1, in which the juvenile court has authorized placement, regardless of the status of any criminal record exemption or resource family approval or tribally approved home approval pursuant to subdivision (r) of Section 224.1 and Section 10553.12 if the court has found that the placement does not pose a risk to the health and safety of the child.
(12) This subdivision does not allow a social worker to place any dependent child outside the United States, except as specified in subdivision (f).
(f) (1) A child under the supervision of a social worker pursuant to subdivision (e) shall not be placed outside the United States prior to a judicial finding that the placement is in the best interest of the child, except as required by federal law or treaty.
(2) The party or agency requesting placement of the child outside the United States shall carry the burden of proof and shall show, by clear and convincing evidence, that placement outside the United States is in the best interest of the child.
(3) In determining the best interest of the child, the court shall consider, but not be limited to, all of the following factors:
(A) Placement with a relative.
(B) Placement of siblings in the same home.
(C) Amount and nature of any contact between the child and the potential guardian or caretaker.
(D) Physical and medical needs of the dependent child.
(E) Psychological and emotional needs of the dependent child.
(F) Social, cultural, and educational needs of the dependent child.
(G) Specific desires of any dependent child who is 12 years of age or older.
(4) If the court finds that a placement outside the United States is, by clear and convincing evidence, in the best interest of the child, the court may issue an order authorizing the social worker to make a placement outside the United States. A child subject to this subdivision shall not leave the United States prior to the issuance of the order described in this paragraph.
(5) For purposes of this subdivision, “outside the United States” shall not include the lands of any federally recognized American Indian tribe or Alaskan Natives.
(6) This subdivision shall not apply to the placement of a dependent child with a parent pursuant to subdivision (a).
(g) (1) If the child is taken from the physical custody of the child’s parent, guardian, or Indian custodian and unless the child is placed with relatives, the child shall be placed in foster care in the county of residence of the child’s parent, guardian, or Indian custodian in order to facilitate reunification of the family.
(2) If there are no appropriate placements available in the parent’s, guardian’s, or Indian custodian’s county of residence, a placement may be made in an appropriate place in another county, preferably a county located adjacent to the parent’s, guardian’s, or Indian custodian’s community of residence.
(3) This section does not require multiple disruptions of the child’s placement corresponding to frequent changes of residence by the parent, guardian, or Indian custodian. In determining whether the child should be moved, the social worker shall take into consideration the potential harmful effects of disrupting the placement of the child and the parent’s, guardian’s, or Indian custodian’s reason for the move.
(4) If it has been determined that it is necessary for a child to be placed in a county other than the child’s parent’s, guardian’s, or Indian custodian’s county of residence, the specific reason the out-of-county placement is necessary shall be documented in the child’s case plan. If the reason the out-of-county placement is necessary is the lack of resources in the sending county to meet the specific needs of the child, those specific resource needs shall be documented in the case plan.
(5) If it has been determined that a child is to be placed out of county either in a group home for children vendored by a regional center or a short-term residential therapeutic program, or with a foster family agency for subsequent placement in a certified foster family home, and the sending county is to maintain responsibility for supervision and visitation of the child, the sending county shall develop a plan of supervision and visitation that specifies the supervision and visitation activities to be performed and specifies that the sending county is responsible for performing those activities. In addition to the plan of supervision and visitation, the sending county shall document information regarding any known or suspected dangerous behavior of the child that indicates the child may pose a safety concern in the receiving county. Upon implementation of the statewide child welfare information system, the plan of supervision and visitation, as well as information regarding any known or suspected dangerous behavior of the child, shall be made available to the receiving county upon placement of the child in the receiving county. If placement occurs on a weekend or holiday, the information shall be made available to the receiving county on or before the end of the next business day.
(6) If it has been determined that a child is to be placed out of county and the sending county plans that the receiving county shall be responsible for the supervision and visitation of the child, the sending county shall develop a formal agreement between the sending and receiving counties. The formal agreement shall specify the supervision and visitation to be provided the child, and shall specify that the receiving county is responsible for providing the supervision and visitation. The formal agreement shall be approved and signed by the sending and receiving counties prior to placement of the child in the receiving county. In addition, upon completion of the case plan, the sending county shall provide a copy of the completed case plan to the receiving county. The case plan shall include information regarding any known or suspected dangerous behavior of the child that indicates the child may pose a safety concern to the receiving county.
(h) (1) Subject to paragraph (2), if the social worker must change the placement of the child and is unable to find a suitable placement within the county and must place the child outside the county, the placement shall not be made until the social worker has served written notice on the parent, guardian, Indian custodian, the child’s tribe, the child’s attorney, and, if the child is 10 years of age or older, on the child, at least 14 days prior to the placement, unless the child’s health or well-being is endangered by delaying the action or would be endangered if prior notice were given. The notice shall state the reasons that require placement outside the county. The child or parent, guardian, Indian custodian, or the child’s tribe may object to the placement not later than seven days after receipt of the notice and, upon objection, the court shall hold a hearing not later than five days after the objection and prior to the placement. The court shall order out-of-county placement if it finds that the child’s particular needs require placement outside the county.
(2) (A) The notice required prior to placement, as described in paragraph (1), may be waived if the child and family team has determined that the identified placement is in the best interest of the child, no member of the child and family team objects to the placement, and the child’s attorney has been informed of the intended placement and has no objection, and, if applicable, the Indian custodian or child’s tribe has been informed of the intended placement and has no objection.
(B) If the child is transitioning from a temporary shelter care facility, as described in Section 11462.022, and all of the circumstances set forth in subparagraph (A) do not exist, the county shall provide oral notice to the child’s parents, guardian, Indian custodian, the child’s tribe, the child’s attorney, and, if the child is 10 years of age or older, to the child no later than one business day after the determination that out-of-county placement is necessary and the circumstances in subparagraph (A) do not exist. The oral notice shall state the reasons that require placement outside the county and shall be immediately followed by written notice stating the reasons. The child, parent, guardian, Indian custodian, or tribe may object to the placement not later than seven days after oral notice is provided and, upon objection, the court shall hold a hearing not later than two judicial days after the objection is made. The court may authorize that the child remain in the temporary shelter care facility pending the outcome of the hearing. The court shall order out-of-county placement if it finds that the child’s particular needs require placement outside the county. This subparagraph does not preclude placement of the child without prior notice if the child’s health or well-being is endangered by delaying the action or would be endangered if prior notice were given.
(i) If the court has ordered removal of the child from the physical custody of the child’s parents pursuant to Section 361, the court shall consider whether the family ties and best interest of the child will be served by granting visitation rights to the child’s grandparents. The court shall clearly specify those rights to the social worker.
(j) If the court has ordered removal of the child from the physical custody of the child’s parents pursuant to Section 361, the court shall consider whether there are any siblings under the court’s jurisdiction, or any nondependent siblings in the physical custody of a parent subject to the court’s jurisdiction, the nature of the relationship between the child and their siblings, the appropriateness of developing or maintaining the sibling relationships pursuant to Section 16002, and the impact of the sibling relationships on the child’s placement and planning for legal permanence.
(k) (1) An agency shall ensure placement of a child in a home that, to the fullest extent possible, best meets the day-to-day needs of the child. A home that best meets the day-to-day needs of the child shall satisfy all of the following criteria:
(A) The child’s caregiver is able to meet the day-to-day health, safety, and well-being needs of the child.
(B) The child’s caregiver is permitted to maintain the least restrictive family setting that promotes normal childhood experiences and that serves the day-to-day needs of the child.
(C) The child is permitted to engage in reasonable, age-appropriate day-to-day activities that promote normal childhood experiences for the foster child.
(2) The foster child’s caregiver shall use a reasonable and prudent parent standard, as defined in paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 362.04, to determine day-to-day activities that are age appropriate to meet the needs of the child. This section does not permit a child’s caregiver to permit the child to engage in day-to-day activities that carry an unreasonable risk of harm, or subject the child to abuse or neglect.

SEC. 5.

 Section 361.3 of the Welfare and Institutions Code is amended to read:

 (a) In any case in which a child is removed from the physical custody of their parents pursuant to Section 361, preferential consideration shall be given to a request by a relative of the child for placement of the child with the relative, regardless of the relative’s immigration status. In determining whether placement with a relative is appropriate, the county social worker and court shall consider, but shall not be limited to, consideration of all the following factors:
(1) The best interest of the child, including special physical, psychological, educational, medical, or emotional needs.
(2) The wishes of the parent, the relative, and child, if appropriate.
(3) The provisions of Part 6 (commencing with Section 7950) of Division 12 of the Family Code regarding relative placement.
(4) Placement of siblings and half siblings in the same home, unless that placement is found to be contrary to the safety and well-being of any of the siblings, as provided in Section 16002.
(5) The good moral character of the relative and any other adult living in the home, including whether any individual residing in the home has a prior history of violent criminal acts or has been responsible for acts of child abuse or neglect.
(6) The nature and duration of the relationship between the child and the relative, and the relative’s desire to care for, and to provide legal permanency for, the child if reunification is unsuccessful.
(7) The ability of the relative to do the following:
(A) Provide a safe, secure, and stable environment for the child.
(B) Exercise proper and effective care and control of the child.
(C) Provide a home and the necessities of life for the child.
(D) Protect the child from their parents.
(E) Facilitate court-ordered reunification efforts with the parents.
(F) Facilitate visitation with the child’s other relatives.
(G) Facilitate implementation of all elements of the case plan.
(H) (i) Provide legal permanence for the child if reunification fails.
(ii) However, any finding made with respect to the factor considered pursuant to this subparagraph and pursuant to subparagraph (G) shall not be the sole basis for precluding preferential placement with a relative.
(I) Arrange for appropriate and safe child care, as necessary.
(8) (A) The safety of the relative’s home. For a relative to be considered appropriate to receive placement of a child under this section on an emergency basis, the relative’s home shall first be assessed pursuant to the process and standards described in Section 361.4.
(B) In this regard, the Legislature declares that a physical disability, such as blindness or deafness, is no bar to the raising of children, and a county social worker’s determination as to the ability of a disabled relative to exercise care and control should center upon whether the relative’s disability prevents the relative from exercising care and control. The court shall order the parent to disclose to the county social worker the names, residences, and any other known identifying information of any maternal or paternal relatives of the child. This inquiry shall not be construed, however, to guarantee that the child will be placed with any person so identified. The county social worker shall initially contact the relatives given preferential consideration for placement to determine if they desire the child to be placed with them. Those desiring placement shall be assessed according to the factors enumerated in this subdivision. The county social worker shall document these efforts in the social study prepared pursuant to Section 358.1. The court shall authorize the county social worker, while assessing these relatives for the possibility of placement, to disclose to the relative, as appropriate, the fact that the child is in custody, the alleged reasons for the custody, and the projected likely date for the child’s return home or placement for adoption or legal guardianship. However, this investigation shall not be construed as good cause for continuance of the dispositional hearing conducted pursuant to Section 358.
(b) In any case in which more than one relative requests preferential consideration pursuant to this section, each relative shall be considered under the factors enumerated in subdivision (a). Consistent with the legislative intent for children to be placed immediately with a relative, this section does not limit the county social worker’s ability to place a child in the home of a relative or a nonrelative extended family member pending the consideration of other relatives who have requested preferential consideration.
(c) For purposes of this section:
(1) “Preferential consideration” means that the relative seeking placement shall be the first placement to be considered and investigated.
(2) “Relative” means an adult who is related to the child by blood, adoption, or affinity within the fifth degree of kinship, including stepparents, stepsiblings, and all relatives whose status is preceded by the words “great,” “great-great,” or “grand,” or the spouse of any of these persons even if the marriage was terminated by death or dissolution.
(d) Subsequent to the hearing conducted pursuant to Section 358, whenever a new placement of the child must be made, consideration for placement shall again be given as described in this section to relatives who have not been found to be unsuitable and who will fulfill the child’s reunification or permanent plan requirements. In addition to the factors described in subdivision (a), the county social worker shall consider whether the relative has established and maintained a relationship with the child.
(e) If the court does not place the child with a relative who has been considered for placement pursuant to this section, the court shall state for the record the reasons placement with that relative was denied.
(f) (1) With respect to a child who satisfies the criteria set forth in paragraph (2), the department and any licensed adoption agency may search for a relative and furnish identifying information relating to the child to that relative if it is believed the child’s welfare will be promoted thereby.
(2) Paragraph (1) shall apply if both of the following conditions are satisfied:
(A) The child was previously a dependent of the court.
(B) The child was previously adopted and the adoption has been disrupted, set aside pursuant to Section 9100 or 9102 of the Family Code, or the child has been released into the custody of the department or a licensed adoption agency by the adoptive parent or parents.
(3) As used in this subdivision, “relative” includes a member of the child’s birth family and nonrelative extended family members, regardless of whether the parental rights were terminated, provided that both of the following are true:
(A) No appropriate potential caretaker is known to exist from the child’s adoptive family, including nonrelative extended family members of the adoptive family.
(B) The child was not the subject of a voluntary relinquishment by the birth parents pursuant to Section 8700 of the Family Code or Section 1255.7 of the Health and Safety Code.
(g) The juvenile court may authorize placement in the home of a relative, nonrelative extended family member, as defined in Section 362.7, or extended family member, as defined in subdivision (c) of Section 224.1, regardless of the status of any criminal record exemption or resource family approval or tribally approved home approval pursuant to subdivision (r) of Section 224.1 and Section 10553.12, if the court finds that the placement does not pose a risk to the health and safety of the child.

SEC. 6.

 Section 361.4 of the Welfare and Institutions Code is amended to read:

 (a) Prior to making the emergency placement of a child pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 309 or Section 361.45, the county welfare department shall do all of the following:
(1) Conduct an in-home inspection to assess the safety of the home and the ability of the relative, nonrelative extended family member, as defined in Section 362.7, or extended family member, as defined by subdivision (c) of Section 224.1, to care for the child’s needs.
(2) Cause a state-level criminal records check to be conducted by an appropriate government agency through the California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS) pursuant to Section 16504.5 for all of the following:
(A) All persons over 18 years of age living in the home of the relative, nonrelative extended family member, or extended family member, seeking emergency placement of the child, excluding any person who is a nonminor dependent, as defined in subdivision (v) of Section 11400.
(B) At the discretion of the county welfare department, any other person over 18 years of age known to the department to be regularly present in the home, other than professionals providing professional services to the child.
(C) At the discretion of the county welfare department, any person over 14 years of age living in the home who the department believes may have a criminal record. This subparagraph shall not apply to a child under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court.
(3) Conduct a check of allegations of prior child abuse or neglect concerning the relative, nonrelative extended family member, or extended family member, and other adults in the home.
(b) (1) If CLETS information obtained pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) indicates that the person has no criminal record, the child may be placed in the home on an emergency basis.
(2) If the CLETS information obtained pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) indicates that the person has been convicted of an offense described in subparagraph (B) or (D) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (g) of Section 1522 of the Health and Safety Code, the child shall not be placed in the home unless a criminal record exemption has been granted using the exemption criteria specified in paragraph (2) of subdivision (g) of Section 1522 of the Health and Safety Code.
(3) Notwithstanding paragraph (2), a child may be placed on an emergency basis if the CLETS information obtained pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) indicates that the person has been convicted of an offense not described in subclause (II) of clause (i) of subparagraph (B) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (g) of Section 1522 of the Health and Safety Code, pending a criminal record exemption decision based on live scan fingerprint results if all of the following conditions are met:
(A) The conviction does not involve an offense against a child.
(B) The deputy director or director of the county welfare department, or their designee, determines that the placement is in the best interests of the child.
(C) No party to the case objects to the placement.
(4) If the CLETS information obtained pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) indicates that the person has been arrested for any offense described in paragraph (2) of subdivision (e) of Section 1522 of the Health and Safety Code, the child shall not be placed on an emergency basis in the home until the investigation required by paragraph (1) of subdivision (e) of Section 1522 of the Health and Safety Code has been completed and the deputy director or director of the county welfare department, or their designee, and the court have considered the investigation results when determining whether the placement is in the best interests of the child.
(5) If the CLETS information obtained pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) indicates that the person has been convicted of an offense described in subparagraph (A) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (g) of Section 1522 of the Health and Safety Code, the child shall not be placed in the home on an emergency basis.
(6) Notwithstanding paragraphs (2), (4), and (5), or the placement recommendation of the county placing agency, the court may authorize the placement of a child on an emergency basis in the home of a relative, nonrelative extended family member, or extended family member, regardless of the status of any criminal record exemption or resource family approval, or tribally approved home approval pursuant to subdivision (r) of Section 224.1 and Section 10553.12, if the court finds that the placement does not pose a risk to the health and safety of the child.
(c) Within 10 calendar days following the criminal records check conducted through the CLETS or five business days of making the emergency placement, whichever is sooner, the social worker shall ensure that a fingerprint clearance check of the relative, nonrelative extended family member, or extended family member, and any other person whose criminal record was obtained pursuant to this section is initiated through the Department of Justice to ensure the accuracy of the criminal records check conducted through the CLETS and ensure criminal record clearance of the relative, nonrelative extended family member, or extended family member, and all adults in the home pursuant to subparagraph (A) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (d) of Section 16519.5 and any associated written directives or regulations.
(d) An identification card from a foreign consulate or foreign passport shall be considered a valid form of identification for conducting a criminal records check pursuant to this section.

SEC. 7.

 Section 727.05 of the Welfare and Institutions Code is amended to read:

 (a) Notwithstanding paragraph (4) of subdivision (a) of Section 727, the probation agency may make an emergency placement of a minor ordered into its care, custody, and control with a relative or relative, nonrelative extended family member. member, as defined in Section 362.7, or extended family member, as defined by subdivision (c) of Section 224.1.
(b) Prior to making the emergency placement, the probation agency shall do all of the following:
(1) Conduct an in-home inspection to assess the safety of the home and the ability of the relative or relative, nonrelative extended family member, or extended family member to care for the minor’s needs.
(2) Ensure that a state-level criminal records check is conducted by an appropriate government agency through the California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS) pursuant to Section 16504.5 for all of the following:
(A) Any person over 18 years of age living in the home of the relative or relative, nonrelative extended family member, or extended family member who seeks emergency placement of the minor, excluding any person who is a nonminor dependent, as defined in subdivision (v) of Section 11400.
(B) At the discretion of the probation agency, any person over 18 years of age known to the agency to be regularly present in the home, other than any professional providing professional services to the minor.
(C) At the discretion of the agency, any person over 14 years of age living in the home who the agency believes may have a criminal record, excluding any child who is under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court.
(3) Conduct a check of allegations of prior child abuse or neglect concerning the relative or relative, nonrelative extended family member member, or extended family member, and other adults in the home.
(c)  (1) If the CLETS information that is obtained pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) indicates that a person has no criminal record, the probation agency may place the minor in the home on an emergency basis.
(2) If the CLETS information obtained pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) indicates that a person has been convicted of an offense described in subparagraph (B) or (D) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (g) of Section 1522 of the Health and Safety Code, the minor shall not be placed in the home unless a criminal records exemption has been granted using the exemption criteria specified in paragraph (2) of subdivision (g) of Section 1522 of the Health and Safety Code.
(3) Notwithstanding paragraph (2), a minor may be placed on an emergency basis if the CLETS information obtained pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) indicates that the person has been convicted of an offense not described in subclause (II) of clause (i) of subparagraph (B) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (g) of Section 1522 of the Health and Safety Code, pending a criminal records exemption decision based on live scan fingerprint results if all of the following conditions are met:
(A) The conviction does not involve an offense against a child.
(B) The chief probation officer, or their designee, determines that the placement is in the best interests of the minor.
(C) No party to the case objects to the placement.
(4) If the CLETS information obtained pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) indicates that the person has been arrested for any offense described in paragraph (2) of subdivision (e) of Section 1522 of the Health and Safety Code, the minor shall not be placed on an emergency basis in the home until the investigation required by paragraph (1) of subdivision (e) of Section 1522 of the Health and Safety Code has been completed and the chief probation officer, or their designee, and the court have considered the investigation results when determining whether the placement is in the best interests of the child.
(5) If the CLETS information obtained pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) indicates that the person has been convicted of an offense described in subparagraph (A) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (g) of Section 1522 of the Health and Safety Code, the minor shall not be placed in the home on an emergency basis.
(6) Notwithstanding paragraphs (2) (2), (4), and (5), or the placement recommendation of the county probation agency, the court may authorize the placement of a child on an emergency basis in the home of a relative, nonrelative extended family member, or extended family member, regardless of the status of any criminal record exemption or resource family approval, or tribally approved home approval pursuant to subdivision (r) of Section 224.1 and Section 10553.12, if the court finds that the placement does not pose a risk to the health and safety of the child.
(d) If the relative or relative, nonrelative extended family member, or extended family member has not submitted an application for approval as a resource family or tribally approved home at the time of the emergency placement, the probation agency shall require the relative or relative, nonrelative extended family member, or extended family member to submit the application and initiate the home environment assessment no later than five business days after the emergency placement.
(e) Unless the fingerprint clearance check has already been initiated, the probation agency shall ensure that, within five days of the emergency placement, a fingerprint clearance check of the relative or relative, nonrelative extended family member member, or extended family member, and any other person whose criminal record was obtained pursuant to this section is initiated through the Department of Justice to ensure the accuracy of the criminal records check conducted through the CLETS and to ensure criminal record clearance of the relative or relative, nonrelative extended family member member, or extended family member, and all adults in the home pursuant to subparagraph (A) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (d) of Section 16519.5 and any associated written directives or regulations.
(f) An identification card from a foreign consulate or foreign passport shall be considered a valid form of identification for conducting a criminal records check pursuant to this section.

SEC. 7.SEC. 8.

 Section 11363 of the Welfare and Institutions Code is amended to read:

 (a) Aid in the form of state-funded Kin-GAP shall be provided under this article on behalf of any child under 18 years of age and to any eligible youth under 19 years of age, as provided in Section 11403, who satisfies all of the following conditions:
(1) Has been adjudged a dependent child of the juvenile court pursuant to Section 300, or, effective October 1, 2006, a ward of the juvenile court pursuant to Section 601 or 602.
(2) Has been residing for at least six consecutive months in the approved home of the prospective relative guardian while under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court or a voluntary placement agreement, or the child was subject to an order for placement with a relative regardless of the status of any criminal record exemption or resource family approval pursuant to subdivision (e) of Section 361.2 or tribally approved home approval pursuant to subdivision (r) of Section 224.1 and Section 10553.12.
(3) Has had a kinship guardianship established pursuant to Section 360 or 366.26.
(4) Has had their dependency jurisdiction terminated after January 1, 2000, pursuant to Section 366.3, or their wardship terminated pursuant to subdivision (e) of Section 728, concurrently or subsequently to the establishment of the kinship guardianship.
(b) If the conditions specified in subdivision (a) are met and, subsequent to the termination of dependency jurisdiction, any parent or person having an interest files with the juvenile court a petition pursuant to Section 388 to change, modify, or set aside an order of the court, Kin-GAP payments shall continue unless and until the juvenile court, after holding a hearing, orders the child removed from the home of the guardian, terminates the guardianship, or maintains dependency jurisdiction after the court concludes the hearing on the petition filed under Section 388.
(c) A child or nonminor former dependent or ward shall be eligible for Kin-GAP payments if they meet one of the following age criteria:
(1) They are under 18 years of age.
(2) They are under 21 years of age and has a physical or mental disability that warrants the continuation of assistance.
(3) Through December 31, 2011, they satisfy the conditions of Section 11403, and on and after January 1, 2012, they satisfy the conditions of Section 11403.01.
(4) They satisfy the conditions as described in subdivision (d).
(d) Commencing January 1, 2012, state-funded Kin-GAP payments shall continue for youths who have attained 18 years of age and who are under 19 years of age, if they reached 16 years of age before the Kin-GAP negotiated agreement payments commenced, and as described in Section 10103.5. Effective January 1, 2013, Kin-GAP payments shall continue for youths who have attained 18 years of age and are under 20 years of age, if they reached 16 years of age before the Kin-GAP negotiated agreement payments commenced, and as described in Section 10103.5. Effective January 1, 2014, Kin-GAP payments shall continue for youths who have attained 18 years of age and are under 21 years of age, if they reached 16 years of age before the Kin-GAP negotiated agreement payments commenced. To be eligible for continued payments, the youth shall satisfy one or more of the conditions specified in paragraphs (1) to (5), inclusive, of subdivision (b) of Section 11403.
(e) (1) Termination of the guardianship with a kinship guardian shall terminate eligibility for Kin-GAP unless the conditions in Section 11403 apply. However, an alternate guardian or coguardian is appointed pursuant to Section 366.3 who is also a kinship guardian, the alternate or coguardian shall be entitled to receive Kin-GAP on behalf of the child pursuant to this article. A new period of six months of placement with the alternate guardian or coguardian shall not be required if that alternate guardian or coguardian has been assessed pursuant to Section 361.3, subdivision (a) of Section 361.4, and paragraph (2), and the court terminates dependency jurisdiction. If a nonminor former dependent is receiving Kin-GAP after 18 years of age and the nonminor former dependent’s former guardian dies, the nonminor former dependent may petition the court for a hearing pursuant to Section 388.1.
(2) (A) In addition to the state-level criminal records check described in paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 361.4, the county welfare department shall require each prospective alternate guardian or coguardian, and any other person over 18 years of age living in the home, to be fingerprinted, and shall secure from an appropriate law enforcement agency any criminal record of that person to determine whether the person has ever been convicted of a crime other than a minor traffic violation.
(B) If the criminal records check indicates that the prospective alternate guardian or coguardian has been convicted of an offense described in subparagraph (A) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (g) of Section 1522 of the Health and Safety Code, the case shall not be eligible for Kin-GAP funding.
(C) If the prospective alternate guardian or coguardian has been convicted of a crime other than a minor traffic violation or arrested for an offense specified in subdivision (e) of Section 1522 of the Health and Safety Code, except for the civil penalty language, the criminal background check provisions specified in subdivisions (d) to (g), inclusive, of Section 1522 of the Health and Safety Code shall apply, and an exemption shall be issued prior to issuance of any Kin-GAP funding. Exemptions from the criminal records clearance requirements set forth in this section may be granted by the county using the exemption criteria specified in subdivision (g) of Section 1522 of the Health and Safety Code and any applicable written directives or regulations adopted by the department.
(3) A prospective alternate guardian or coguardian shall not be required to be approved as a resource family pursuant to Section 16519.5 for the sole purpose of receiving Kin-GAP funding on behalf of an eligible child in the care of the prospective alternate guardian or coguardian.

SEC. 8.SEC. 9.

 Section 11402 of the Welfare and Institutions Code is amended to read:

 In order to be eligible for AFDC-FC, a child or nonminor dependent shall be placed in one of the following:
(a) Before January 1, 2021:
(1) The approved home of a relative, provided the child or youth is otherwise eligible for federal financial participation in the AFDC-FC payment.
(2) The approved home of a nonrelative extended family member, as described in Section 362.7.
(3) The licensed family home of a nonrelative.
(b) The approved home of a resource family, as defined in Section 16519.5, if either of the following is true:
(1) The caregiver is a nonrelative.
(2) The caregiver is a relative, and the child or youth is otherwise eligible for federal financial participation in the AFDC-FC payment.
(c) A small family home, as defined in paragraph (6) of subdivision (a) of Section 1502 of the Health and Safety Code.
(d) A housing unit, as described in Section 1559.110 of the Health and Safety Code, certified by a licensed transitional housing placement provider, as defined in paragraph (12) of subdivision (a) of Section 1502 of the Health and Safety Code and subdivision (r) of Section 11400.
(e) An approved supervised independent living setting for nonminor dependents, as described in subdivision (w) of Section 11400.
(f) A licensed foster family agency, as defined in subdivision (g) of Section 11400 and paragraph (4) of subdivision (a) of Section 1502 of the Health and Safety Code, for placement into a certified or approved home used exclusively by the foster family agency.
(g) A short-term residential therapeutic program, as defined in subdivision (ad) of Section 11400 and paragraph (18) of subdivision (a) of Section 1502 of the Health and Safety Code.
(h) An out-of-state residential facility that meets the requirements of paragraph (2) of subdivision (c) of Section 11460, provided that the placement worker, in addition to complying with all other statutory requirements for placing a child or youth in an out-of-state residential facility, documents that the requirements of Section 7911.1 of the Family Code have been met.
(i) A community treatment facility, as defined in paragraph (8) of subdivision (a) of Section 1502 of the Health and Safety Code, and as set forth in Article 5 (commencing with Section 4094) of Chapter 3 of Part 1 of Division 4.
(j) A community care facility licensed pursuant to Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 1500) of Division 2 of the Health and Safety Code and vendored by a regional center pursuant to Section 56004 of Title 17 of the California Code of Regulations, unless the facility is a group home for children with special health care needs, as defined in paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 4684.50 of this code.
(k) The home of a nonrelated legal guardian or the home of a former nonrelated legal guardian if the guardianship of a child or youth who is otherwise eligible for AFDC-FC has been dismissed due to the child or youth attaining 18 years of age.
(l) A dormitory or other designated housing of a postsecondary educational institution in which a minor dependent who is enrolled at the postsecondary educational institution is living independently, as described in Section 11402.7.
(m) On or after April 1, 2021, a residential family-based treatment facility for substance abuse, in which an eligible child is placed with a parent in treatment, licensed pursuant to Chapter 7.5 (commencing with Section 11834.01) of Part 2 of Division 10.5 of the Health and Safety Code, and the placement and facility meets all of the requirements of subdivision (j) of Section 672 of Title 42 of the United States Code.
(n) (1) On or after January 1, 2024, the home of a nonrelative extended family member, as described in Section 362.7, or an extended family member, as described in subdivision (c) of Section 224.1, that has been authorized by the juvenile court and is ineligible for emergency caregiver funding due to the denial of resource family approval or approval as a tribally approved home pursuant to subdivision (r) of Section 224.1 and Section 10553.12.
(2) Unless otherwise authorized by federal law, federal financial participation shall not be available for placements described in this subdivision.

SEC. 9.SEC. 10.

 Section 11461.3 of the Welfare and Institutions Code is amended to read:

 (a) The Approved Relative Caregiver Funding Program is hereby established for the purpose of making the amount paid to approved relative caregivers for the in-home care of children and nonminor dependents placed with them who are ineligible for AFDC-FC payments equal to the amount paid on behalf of children and nonminor dependents who are eligible for AFDC-FC payments.
(b) Unless the child or nonminor dependent is eligible for the dual agency rate pursuant to Section 11464, the county with payment responsibility shall pay an approved relative caregiver a per child per month rate at the child’s or nonminor dependent’s assessed level of care, as set forth in subdivision (g) of Section 11461 and Section 11463, in return for the care and supervision, as defined in subdivision (b) of Section 11460, of the child or nonminor dependent if all of the following conditions are met:
(1) The child or nonminor dependent resides in California.
(2) The child or nonminor dependent is described by subdivision (b), (c), or (e) of Section 11401 and the county welfare department, tribal Title IV-E agency pursuant to agreements described in Section 10553.1, or the county probation department is responsible for the placement and care of the child or nonminor dependent.
(3) The child or nonminor dependent is not eligible for AFDC-FC while placed with the approved relative caregiver because the child or nonminor dependent is not eligible for federal financial participation in the AFDC-FC payment, or the child or nonminor dependent is not eligible for AFDC-FC while placed with the relative caregiver because the placement was authorized by the juvenile court.
(c) Subdivision (b) shall not be interpreted to prevent a county or tribal Title IV-E agency pursuant to agreements described in Section 10553.1 from supplementing the payment made to the approved relative caregiver with any county optional program, including, but not limited to, a specialized care increment, as described in subdivision (e) of Section 11461, or a clothing allowance, as described in subdivision (f) of Section 11461.
(d) Any income or benefits received by an eligible child or the approved relative caregiver on behalf of the eligible child or nonminor dependent that would be offset against the rate paid to a foster care provider shall be offset from any funds that are not CalWORKs funds paid to the approved relative caregiver pursuant to this section.
(e) Counties shall recoup an overpayment in the Approved Relative Caregiver Funding Program received by an approved relative caregiver using the standards and processes for overpayment recoupment that are applicable to overpayments to an approved resource family, as specified in Section 11466.24. Recouped overpayments shall not be subject to remittance to the federal government. Any overpaid funds that are collected by the counties shall be remitted to the state after subtracting both of the following:
(1) An amount not to exceed the county share of the CalWORKs portion of the Approved Relative Caregiver Funding Program payment, if any.
(2) Any other county funds that were included in the Approved Relative Caregiver Funding Program payment.
(f) To the extent permitted by federal law, payments received by the approved relative caregiver from the Approved Relative Caregiver Funding Program shall not be considered income for the purpose of determining other public benefits.
(g) Prior to referral of any individual or recipient, or that person’s case, to the local child support agency for child support services pursuant to Section 17415 of the Family Code, the county human services agency shall determine if an applicant or recipient has good cause for noncooperation, as set forth in Section 11477.04. If the applicant or recipient claims good cause exception at any subsequent time to the county human services agency or the local child support agency, the local child support agency shall suspend child support services until the county social services agency determines the good cause claim, as set forth in Section 11477.04. If good cause is determined to exist, the local child support agency shall suspend child support services until the applicant or recipient requests their resumption, and shall take other measures that are necessary to protect the applicant or recipient and the children. If the applicant or recipient is the parent of the child for whom aid is sought and the parent is found to have not cooperated without good cause as provided in Section 11477.04, the applicant’s or recipient’s family grant shall be reduced by 25 percent for the time the failure to cooperate lasts.
(h) Consistent with Section 17552 of the Family Code, if aid is paid under this chapter on behalf of a child who is under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court and whose parent or guardian is receiving reunification services, the county human services agency shall determine, prior to referral of the case to the local child support agency for child support services, whether the referral is in the best interest of the child, taking into account both of the following:
(1) Whether the payment of support by the parent will pose a barrier to the proposed reunification in that the payment of support will compromise the parent’s ability to meet the requirements of the parent’s reunification plan.
(2) Whether the payment of support by the parent will pose a barrier to the proposed reunification in that the payment of support will compromise the parent’s current or future ability to meet the financial needs of the child.
(i) For purposes of this section, an “approved relative caregiver” includes a relative, as defined by paragraph (2) of subdivision (h) of Section 319, who has been approved as a resource family pursuant to Section 16519.5, or an extended family member, as defined by subdivision (c) of Section 224.1, who has been approved as a tribally approved home pursuant to subdivision (r) of Section 224.1 and Section 10553.12.
(j) (1) Notwithstanding subdivision (b) and effective the first of the month following the date the department issues comprehensive policy, fiscal, and claiming instructions that will enable counties and tribal Title IV-E agencies pursuant to agreements described in Section 10553.1 to implement this subdivision pending the establishment of a new aid code, if needed, a child or nonminor dependent placed out of state in the home of a relative shall be eligible for payment pursuant to this section under the following conditions:
(A) The home of the relative is licensed or approved consistent with the requirements of the state in which the home is located.
(B) The child is described by paragraphs (2) and (3) of subdivision (b).
(C) All other eligibility conditions are met.
(2) Payments made pursuant to this section shall be equal to, but not exceed, the foster care rate set by the rate-setting authority of the state in which the home is located, subject to any offset required pursuant to subdivision (d).
(k) The department shall adopt emergency regulations implementing this section no later than January 1, 2023. The department may readopt any emergency regulation authorized by this section that is the same as, or substantially equivalent to, any emergency regulation previously adopted pursuant to this section. The initial adoption of regulations pursuant to this section and one readoption of emergency regulations shall be deemed to be an emergency and necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or general welfare. Initial emergency regulations and one readoption of emergency regulations authorized by this section shall be exempt from review by the Office of Administrative Law. The initial emergency regulations and the one readoption of emergency regulations authorized by this section shall be submitted to the Office of Administrative Law for filing with the Secretary of State, and each shall remain in effect for no more than 180 days, by which time final regulations shall be adopted.
(l) Notwithstanding any other law, when the placement of a child with a relative, as defined by paragraph (2) of subdivision (h) of Section 319, or an extended family member, as defined by subdivision (c) of Section 224.1, has been authorized by the juvenile court and the placement is ineligible for both emergency caregiver funding pursuant to Section 11461.36 and AFDC-FC due to the denial of resource family approval or the denial of tribally approved home approval pursuant to subdivision (r) of Section 224.1 and Section 10553.12, the placement shall be funded pursuant to the provisions of this section.

SEC. 10.SEC. 11.

 Section 11461.4 of the Welfare and Institutions Code is amended to read:

 (a) Notwithstanding any other law, a tribe that has entered into an agreement pursuant to Section 10553.1 may elect to participate in the Tribal Approved Relative Caregiver Funding Program.
(b) (1) In return for the care and supervision of a child placed with an approved relative caregiver, a participating tribe shall pay the approved relative caregiver a per child per month rate that, when added to the tribal Temporary Aid to Needy Families (tribal TANF) benefit received by the approved relative caregiver on behalf of the child, shall equal the rate established for the child’s assessed level of care, as set forth in subdivision (g) of Section 11461 and in Section 11463.
(2) Payments made pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be made only if all of the following conditions exist:
(A) The tribe has notified the department in writing of its decision to participate in the program, consistent with subdivision (c).
(B) The child has been removed from the parent or guardian and has been placed into the placement and care responsibility of the tribal child welfare agency pursuant to a voluntary placement agreement or by the tribal court, consistent with the tribe’s Title IV-E agreement.
(C) The child resides within California.
(D) The caregiver is receiving tribal TANF payments, or an application for tribal TANF has been made, on behalf of the child.
(E) The child is not eligible for AFDC-FC while placed with the approved relative caregiver because the child is not eligible for federal financial participation in the AFDC-FC payment.
(3) Any income or benefits received by an eligible child, or by the approved relative caregiver on behalf of an eligible child, which would be offset against a payment made to a foster care provider, shall be offset from the amount paid by the tribe under the program. This paragraph shall not apply to any tribal TANF payments received on behalf of an eligible child.
(4) An approved relative caregiver receiving payments on behalf of a child pursuant to this section shall not be eligible to receive CalWORKs payments on behalf of the same child under Section 11450.
(5) To the extent permitted by federal law, payments received by the approved relative caregiver from the program shall not be considered income for the purpose of determining other public benefits.
(6) Paragraph (1) shall not be interpreted to prevent any participating tribe from supplementing the payment made to the approved relative caregiver with any tribal optional program, including, but not limited to, a specialized care increment or a clothing allowance.
(c) A tribe electing to participate in the program shall notify the department of that fact in writing at least 60 days prior to the date the tribe will begin participation. As a condition of participation, the tribe shall do all of the following:
(1) Provide to the department the tribal TANF maximum aid payment (MAP) rate in effect at the time that the tribe elects to participate in the program, consistent with the tribe’s approved tribal TANF plan.
(2) Agree to recoup overpayments to an approved relative caregiver utilizing the standards for determining whether an overpayment is recoupable, and the processes for overpayment recoupment, that are applicable to overpayments as described in the tribe’s Title IV-E agreement entered into pursuant to Section 10553.1.
(3) Agree to make child support referrals for program cases, consistent with processes applied by the tribe to Title IV-E program cases.
(d) The following funding shall be used for the program:
(1) The tribe’s applicable per-child tribal TANF grant.
(2) General Fund resources specified in the annual Budget Act.
(e) For the purposes of this section, the following definitions apply:
(1) “Program” means the Tribal Approved Relative Caregiver Funding Program established in this section.
(2) “Relative” means an adult who is related to the child by blood, adoption, or affinity within the fifth degree of kinship, including stepparents, stepsiblings, and all relatives whose status is preceded by the words “great,” “great-great,” or “grand,” or the spouse of any of these persons even if the marriage was terminated by death or dissolution, and extended family members, as defined by subdivision (c) of Section 224.1, or as otherwise established consistent with the tribe’s Title IV-E agreement.
(3) “Tribe” means a federally-recognized Indian tribe, consortium of tribes, or tribal organization with an agreement pursuant to Section 10553.1.

SEC. 11.SEC. 12.

 Section 16120 of the Welfare and Institutions Code is amended to read:

 A child is eligible for Adoption Assistance Program benefits if all of the conditions specified in subdivisions (a) to (l), inclusive, are met or if the conditions specified in subdivision (m) are met.
(a) It has been determined that the child cannot or should not be returned to the home of the child’s parents as evidenced by a petition for termination of parental rights, a court order terminating parental rights, or a signed relinquishment, or, in the case of a tribal customary adoption, if the court has given full faith and credit to a tribal customary adoption order as provided for pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (e) of Section 366.26, or, in the case of a nonminor dependent the court has dismissed dependency or transitional jurisdiction subsequent to the approval of the nonminor dependent, adoption petition pursuant to subdivision (f) of Section 366.31.
(b) The child has at least one of the following characteristics that are barriers to the child’s adoption:
(1) Adoptive placement without financial assistance is unlikely because of membership in a sibling group that should remain intact or by virtue of race, ethnicity, color, language, three years of age or older, or parental background of a medical or behavioral nature that can be determined to adversely affect the development of the child.
(2) Adoptive placement without financial assistance is unlikely because the child has a mental, physical, emotional, or medical disability that has been certified by a licensed professional competent to make an assessment and operating within the scope of that licensee’s profession. This paragraph shall also apply to children with a developmental disability, as defined in subdivision (a) of Section 4512, including those determined to require out-of-home nonmedical care, as described in Section 11464.
(c) The need for an adoption subsidy is evidenced by an unsuccessful search for an adoptive home to take the child without financial assistance, as documented in the case file of the prospective adoptive child. The requirement for this search shall be waived when it would be against the best interest of the child because of the existence of significant emotional ties with prospective adoptive parents while in the care of these persons as a foster child.
(d) The child satisfies any of the following criteria:
(1) The child is under 18 years of age.
(2) The child is under 21 years of age and has a mental or physical handicap that warrants the continuation of assistance.
(3) Effective January 1, 2012, the child is under 19 years of age, effective January 1, 2013, the child is under 20 years of age, and effective January 1, 2014, the child is under 21 years of age and as described in Section 10103.5, and has attained 16 years of age before the adoption assistance agreement became effective, and one or more of the conditions specified in paragraphs (1) to (5), inclusive, of subdivision (b) of Section 11403 applies.
(e) The adoptive family is responsible for the child pursuant to the terms of an adoptive placement agreement or a final decree of adoption and has signed an adoption assistance agreement.
(f) The adoptive family is legally responsible for the support of the child and the child is receiving support from the adoptive parent.
(g) The department or the county responsible for determining the child’s Adoption Assistance Program eligibility status and for providing financial aid, and the prospective adoptive parent, prior to or at the time the adoption decree is issued by the court, have signed an adoption assistance agreement that stipulates the need for, and the amount of, Adoption Assistance Program benefits.
(h) The prospective adoptive parent or any adult living in the prospective adoptive home has completed the criminal background check requirements for resource family approval, or the child was subject to an order for placement with a relative, nonrelative extended family member, as defined in Section 362.7, or extended family member, as defined by subdivision (c) of Section 224.1, regardless of the status of any criminal record exemption or resource family approval pursuant to subdivision (e) of Section 361.2 or tribally approved home approval pursuant to subdivision (r) of Section 224.1 and Section 10553.12.
(i) To be eligible for state funding, the child is the subject of an agency adoption, as defined in Section 8506 of the Family Code, and was any of the following:
(1) Under the supervision of a county welfare department as the subject of a legal guardianship or juvenile court dependency.
(2) Relinquished for adoption to a licensed California private or public adoption agency, or another public agency operating a Title IV-E program on behalf of the state, and would have otherwise been at risk of dependency as certified by the responsible public child welfare agency.
(3) Committed to the care of the department pursuant to Section 8805 or 8918 of the Family Code.
(4) The child is an Indian child and the subject of an order of adoption based on tribal customary adoption of an Indian child, as described in Section 366.24. Notwithstanding Section 8600.5 of the Family Code, for purposes of this subdivision a tribal customary adoption shall be considered an agency adoption.
(j) To be eligible for federal funding, in the case of a child who is not an applicable child for the federal fiscal year, as defined in subdivision (n), the child satisfies any of the following criteria:
(1) Prior to the finalization of an agency adoption, as defined in Section 8506 of the Family Code, or an independent adoption, as defined in Section 8524 of the Family Code, is filed, the child has met the requirements to receive federal supplemental security income benefits pursuant to Subchapter 16 (commencing with Section 1381) of Chapter 7 of Title 42 of the United States Code, as determined and documented by the federal Social Security Administration.
(2) The child was removed from the home of a specified relative and the child would have been AFDC eligible in the home of removal according to Section 606(a) or 607 of Title 42 of the United States Code, as those sections were in effect on July 16, 1996, in the month of the voluntary placement agreement or in the month court proceedings are initiated to remove the child, resulting in a judicial determination that continuation in the home would be contrary to the child’s welfare. The child must have been living with the specified relative from whom the child was removed within six months of the month the voluntary placement agreement was signed or the petition to remove was filed.
(3) The child was voluntarily relinquished to a licensed public or private adoption agency, or another public agency operating a Title IV-E program on behalf of the state, and there is a petition to the court to remove the child from the home within six months of the time the child lived with a specified relative and a subsequent judicial determination that remaining in the home would be contrary to the child’s welfare.
(4) Title IV-E foster care maintenance was paid on behalf of the child’s minor parent and covered the cost of the minor parent’s child while the child was in the foster family home or child care institution with the minor parent.
(5) The child is an Indian child and the subject of an order of adoption based on tribal customary adoption of an Indian child, as described in Section 366.24.
(k) To be eligible for federal funding, in the case of a child who is an applicable child for the federal fiscal year, as defined in subdivision (n), the child meets any of the following criteria:
(1) At the time of initiation of adoptive proceedings, was in the care of a public or licensed private child placement agency or Indian tribal organization pursuant to either of the following:
(A) An involuntary removal of the child from the home in accordance with a judicial determination to the effect that continuation in the home would be contrary to the welfare of the child.
(B) A voluntary placement agreement or a voluntary relinquishment.
(2) The child meets all medical or disability requirements of Title XVI with respect to eligibility for supplemental security income benefits.
(3) The child was residing in a foster family home or a child care institution with the child’s minor parent, and the child’s minor parent was in the foster family home or child care institution pursuant to either of the following:
(A) An involuntary removal of the child from the home in accordance with a judicial determination to the effect that continuation in the home would be contrary to the welfare of the child.
(B) A voluntary placement agreement or voluntary relinquishment.
(4) The child is an Indian child and the subject of an order of adoption based on tribal customary adoption of an Indian child, as described in Section 366.24.
(5) The nonminor dependent, as described in subdivision (v) of Section 11400, is the subject of an adoption pursuant to subdivision (f) of Section 366.31.
(l) (1) The child is a citizen of the United States or a qualified immigrant. If the child is a qualified immigrant who entered the United States on or after August 22, 1996, and is placed with an unqualified immigrant, the child must meet the five-year residency requirement pursuant to Section 673(a)(2)(B) of Title 42 of the United States Code, unless the child is a member of one of the excepted groups pursuant to Section 1612(b) of Title 8 of the United States Code.
(2) For purposes of this subdivision, a “qualified immigrant” means a person who meets the definition of the term defined in Section 1641 of Title 8 of the United States Code.
(m) A child or nonminor shall be eligible for Adoption Assistance Program benefits if the following conditions are met:
(1) The child or nonminor received Adoption Assistance Program benefits with respect to a prior adoption and the child or nonminor is again available for adoption because the prior adoption was dissolved and the parental rights of the adoptive parents were terminated or because the child’s or nonminor’s adoptive parents died and the child or nonminor meets the special needs criteria described in subdivisions (a) to (c), inclusive. When a nonminor is receiving Adoption Assistance Program benefits after 18 years of age and the nonminor’s adoptive parents die, the juvenile court may resume dependency jurisdiction over the nonminor pursuant to Section 388.1.
(2) To receive federal funding, the citizenship requirements in subdivision (l).
(n) (1) Except as provided in this subdivision, “applicable child” means a child for whom an adoption assistance agreement is entered into under this section during any federal fiscal year described in this subdivision if the child attained the applicable age for that federal fiscal year before the end of that federal fiscal year.
(A) For federal fiscal year 2010, the applicable age is 16 years.
(B) For federal fiscal year 2011, the applicable age is 14 years.
(C) For federal fiscal year 2012, the applicable age is 12 years.
(D) For federal fiscal year 2013, the applicable age is 10 years.
(E) For federal fiscal year 2014, the applicable age is eight years.
(F) For federal fiscal year 2015, the applicable age is six years.
(G) For federal fiscal year 2016, the applicable age is four years.
(H) For federal fiscal year 2017, the applicable age is two years.
(I) For October 1, 2017, to December 31, 2017, any age.
(J) Effective January 1, 2018, to June 30, 2024, the applicable age is two years.
(K) Effective July 1, 2024, and thereafter, any age.
(2) Beginning with the 2010 federal fiscal year, the term “applicable child” shall include a child of any age on the date on which an adoption assistance agreement is entered into on behalf of the child under this section if the child meets both of the following criteria:
(A) The child has been in foster care under the responsibility of the state for at least 60 consecutive months.
(B) The child meets the requirements of subdivision (k).
(3) Beginning with the 2010 federal fiscal year, an applicable child shall include a child of any age on the date that an adoption assistance agreement is entered into on behalf of the child under this section, without regard to whether the child is described in paragraph (2), if the child meets all of the following criteria:
(A) The child is a sibling of a child who is an applicable child for the federal fiscal year, under subdivision (n) or paragraph (2).
(B) The child is to be placed in the same adoption placement as an “applicable child” for the federal fiscal year who is their sibling.
(C) The child meets the requirements of subdivision (k).

SEC. 12.SEC. 13.

 Section 16519.5 of the Welfare and Institutions Code is amended to read:

 (a) The State Department of Social Services, in consultation with county child welfare agencies, foster parent associations, and other interested community parties, shall implement a unified, family friendly, and child-centered resource family approval process to replace the existing multiple processes for licensing foster family homes, certifying foster homes by licensed foster family agencies, approving relatives and nonrelative extended family members as foster care providers, and approving guardians and adoptive families.
(b) (1) Counties shall be selected to participate on a voluntary basis as early implementation counties for the purpose of participating in the initial development of the approval process. Early implementation counties shall be selected according to criteria developed by the department in consultation with the County Welfare Directors Association of California. In selecting the five early implementation counties, the department shall promote diversity among the participating counties in terms of size and geographic location.
(2) Additional counties may participate in the early implementation of the program upon authorization by the department.
(3) The State Department of Social Services shall be responsible for all of the following:
(A) Selecting early implementation counties, based on criteria established by the department in consultation with the County Welfare Directors Association of California.
(B) Establishing timeframes for participating counties to submit an implementation plan, enter into terms and conditions for early implementation participation in the program, train appropriate staff, and accept applications from resource families.
(C) Entering into terms and conditions for early implementation participation in the program by counties.
(4) Counties participating in the early implementation of the program shall be responsible for all of the following:
(A) Submitting an implementation plan.
(B) Entering into terms and conditions for early implementation participation in the program.
(C) Consulting with the county probation department in the development of the implementation plan.
(D) Training appropriate staff.
(E) Accepting applications from resource families within the timeframes established by the department.
(5) (A) Approved relatives and nonrelative extended family members, licensed foster family homes, or approved adoptive homes that have completed the license or approval process prior to statewide implementation of the program shall not be considered part of the program. The otherwise applicable assessment and oversight processes shall continue to be administered for families and facilities not included in the program.
(B) Upon implementation of the program in a county, that county shall not accept new applications for the licensure of foster family homes, the approval of relative and nonrelative extended family members, or the approval of prospective guardians and adoptive homes.
(6) The department may waive regulations that pose a barrier to the early implementation and operation of this program. The waiver of a regulation by the department pursuant to this section applies to only those counties or foster family agencies participating in the early implementation of the program and only for the duration of the program.
(7) This subdivision is inoperative on January 1, 2017.
(c) (1) For purposes of this article, “resource family” means an individual or family that has successfully met both the home environment assessment standards and the permanency assessment criteria adopted pursuant to subdivision (d) necessary for providing care for a child placed by a public or private child placement agency by court order, or voluntarily placed by a parent or legal guardian. A resource family shall demonstrate all of the following:
(A) An understanding of the safety, permanence, and well-being needs of children who have been victims of child abuse and neglect, and the capacity and willingness to meet those needs, including the need for protection, and the willingness to make use of support resources offered by the agency, or a support structure in place, or both.
(B) An understanding of children’s needs and development, effective parenting skills or knowledge about parenting, and the capacity to act as a reasonable, prudent parent in day-to-day decisionmaking.
(C) An understanding of the role of the individual or family as a resource family and the capacity to work cooperatively with the agency and other service providers in implementing the child’s case plan.
(D) The financial ability within the household to ensure the stability and financial security of the family. This requirement may be waived for relative and nonrelative extended family member resource families on a case-by-case basis. For purposes of this subparagraph, there is no minimum income requirement and an applicant who will rely on the funding described in subdivision (l) to meet additional household expenses incurred due to the placement of a child shall not, for this reason, be denied approval as a resource family.
(E) An ability and willingness to provide a family setting that promotes normal childhood experiences that serves the needs of the child.
(2) For purposes of this article, and unless otherwise specified, references to a “child” include a “nonminor dependent” and “nonminor former dependent or ward,” as defined in subdivision (v) and paragraph (1) of subdivision (aa) of Section 11400.
(3) There is no fundamental right to approval as a resource family. Emergency placement of a child pursuant to Section 309, 319, 361.45, or 727.05, or with a resource family applicant pursuant to subdivision (e), does not entitle an applicant to approval as a resource family.
(4) (A) A resource family shall be considered eligible to provide foster care for children in out-of-home placement and approved for adoption and guardianship.
(B) (i) Notwithstanding subparagraph (A), a county may approve a resource family to care for a specific child, as specified in the written directives or regulations adopted pursuant to this section. Child-specific approval shall be considered if the applicant is a relative or nonrelative extended family member who has an established and significant relationship with a child or a child is already placed in the home of the relative or nonrelative extended family member pursuant to subdivision (e) or Section 309, 319, 361.45, or 727.05.
(ii) When child-specific approval is granted to a relative, nonrelative extended family member, or extended family member, as defined by subdivision (c) of Section 224.1, member who has received a criminal records exemption pursuant to clause (iv) of subparagraph (A) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (g) of Section 1522 of the Health and Safety Code, the child’s placement shall be funded pursuant to Section 11461.3 or 11402 and the relative, nonrelative extended family member, or extended family member, as defined by subdivision (c) of Section 224.1, member shall not be eligible for federal financial participation while the child is placed with them.
(iii) In the case of an Indian child for whom the child’s tribe is not exercising its right to approve a home, the county shall apply the prevailing social and cultural standards of the Indian community to resource family approval for that child, as required by subdivision (f) of Section 361.31 and the federal Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 (25 U.S.C. Sec. 1901 et seq.). The department shall engage in the tribal consultation process and develop regulations to implement this clause. Notwithstanding the rulemaking provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code), the department may implement this clause through all-county letters or other similar instruction, and provide guidance to counties regarding consistent implementation of this clause.
(C) For purposes of this section, “nonrelative extended family member” has the same meaning as defined in Section 362.7.
(D) For purposes of this section, “extended family member” has the same meaning as defined by subdivision (c) of Section 224.1.
(5) For purposes of this article, “resource family approval” means that the applicant or resource family successfully meets the home environment assessment and permanency assessment standards. This approval is in lieu of a foster family home license issued pursuant to Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 1500) of Division 2 of the Health and Safety Code, a certificate of approval issued by a licensed foster family agency, as described in subdivision (b) of Section 1506 of the Health and Safety Code, relative or nonrelative extended family member approval, guardianship approval, and the adoption home study approval.
(6) Approval of a resource family does not guarantee an initial, continued, or adoptive placement of a child with a resource family or with a relative or nonrelative extended family member. Approval of a resource family does not guarantee the establishment of a legal guardianship of a child with a resource family.
(7) (A) Notwithstanding paragraphs (1) to (6), inclusive, the county shall, consistent with Sections 1520.3 and 1558.1 of the Health and Safety Code, cease any further review of an application if the applicant has had a previous application denial by the department or a county within the preceding year, or if the applicant has had a previous rescission, revocation, or exemption denial or exemption rescission by the department or a county within the preceding two years.
(B) Notwithstanding subparagraph (A), the county may continue to review an application if it has determined that the reasons for the previous denial, rescission, or revocation were due to circumstances and conditions that either have been corrected or are no longer in existence. If an individual was excluded from a resource family home or facility licensed by the department, the county shall cease review of the individual’s application unless the excluded individual has been reinstated pursuant to subdivision (g) of Section 16519.6 of this code or pursuant to Section 1569.53, subdivision (h) of Section 1558, subdivision (h) of Section 1569.58, or subdivision (h) of Section 1596.8897, of the Health and Safety Code.
(C) (i) The county may cease any further review of an application if, after written notice to the applicant, the applicant fails to complete an application without good faith effort and within 30 days of the date of the notice, as specified in the written directives or regulations adopted pursuant to this section.
(ii) Clause (i) does not apply if a child is placed with the applicant pursuant to Section 309, 361.45, 727.05, or paragraph (1) of subdivision (e) of Section 16519.5.
(D) The cessation of an application review pursuant to this paragraph does not constitute a denial of the application for purposes of this section or any other law.
(E) For purposes of this section, the date of a previous denial, rescission, revocation, exemption denial or exemption rescission, or exclusion shall be either of the following:
(i) The effective date of a final decision or order upholding a notice of action or exclusion order.
(ii) The date on the notice of the decision to deny, rescind, revoke, or exclude if the notice was not appealed or otherwise constitutes a final decision.
(8) A resource family shall meet the approval standards set forth in this section, and, as applicable, Chapter 6.3 (commencing with Section 18360) of Part 6, to maintain approval. A resource family shall comply with the written directives or regulations adopted pursuant to this section and applicable laws in order to maintain approval.
(9) A resource family may be approved by a county child welfare department or a probation department pursuant to this section or by a foster family agency pursuant to Section 1517 of the Health and Safety Code.
(10) A resource family shall not be licensed to operate a residential facility, as defined in Section 1502 of the Health and Safety Code, a residential care facility for the elderly, as defined in Section 1569.2 of the Health and Safety Code, or a residential care facility for persons with chronic life-threatening illnesses, as defined in Section 1568.01 of the Health and Safety Code, on the same premises used as the residence of the resource family.
(11) (A) An applicant who withdraws an application prior to its approval or denial may resubmit the application within 12 months of the withdrawal.
(B) This paragraph does not preclude a county from requiring an applicant to complete an application activity, even if that activity was previously completed.
(d) (1) The department shall adopt standards pertaining to the home environment and permanency assessments of a resource family.
(2) Resource family home environment assessment standards shall include, but not be limited to, all of the following:
(A) (i) (I) A criminal record clearance of each applicant and all adults residing in, or regularly present in, the home, and not exempted from fingerprinting, as set forth in subdivision (b) of Section 1522 of the Health and Safety Code, pursuant to Section 8712 of the Family Code, utilizing a check of the Child Abuse Central Index pursuant to Section 1522.1 of the Health and Safety Code, and receipt of a fingerprint-based state and federal criminal offender record information search response. The criminal history information shall include subsequent notifications pursuant to Section 11105.2 of the Penal Code.
(II) Consideration of any substantiated allegations of child abuse or neglect against the applicant and any other adult residing in, or regularly present in, the home pursuant to Section 1522.1 of the Health and Safety Code.
(III) If the criminal records check indicates that the person has been convicted of an offense described in subparagraph (A) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (g) of Section 1522 of the Health and Safety Code, home approval shall be denied unless the person has received a criminal records exemption pursuant to clause (iv) of subparagraph (A) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (g) of Section 1522 of the Health and Safety Code. If the criminal records check indicates that the person has been convicted of an offense described in subparagraph (B) or (D) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (g) of Section 1522 of the Health and Safety Code, the home shall not be approved unless a criminal record exemption has been granted pursuant to subclause (IV).
(IV) If the resource family parent, applicant, or any other person specified in subclause (I) has been convicted of a crime other than an infraction or arrested for an offense specified in subdivision (e) of Section 1522 of the Health and Safety Code, except for the civil penalty language, the criminal background check provisions specified in subdivisions (d) through (f) of Section 1522 of the Health and Safety Code shall apply. Exemptions from the criminal records clearance requirements set forth in this section may be granted by the department or the county, if that county has been granted permission by the department to issue criminal record exemptions pursuant to Section 361.4, using the exemption criteria currently used for foster care licensing, as specified in subdivision (g) of Section 1522 of the Health and Safety Code.
(V) If it is determined, on the basis of the fingerprint images and related information submitted to the Department of Justice, that subsequent to obtaining a criminal record clearance or exemption from disqualification, the person has been convicted of, or is awaiting trial for, a sex offense against a minor, or has been convicted for an offense specified in Section 243.4, 273a, 273ab, 273d, 273g, or 368 of the Penal Code, or a felony, the department or county shall notify the resource family to act immediately to remove or bar the person from entering the resource family’s home. The department or county, as applicable, may subsequently grant an exemption from disqualification pursuant to subdivision (g) of Section 1522 of the Health and Safety Code. If the conviction or arrest was for another crime, the resource family shall, upon notification by the department or county, act immediately to either remove or bar the person from entering the resource family’s home, or require the person to seek an exemption from disqualification pursuant to subdivision (g) of Section 1522 of the Health and Safety Code. The department or county, as applicable, shall determine if the person shall be allowed to remain in the home until a decision on the exemption from disqualification is rendered.
(ii) For public foster family agencies approving resource families, the criminal records clearance process set forth in clause (i) shall be utilized.
(iii) For private foster family agencies approving resource families, the criminal records clearance process set forth in clause (i) shall be utilized, but the Department of Justice shall disseminate a fitness determination resulting from the federal criminal offender record information search.
(B) A home and grounds evaluation to ensure the health and safety of children.
(C) In addition to the foregoing requirements, the resource family home environment assessment standards shall require the following:
(i) That the applicant demonstrates an understanding of the rights of children in care and the applicant’s responsibility to safeguard those rights.
(ii) That the total number of children residing in the home of a resource family shall be no more than the total number of children the resource family can properly care for, regardless of status, and shall not exceed six children, unless exceptional circumstances that are documented in the foster child’s case file exist to permit a resource family to care for more children, including, but not limited to, the need to place siblings together, consistent with Section 16002.
(iii) That the applicant understands the applicant’s responsibilities with respect to acting as a reasonable and prudent parent, and maintaining the least restrictive environment that serves the needs of the child.
(3) The resource family permanency assessment standards shall include, but not be limited to, all of the following:
(A) Caregiver training, as described in subdivisions (g) and (h).
(B) A family evaluation, which shall include, but not be limited to, interviews of an applicant to assess the applicant’s personal history, family dynamic, and need for support or resources, and a risk assessment.
(i) When the applicant is a relative or nonrelative extended family member to an identified child, the family evaluation shall consider the nature of the relationship between the relative or nonrelative extended family member and the child. The relative or nonrelative extended family member’s expressed desire to only care for a specific child or children shall not be a reason to deny the approval.
(ii) A caregiver risk assessment shall include, but not be limited to, physical and mental health, alcohol and other substance use and abuse, family and domestic violence, and the factors listed in paragraph (1) of subdivision (c).
(iii) A county may review and discuss data contained in the statewide child welfare database with an applicant for purposes of conducting a family evaluation, as specified in the written directives or regulations adopted pursuant to this section.
(C) Completion of any other activities that relate to the ability of an applicant or a resource family to achieve permanency with a child.
(4) (A) For a child placed on an emergency basis pursuant to Section 309, 361.45, or 727.05, the home environment assessment, the permanency assessment, and the written report shall be completed within 90 days of the placement, unless good cause exists based upon the needs of the child.
(B) If additional time is needed to complete the home environment assessment or the permanency assessment, the county shall document the extenuating circumstances for the delay and generate a timeframe for the completion of those assessments.
(C) The county shall report to the department, on a quarterly basis, the number of families with emergency placements whose home environment assessment or permanency assessment goes beyond 90 days and summarize the reasons for these delays.
(e) (1) A county may place a child with a resource family applicant who has successfully completed the home environment assessment prior to completion of a permanency assessment only if a compelling reason for the placement exists based on the needs of the child.
(A) The permanency assessment and the written report described in paragraph (5) of subdivision (g) shall be completed within 90 days of the child’s placement in the home, unless good cause exists.
(B) If additional time is needed to comply with subparagraph (A), the county shall document the extenuating circumstances for the delay and generate a timeframe for the completion of the permanency assessment.
(C) The county shall report to the department, on a quarterly basis, the number of applicants for whom the requirements of subparagraph (A) exceed 90 days and summarize the reasons for these delays.
(2) The home environment and permanency assessments, and the written report described in paragraph (5) of subdivision (g), shall be completed within 90 days of a child’s placement with a relative or nonrelative extended family member pursuant to Section 309, 361.45, or 727.05, unless good cause exists.
(3) For any placement made pursuant to this subdivision, AFDC-FC funding shall not be available until approval of the resource family has been completed.
(4) A child placed pursuant to this subdivision shall be afforded all the rights set forth in Section 16001.9.
(5) This section does not limit the county’s authority to inspect the home of a resource family applicant as often as necessary to ensure the quality of care provided.
(6) This subdivision does not limit the county’s obligation under law to assess and give placement consideration to relatives and nonrelative extended family members and to place a child pursuant to Section 309, 361.3, 361.45, 706.6, or 727.1.
(f) The State Department of Social Services shall be responsible for all of the following:
(1) (A) Until regulations are adopted, administering the program through the issuance of written directives that shall have the same force and effect as regulations. Any directive affecting Article 1 (commencing with Section 700) of Chapter 7 of Division 1 of Title 11 of the California Code of Regulations shall be approved by the Department of Justice. The directives shall be exempt from the rulemaking provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code).
(B) Adopting, amending, or repealing, in accordance with Chapter 4.5 (commencing with Section 11400) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code, any reasonable rules, regulations, and standards that may be necessary or proper to carry out the purposes and intent of this article and to enable the department to exercise the powers and perform the duties conferred upon it by this section, consistent with the laws of this state.
(2) Approving and requiring the use of a single standard for resource family approval.
(3) Adopting and requiring the use of standardized documentation for the home environment and permanency assessments of resource families. The department shall permit counties to maintain documentation relating to the resource family approval process in an electronic format.
(4) Adopting core competencies for county staff to participate in the assessment and evaluation of an applicant or resource family.
(5) Requiring counties to monitor county-approved resource families, including, but not limited to, both of the following:
(A) Investigating complaints regarding resource families.
(B) Developing and monitoring resource family corrective action plans to correct identified deficiencies and to rescind resource family approval if compliance with corrective action plans is not achieved.
(6) Ongoing oversight and monitoring of county systems and operations including all of the following:
(A) Reviewing the county’s implementation plan and implementation of the program.
(B) Reviewing an adequate number of county-approved resource families in each county to ensure that approval standards are being properly applied. The review shall include case file documentation and may include onsite inspection of individual resource families. The review shall occur on a biennial basis and more frequently if the department becomes aware that a county is experiencing a disproportionate number of complaints against individual resource family homes.
(C) Reviewing county reports of serious complaints and incidents involving resource families, as determined necessary by the department. The department may conduct an independent review of the complaint or incident and change the findings depending on the results of its investigation.
(D) Investigating unresolved complaints against counties.
(E) Requiring corrective action of counties that are not in full compliance with this section.
(7) Excluding a resource family parent, applicant, or other individual from presence in any resource family home, consistent with the established standard for any of the reasons specified in Section 16519.61.
(8) Implementing due process procedures, including, but not limited to, all of the following:
(A) Providing a statewide fair hearing process for application denials, rescissions of approval, exclusion actions, or criminal record exemption denials or rescissions by a county or the department.
(B) Providing an excluded individual with due process pursuant to Section 16519.6.
(C) Amending the department’s applicable state hearing procedures and regulations or using the Administrative Procedure Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code), when applicable, as necessary for the administration of the program.
(g) Counties shall be responsible for all of the following:
(1) Submitting an implementation plan and consulting with the county probation department in the development of the implementation plan.
(2) Complying with the written directives or regulations adopted pursuant to this section.
(3) Implementing the requirements for resource family approval and utilizing standardized documentation established by the department. A county may maintain documentation relating to the resource family approval process in an electronic format.
(4) Training appropriate staff, including ensuring staff have the education and experience or core competencies necessary to participate in the assessment and evaluation of an applicant or resource family.
(5) (A) Taking the following actions, as applicable, for any of the reasons specified in Section 16519.61:
(i) (I) Approving or denying resource family applications, including preparing a written report that evaluates an applicant’s capacity to foster, adopt, and provide legal guardianship of a child based on all of the information gathered through the resource family application and assessment processes.
(II) The applicant’s preference to provide a specific level of permanency, including adoption, guardianship, or, in the case of a relative, placement with a fit and willing relative, shall not be a basis to deny an application.
(ii) Rescinding approvals of resource families.
(iii) When applicable, referring a case to the department for an action to exclude a resource family parent, applicant, or other individual from presence in any resource family home, consistent with the established standard.
(iv) Issuing a temporary suspension order that suspends the resource family approval prior to a hearing when, in the opinion of the county, urgent action is needed to protect a child from physical or mental abuse, abandonment, or any other substantial threat to health or safety. The county shall serve the resource family with the temporary suspension order and a copy of available discovery in the possession of the county, including, but not limited to, affidavits, declarations, names of witnesses, and other evidence upon which the county relied in issuing the temporary suspension order. The temporary suspension order shall be served upon the resource family with a notice of action, and if the matter is to be heard before the Office of Administrative Hearings, an accusation. The temporary suspension order shall list the effective date on the order.
(v) Granting, denying, or rescinding criminal record exemptions.
(B) Providing a resource family parent, applicant, or individual who is the subject of a criminal record exemption denial or rescission with due process pursuant to Section 16519.6.
(C) Notifying the department of any decisions denying an application for resource family approval, rescinding the approval of a resource family, or denying or rescinding a criminal record exemption and, if applicable, notifying the department of the results of an administrative action.
(6) (A) Updating resource family approval biennially and as necessary to address any changes that have occurred in the resource family’s circumstances, including, but not limited to, moving to a new home location or commencing operation of a family daycare home, as defined in Section 1596.78 of the Health and Safety Code.
(B) A county shall conduct an announced inspection of a resource family home during the biennial update, and as necessary to address any changes specified in subparagraph (A), in order to ensure that the resource family is conforming to all applicable laws and the written directives or regulations adopted pursuant to this section.
(7) Monitoring resource families through all of the following:
(A) Ensuring that social workers who identify a condition in the home that may not meet the approval standards set forth in subdivision (d) while in the course of a routine visit to children placed with a resource family take appropriate action as needed.
(B) Requiring resource families to meet the approval standards set forth in this section and to comply with the written directives or regulations adopted pursuant to this section, other applicable laws, and corrective action plans as necessary to correct identified deficiencies. If corrective action is not completed, as specified in the plan, the county may rescind the resource family approval.
(C) Requiring resource families to report any incidents consistent with the reporting requirements pursuant to the written directives or regulations adopted pursuant to this section.
(D) Inspecting resource family homes as often as necessary to ensure the quality of care provided.
(8) (A) Investigating all complaints against a resource family and taking action as necessary, including, but not limited to, investigating any incidents reported about a resource family indicating that the approval standard is not being maintained and inspecting the resource family home.
(B) The child’s social worker shall not conduct the investigation into the complaint received concerning a family providing services pursuant to the standards required by subdivision (d). To the extent that adequate resources are available, complaints shall be investigated by a worker who did not conduct the home environment assessment or family evaluation or prepare the written report determining approval of the resource family.
(C) Upon conclusion of the complaint investigation, the final disposition shall be reviewed and approved by a supervising staff member.
(D) The department shall be notified of any serious incidents or serious complaints or any incident that falls within the definition of Section 11165.5 of the Penal Code. If those incidents or complaints result in an investigation, the department shall also be notified as to the status and disposition of that investigation.
(9) Performing corrective action as required by the department.
(10) Assessing county performance in related areas of the California Child and Family Services Review System, and remedying problems identified.
(11) Submitting information and data that the department determines is necessary to study, monitor, and prepare the update specified in paragraph (7) of subdivision (f).
(12) Ensuring resource family applicants and resource families have the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities to support children in foster care by completing caregiver training. The training should include a curriculum that supports the role of a resource family in parenting vulnerable children and should be ongoing in order to provide resource families with information on trauma-informed practices and requirements and other topics within the foster care system.
(13) Ensuring that a resource family applicant completes a minimum of 12 hours of preapproval caregiver training. The training shall include, but not be limited to, all of the following courses:
(A) An overview of the child protective and probation systems.
(B) The effects of trauma, including grief and loss, and child abuse and neglect, on child development and behavior, and methods to behaviorally support children impacted by that trauma or child abuse and neglect.
(C) Positive discipline and the importance of self-esteem.
(D) Health issues in foster care.
(E) Accessing services and supports to address education needs, physical, mental, and behavioral health, and substance use disorders, including culturally relevant services.
(F) The rights of a child in foster care and the resource family’s responsibility to safeguard those rights, including the right to have fair and equal access to all available services, placement, care, treatment, and benefits, and to not be subjected to discrimination or harassment on the basis of actual or perceived race, ethnic group identification, ancestry, national origin, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, mental or physical disability, or HIV status.
(G) Cultural needs of children, including instruction on cultural competency and sensitivity, and related best practices for providing adequate care for children or youth across diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds, as well as children or youth identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender.
(H) Basic instruction on existing laws and procedures regarding the safety of foster youth at school.
(I) Permanence, well-being, and education needs of children.
(J) Child and adolescent development, including sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression.
(K) The role of resource families, including working cooperatively with the child welfare or probation agency, the child’s family, and other service providers implementing the case plan.
(L) The role of a resource family on the child and family team as defined in paragraph (4) of subdivision (a) of Section 16501.
(M) A resource family’s responsibility to act as a reasonable and prudent parent, as described in subdivision (c) of Section 1522.44 of the Health and Safety Code, and to provide a family setting that promotes normal childhood experiences and that serves the needs of the child.
(N) An overview of the specialized training identified in subdivision (h).
(O) The information described in subdivision (i) of Section 16521.5. The program may use the curriculum created pursuant to subdivision (h), and described in subdivision (i), of Section 16521.5.
(P) Information on providing care and supervision to children who have been commercially sexually exploited or who have been victims of child labor trafficking. For purposes of this subparagraph, “information” may include, but not be limited to, informational pamphlets addressing the identification of victims of commercial sexual exploitation and child labor trafficking and the provision of existing resources, including crisis hotline numbers, survivor and caregiver supports, and contact information for law enforcement entities.
(14) Ensuring resource families complete a minimum of eight hours of caregiver training annually, a portion of which shall be from subparagraph (M) of paragraph (13) and from one or more of the other topics listed in paragraph (13).
(15) (A) (i) Ensuring that resource families complete cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training and first aid training, or demonstrate equivalent certification, no later than 90 days following resource family approval.
(ii) A resource family parent who has a certificate of completion for Basic Life Support (BLS) for health care professionals, or Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), or a higher standard of training that certifies CPR, and for whom the certification is currently active, is exempt from completing the resource family approval CPR training requirement as described in clause (i), upon demonstrating proof of certification of completion and until the date the certification expires.
(iii) A resource family parent who has active and unrestricted licensure as a health care professional, issued by the Department of Consumer Affairs or the Emergency Medical Services Authority, is exempt from completing the resource family approval first aid training requirement as described in clause (i), upon demonstrating proof of active and unrestricted licensure and until the date the licensure expires.
(B) (i) Ensuring that resource families, prior to expiration of the CPR and first aid certificates, obtain training to remain certified in CPR and first aid, or demonstrate equivalent certification, and submit copies of the certificates verifying completion of the training.
(ii) Clause (i) does not apply to first aid training for a resource family parent who is exempt from the first aid training requirement pursuant to clause (iii) of subparagraph (A).
(16) (A) Ensuring that resource families that care for children who are 10 years of age or older attend, within 12 months of approval as a resource family, a training on understanding how to use best practices for providing care and supervision to children who have been commercially sexually exploited or who have been victims of child labor trafficking. This training shall be survivor informed, culturally relevant and appropriate, and address issues relating to stigma. The training required by this subparagraph shall address all of the following topics:
(i) Recognizing indicators of commercial sexual exploitation and child labor trafficking.
(ii) Harm reduction.
(iii) Trauma-informed care.
(iv) Available county and state resources.
(v) Perspectives of individuals or families who have experiences with commercial sexual exploitation and child labor trafficking.
(B) The information provided in subparagraph (P) of paragraph (13) shall also be provided during the training described in this paragraph.
(C) After completing the training required by subparagraph (A), a resource family shall not be required to attend training relating to children who have been commercially sexually exploited or who have been victims of child labor trafficking, except as required pursuant to subdivision (h).
(D) This section does not prevent an entity from providing the training specified in this paragraph in person, virtually, by recorded means, or by any other available means.
(h) In addition to any training required by this section, a county may require a resource family or applicant to receive relevant specialized training for the purpose of preparing the resource family to meet the needs of a particular child in care. This training may include, but is not limited to, the following:
(1) Understanding how to use best practices for providing care and supervision to commercially sexually exploited children and children who have been victims of child labor trafficking.
(2) Understanding how to use best practices for providing care and supervision to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender children.
(3) Understanding the requirements and best practices regarding psychotropic medications, including, but not limited to, court authorization, benefits, uses, side effects, interactions, assistance with self-administration, misuse, documentation, storage, and metabolic monitoring of children prescribed psychotropic medications.
(4) Understanding the federal Indian Child Welfare Act (25 U.S.C. Sec. 1901 et seq.), its historical significance, the rights of children covered by the act, and the best interests of Indian children, including the role of the caregiver in supporting culturally appropriate, child-centered practices that respect Native American history, culture, retention of tribal membership, and connection to the tribal community and traditions.
(5) Understanding how to use best practices for providing care and supervision to nonminor dependents.
(6) Understanding how to use best practices for providing care and supervision to children with special health care needs.
(7) Understanding the different permanency options and the services and benefits associated with the options.
(i) This section does not preclude a county from requiring training in excess of the requirements in this section.
(j) (1) Resource families who move home locations shall retain their resource family status pending the outcome of the update conducted pursuant to paragraph (6) of subdivision (g).
(2) (A) If a resource family moves from one county to another county, the department, or the county to which a resource family has moved, shall submit a written request to the Department of Justice to transfer the individual’s subsequent arrest notification, as specified in subdivision (h) of Section 1522 of the Health and Safety Code.
(B) A request to transfer a subsequent arrest notification shall contain all prescribed data elements and format protocols pursuant to a written agreement between the department and the Department of Justice.
(3) Subject to the requirements in paragraph (1), the resource family shall continue to be approved for guardianship and adoption. This subdivision shall not limit a county, foster family agency, or adoption agency from determining that the family is not approved for guardianship or adoption based on changes in the family’s circumstances or family evaluation.
(k) Implementation of the program shall be contingent upon the continued availability of federal Social Security Act Title IV-E (42 U.S.C. Sec. 670) funds for costs associated with placement of children with resource families assessed and approved pursuant to the program.
(l) A child placed with a resource family is eligible for the resource family basic rate, pursuant to Sections 11460, 11461, 11461.3, and 11463, at the child’s assessed level of care.
(m) Sharing ratios for nonfederal expenditures for all costs associated with activities related to the approval of relatives and nonrelative extended family members shall be in accordance with Section 10101.
(n) The Department of Justice shall charge fees sufficient to cover the cost of initial or subsequent criminal offender record information and Child Abuse Central Index searches, processing, or responses, as specified in this section.
(o) Except as provided, resource families shall be exempt from both of the following:
(1) Licensure requirements established pursuant to the California Community Care Facilities Act (Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 1500) of Division 2 of the Health and Safety Code) and all regulations promulgated to implement the act.
(2) Relative and nonrelative extended family member approval requirements as those approval requirements existed prior to January 1, 2017.
(p) (1) Early implementation counties shall be authorized to continue through December 31, 2016. The program shall be implemented by each county on or before January 1, 2017.
 (2) (A) (i) On and after January 1, 2017, a county to which the department has delegated its licensing authority pursuant to Section 1511 of the Health and Safety Code shall approve resource families in lieu of licensing foster family homes.
(ii) Notwithstanding clause (i), the existing licensure and oversight processes shall continue to be administered for foster family homes licensed prior to January 1, 2017, or as specified in subparagraph (C), until the license is revoked or forfeited by operation of law pursuant to Section 1517.1 of the Health and Safety Code.
(B) (i) On and after January 1, 2017, a county shall approve resource families in lieu of approving relative and nonrelative extended family members.
(ii) Notwithstanding clause (i), the existing approval and oversight processes shall continue to be administered for relatives and nonrelative extended family members approved prior to January 1, 2017, or as specified in subparagraph (C), until the approval is revoked or forfeited by operation of law pursuant to this section.
(C) Notwithstanding subparagraph (D), a county shall approve or deny all applications for foster family home licenses and requests for relative or nonrelative extended family member approvals received on or before December 31, 2016, in accordance with Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 1500) of Division 2 of the Health and Safety Code or provisions providing for the approval of relatives or nonrelative extended family members, as applicable.
(D) On and after January 1, 2017, a county shall not accept applications for foster family home licenses or requests to approve relatives or nonrelative extended family members.
(3) No later than July 1, 2019, each county shall provide the following information to all licensed foster family homes and approved relatives and nonrelative extended family members licensed or approved by the county:
(A) A detailed description of the resource family approval program.
(B) Notification that, in order to care for a foster child, resource family approval is required by December 31, 2020.
(C) Notification that a foster family home license and an approval of a relative or nonrelative extended family member shall be forfeited by operation of law, as specified in paragraph (8).
(4) The following applies to all licensed foster family homes and approved relative and nonrelative extended family members:
(A) A licensed foster family home or an approved relative or nonrelative extended family member with an approved adoptive home study completed prior to January 1, 2018, shall be deemed to be a resource family.
(B) A licensed foster family home or an approved relative or nonrelative extended family member who had a child in placement at any time between January 1, 2017, and December 31, 2017, inclusive, may be approved as a resource family on the date of successful completion of a family evaluation.
(C) A licensed foster family home that provided county-authorized respite services at any time between January 1, 2017, and December 31, 2017, inclusive, may be approved as a resource family on the date of successful completion of a family evaluation.
(5) A county may provide supportive services to all licensed foster family homes, relatives, and nonrelative extended family members with a child in placement to assist with the resource family transition and to minimize placement disruptions.
(6) (A) In order to approve a licensed foster family home or approved relative or nonrelative extended family member as a resource family pursuant to paragraph (4), a county shall submit a written request to the Department of Justice to transfer any subsequent arrest and Child Abuse Central Index notifications, as specified in subdivision (h) of Section 1522 of the Health and Safety Code.
(B) A request to transfer a subsequent arrest notification shall contain all prescribed data elements and format protocols pursuant to a written agreement between the department and the Department of Justice.
(7) An individual who is a member of a resource family approved pursuant to subparagraph (B) or (C) of paragraph (4) shall be fingerprinted pursuant to Section 8712 of the Family Code upon filing an application for adoption.
(8) All foster family licenses and approvals of relatives and nonrelative extended family members shall be forfeited by operation of law on December 31, 2020, except as provided in this paragraph or Section 1524 of the Health and Safety Code:
(A) All licensed foster family homes that did not have a child in placement or did not provide county-authorized respite services at any time between January 1, 2017, and December 31, 2017, inclusive, shall forfeit the license by operation of law on January 1, 2018.
(B) For foster family home licensees and approved relatives or nonrelative extended family members who have a pending resource family application on December 31, 2020, the foster family home license or relative and nonrelative extended family member approval shall be forfeited by operation of law upon approval as a resource family. If approval is denied, forfeiture by operation of law shall occur on the date of completion of any proceedings required by law to ensure due process.
(C) A foster family home license shall be forfeited by operation of law, pursuant to Section 1517.1 of the Health and Safety Code, upon approval as a resource family.
(D) Approval as a relative or nonrelative extended family member shall be forfeited by operation of law upon approval as a resource family.
(q) On and after January 1, 2017, all licensed foster family agencies shall approve resource families in lieu of certifying foster homes, as set forth in Section 1517 of the Health and Safety Code.
(r) The department may establish participation conditions, and select and authorize foster family agencies that voluntarily submit implementation plans and revised plans of operation in accordance with requirements established by the department, to approve resource families in lieu of certifying foster homes.
(1) Notwithstanding any other law, a participating foster family agency shall require resource families to meet and maintain the resource family approval standards and requirements set forth in this chapter and in the written directives adopted consistent with the chapter prior to approval and in order to maintain approval.
(2) A participating foster family agency shall implement the resource family approval program pursuant to Section 1517 of the Health and Safety Code.
(3) This section does not limit the authority of the department to inspect, evaluate, or investigate a complaint or incident, or initiate a disciplinary action against a foster family agency pursuant to Article 5 (commencing with Section 1550) of Chapter 3 of Division 2 of the Health and Safety Code, or to take any action it may deem necessary for the health and safety of children placed with the foster family agency.
(4) The department may adjust the foster family agency AFDC-FC rate pursuant to Section 11463 for implementation of this subdivision.
(5) This subdivision is inoperative on January 1, 2017.
(s) The department or a county is authorized to obtain any arrest or conviction records or reports from any court or law enforcement agency as necessary to the performance of its duties, as provided in this section or subdivision (e) of Section 1522 of the Health and Safety Code.
(t) A resource family approved pursuant to this section shall forfeit its approval concurrent with resource family approval by a foster family agency.

SEC. 13.SEC. 14.

 No appropriation pursuant to Section 15200 of the Welfare and Institutions Code shall be made for the purposes of this act.

SEC. 14.SEC. 15.

 To the extent that this act has an overall effect of increasing the costs already borne by a local agency for programs or levels of service mandated by the 2011 Realignment Legislation within the meaning of Section 36 of Article XIII of the California Constitution, it shall apply to local agencies only to the extent that the state provides annual funding for the cost increase. Any new program or higher level of service provided by a local agency pursuant to this act above the level for which funding has been provided shall not require a subvention of funds by the state or otherwise be subject to Section 6 of Article XIII B of the California Constitution.