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SB-1239 Political Reform Act of 1974: campaign disclosures.(2017-2018)

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Date Published: 09/21/2018 09:00 PM

Senate Bill No. 1239

An act to amend Sections 81004, 81007, 81007.5, 81008, 81009, 81010, 82006, 84101, 84101.5, 84102, 84103, 84108, 84200.8, 84203, 84204, 84204.5, 84211, 84213, 84215, 84219, 84223, 84504.2, 84602, 84605, 84606, 84612, 84615, 85200, 86100, 86103, 86104, 86105, 86107, 86108, 86109.5, 86114, 86116, and 86118 of, and to repeal Sections 84217 and 86109 of, the Government Code, relating to the Political Reform Act of 1974.

[ Approved by Governor  September 21, 2018. Filed with Secretary of State  September 21, 2018. ]


SB 1239, Hertzberg. Political Reform Act of 1974: campaign disclosures.
The Political Reform Act of 1974 generally requires elected officials, candidates for elective office, and committees formed primarily to support or oppose a candidate for public office or a ballot measure, along with other entities, to file periodic campaign statements and certain reports concerning campaign finances and related matters. The act generally provides for the filing of campaign statements and reports by various means, including personal delivery, guaranteed overnight delivery, facsimile transmission, and online transmission. The act requires the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Fair Political Practices Commission, to develop online and electronic filing processes for persons and entities that are required to file statements and reports with the Secretary of State’s office. The act requires certain persons and entities to file online or electronically with the Secretary of State if their political contributions, expenditures, or loans reach specified monetary thresholds.
This bill would generally recast certain provisions governing the processing of campaign reports and statements to provide for the filing, verification, delivery, amendment, retention, and inspection of those documents online or electronically, as prescribed. The bill would repeal the above-mentioned monetary thresholds, thereby making the online and electronic filing requirements applicable to all specified filers. The bill would also repeal various obsolete or extraneous provisions of the act, and would make conforming and other technical, nonsubstantive changes.
The act requires each committee that is required to file a statement of organization to pay the Secretary of State a fee of $50 by January 15 of each year until the committee is terminated. The act subjects a committee that fails to pay the fee on time to a penalty equal to three times the amount of the fee.
This bill would change the deadline for payment of the annual fee to April 30 of each year. The bill would delete obsolete provisions and would make other technical, nonsubstantive changes.
Existing law requires print advertisements paid for by certain committees to disclose, among other things, the top contributors to the committee and a statement that funding details for the advertisement are published on the Internet Web site of the Fair Political Practices Commission.
This bill would instead require the funding details statement to direct a reader to the lists of top contributors published on the Internet Web site of the Secretary of State.
A violation of the act is punishable as a misdemeanor, and reports and statements filed under the act are required to be signed under the penalty of perjury. By expanding the scope of existing crimes, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program.
This bill would incorporate additional changes to Section 84504.2 of the Government Code proposed by Assembly Bill 2155 to be operative only if this bill and Assembly Bill 2155 are enacted and this bill is enacted last.
The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement.
This bill would provide that no reimbursement is required by this act for a specified reason.
The Political Reform Act of 1974, an initiative measure, provides that the Legislature may amend the act to further the act’s purposes upon a 2/3 vote of each house of the Legislature and compliance with specified procedural requirements.
This bill would declare that it furthers the purposes of the act.
Vote: 2/3   Appropriation: NO   Fiscal Committee: YES   Local Program: YES  

The people of the State of California do enact as follows:


 Section 81004 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 (a) All reports and statements filed under this title shall be signed under penalty of perjury and verified by the filer in compliance with this section and Section 84213, as applicable. The verification shall state that the filer has used all reasonable diligence in its preparation, and that to the best of the filer’s knowledge it is true and complete.
(b) A report or statement filed by a committee which qualifies under subdivision (a) of Section 82013 shall be signed and verified by the treasurer, and a report or statement filed by any other person shall be signed and verified by the filer. If the filer is an entity other than an individual, the report or statement shall be signed and verified by a responsible officer of the entity or by an attorney or a certified public accountant acting as agent for the entity. Every person who signs and verifies any report or statement required to be filed under this title which contains material matter which he or she knows to be false is guilty of perjury.
(c) A report or statement filed online or electronically shall include a secure electronic signature that is submitted under penalty of perjury and that conforms to subdivision (a) of this section and subdivision (b) of Section 1633.11 of the Civil Code.
(d) A filing made on behalf of a filer by a vendor or service provider authorized by the filer to make such filings is presumed filed under penalty of perjury by the filer.

SEC. 2.

 Section 81007 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 When a report or statement or copies thereof required to be filed in paper format with any officer under this title has been sent by first-class mail or by any other guaranteed overnight delivery service addressed to the officer, it shall for purposes of any deadline be deemed to have been received by the officer on the date of the deposit in the mail or of receipt by that delivery service. It shall be presumed until the contrary is established that any date stamped by the post office on the envelope or contained on the delivery service receipt containing the report or statement is the date it was deposited in the mail or received by the delivery service. Mail that is not received by the filing officer shall be presumed not to have been sent unless the filer possesses a post office or delivery service receipt establishing the date of deposit and the name and address of the addressee.

SEC. 3.

 Section 81007.5 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 (a) Any report or statement or copies thereof required to be filed with any official under Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 84100) or Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 87100), other than a report or statement that is required to be filed online or electronically with the Secretary of State in accordance with this title or with a local government agency in accordance with an ordinance adopted by the agency pursuant to Section 84615, may be emailed or faxed by the applicable deadline, provided that the required originals or paper copies are sent by first-class mail or by any other personal delivery or guaranteed overnight delivery service within 24 hours of the applicable deadline and provided that the total number of pages of each report or statement emailed or faxed is no more than 30 pages.
(b) An emailed or faxed report or statement shall not be considered filed if the emailed or faxed report or statement is not a true and correct copy of the original.
(c) A filing officer who receives an emailed or faxed report or statement shall make the report or statement available to the public in the same manner as provided in Section 81008.

SEC. 4.

 Section 81008 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 A report or statement filed pursuant to this title is a public record open for public inspection and reproduction during the filing officer’s regular business hours, commencing as soon as practicable, and no later than the second business day after the day it was received. A filing officer shall make electronically filed data publicly available on the Internet as soon as possible after it is received in compliance with Sections 84602 and 84615. Conditions shall not be imposed upon persons asking to inspect or reproduce reports and statements filed under this title, and information or identification shall not be required from these persons. Copies shall be provided at a charge not to exceed ten cents ($0.10) per page. In addition, the filing officer may charge a retrieval fee not to exceed five dollars ($5) per request for copies of reports and statements which are five or more years old. A request for more than one report or statement or report and statement at the same time shall be considered a single request.

SEC. 5.

 Section 81009 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 (a) Statements of organization, registration statements, and original campaign statements of persons holding elective state office, candidates for any such office, committees supporting any such officeholder or candidate, and committees supporting or opposing statewide measures, shall be retained by filing officers indefinitely.
(b) Original campaign statements of mayors, city council members, county supervisors, candidates for any of these offices, and committees supporting any officeholder or candidate shall be retained indefinitely, except that original campaign statements of candidates not elected to these offices and of committees supporting candidates not elected to these offices shall be retained by filing officers for a period of at least five years.
(c) Original campaign statements of all other persons shall be retained by filing officers for at least seven years.
(d) Original statements of economic interests of persons holding statewide elective office shall be retained by filing officers indefinitely.
(e) Original reports and statements not specified above in this section shall be retained by filing officers for at least seven years.
(f) Copies of reports or statements shall be retained by the officer with whom they are filed for at least four years, provided, however, that a filing officer is not required to retain more than one copy of a report or statement.
(g) After an original report or statement or a copy filed in a paper format has been on file for at least two years, the officer with whom it is filed may comply with this section by retaining an electronic copy available for public inspection instead of the original report or statement or copy. Upon request, the officer shall provide copies of such statements pursuant to Section 81008. Reports and statements filed online or electronically under this title shall be retained and archived pursuant to this section and Section 84602 or 84615.

SEC. 6.

 Section 81010 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 For reports and statements filed with a filing officer pursuant to this title, the filing officer shall do all of the following:
(a) Supply the necessary forms and manuals prescribed by the Commission.
(b) Determine whether required documents have been filed and, if so, whether they conform on their face with the requirements of this title.
(c) Notify promptly all persons and known committees who have failed to file a report or statement in the form and at the time required by this title.
(d) Report apparent violations of this title to the appropriate agencies.
(e) Compile and maintain a current list of all reports and statements filed with this office.

SEC. 7.

 Section 82006 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 “Campaign statement” means an itemized report that is prepared on a form or in a manner prescribed by the Commission and that provides the information required by Chapters 4 and 5 of this title.

SEC. 8.

 Section 84101 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 (a) A committee that is a committee by virtue of subdivision (a) of Section 82013 shall file a statement of organization. The committee shall file the original of the statement of organization online or electronically with the Secretary of State and shall also file a copy of the statement of organization with the local filing officer, if any, with whom the committee is required to file the originals of its campaign reports pursuant to Section 84215. The original and copy of the statement of organization shall be filed within 10 days after the committee has qualified as a committee. The Secretary of State shall assign a number to each committee that files a statement of organization and shall notify the committee of the number. The Secretary of State shall email or send a copy of statements filed pursuant to this section to the county elections official of each county that he or she deems appropriate. A county elections official who receives a copy of a statement of organization from the Secretary of State pursuant to this section shall email or send a copy of the statement to the clerk of each city in the county that he or she deems appropriate.
(b) In addition to filing the statement of organization as required by subdivision (a), if a committee qualifies as a committee under subdivision (a) of Section 82013 within 16 days before the date of an election in connection with which the committee is required to file preelection statements, the committee shall file, within 24 hours of qualifying as a committee, the original of its statement of organization online or electronically with the Secretary of State, and a copy with the local filing officer, if any, with whom the committee is required to file the originals of its campaign reports pursuant to Section 84215 by email, fax, online transmission, guaranteed overnight delivery, or personal delivery.
(c) If an independent expenditure committee qualifies as a committee pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 82013 during the time period described in Section 82036.5 and makes independent expenditures of one thousand dollars ($1,000) or more to support or oppose a candidate or candidates for office, the committee shall file, within 24 hours of qualifying as a committee, the original of its statement of organization online or electronically with the Secretary of State. The committee shall also file a copy of its statement with the filing officer with whom the committee is required to file the original of its campaign reports pursuant to Section 84215, and at all locations required for the candidate or candidates supported or opposed by the independent expenditures, by email, facsimile transmission, guaranteed overnight delivery, or personal delivery. The filings required by this section are in addition to filings that may be required by Section 84204.
(d) For purposes of this section, in calculating whether two thousand dollars ($2,000) in contributions has been received, payments for a filing fee or for a statement of qualifications to appear in a sample ballot shall not be included if these payments have been made from the candidate’s personal funds.

SEC. 9.

 Section 84101.5 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 (a) Notwithstanding Section 81006, the Secretary of State shall charge each committee that is required to file a statement of organization pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 84101, and each committee that is required to file a statement of organization pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 84101 shall pay, a fee of fifty dollars ($50) per year until the committee is terminated pursuant to Section 84214.
(b) A committee shall pay the fee prescribed in subdivision (a) no later than 15 days after filing its statement of organization.
(c) (1) A committee annually shall pay the fee prescribed in subdivision (a) no later than April 30 of each year.
(2) A committee that is created and pays the initial fee pursuant to subdivision (b) in October, November, or December of a calendar year is not subject to the annual fee pursuant to paragraph (1) for the following calendar year.
(d) (1) A committee that fails to timely pay a fee required by this section is subject to a penalty equal to three times the amount of the fee.
(2) The Commission shall enforce the requirements of this section.

SEC. 10.

 Section 84102 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 The statement of organization required by Section 84101 shall include all of the following:
(a) The name, street address, email address, and telephone number, if any, of the committee. In the case of a sponsored committee, the name of the committee shall include the name of its sponsor. If a committee has more than one sponsor, and the sponsors are members of an industry or other identifiable group, a term identifying that industry or group shall be included in the name of the committee.
(b) In the case of a sponsored committee, the name, street address, and telephone number of each sponsor.
(c) The full name, street address, email address, and telephone number, of the treasurer and any other principal officers.
(1) A committee with more than one principal officer shall identify its principal officers as follows:
(A) A committee with three or fewer principal officers shall identify all principal officers.
(B) A committee with more than three principal officers shall identify no fewer than three principal officers.
(2) If no individual other than the treasurer is a principal officer, the treasurer shall be identified as both the treasurer and the principal officer.
(d) The full name and office sought by a candidate, and the title and ballot number, if any, of any measure, that the committee supports or opposes as its primary activity. A committee that does not support or oppose one or more candidates or ballot measures as its primary activity shall provide a brief description of its political activities, including whether it supports or opposes candidates or measures and whether such candidates or measures have common characteristics, such as a political party preference.
(e) A statement whether the committee is independent or controlled and, if it is controlled, the name of each candidate or state measure proponent by which it is controlled, or the name of any controlled committee with which it acts jointly. If a committee is controlled by a candidate for partisan or voter-nominated office, the controlled committee shall indicate the political party, if any, for which the candidate has disclosed a preference.
(f) For a committee that is a committee by virtue of subdivision (a) or (b) of Section 82013, the name and address of the financial institution in which the committee has established an account and the account number.
(g) Other information as shall be required by the rules or regulations of the Commission consistent with the purposes and provisions of this chapter.

SEC. 11.

 Section 84103 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 (a) If there is a change in any of the information contained in a statement of organization, an amendment shall be filed within 10 days to reflect the change. The committee shall file the original of the amendment online or electronically with the Secretary of State and shall also file a copy of the amendment with the local filing officer, if any, with whom the committee is required to file the originals of its campaign reports pursuant to Section 84215.
(b) In addition to filing an amendment to a statement of organization as required by subdivision (a), a committee as defined in subdivision (a) of Section 82013 shall file an amendment to its statement of organization within 24 hours if the change requiring the amendment occurs within 16 days before the date of the election in connection with which the committee is required to file a preelection statement, and if any of the following information is changed:
(1) The name of the committee.
(2) The name of the treasurer or other principal officers.
(3) The name of any candidate or committee by which the committee is controlled or with which it acts jointly.
The amendment shall include the changed information, the date of the change, and the committee’s name and identification number.
The committee shall file the original of the amendment online or electronically with the Secretary of State and a copy with the local filing officer, if any, with whom the committee is required to file the original of its campaign reports, by email, fax, online transmission, guaranteed overnight delivery, or personal delivery.

SEC. 12.

 Section 84108 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 (a) Every slate mailer organization shall comply with the requirements of Sections 84100, 84101, 84103, and 84104.
(b) The statement of organization of a slate mailer organization shall include:
(1) The name, street address, email address, and telephone number of the organization. In the case of an individual or business entity that qualifies as a slate mailer organization, the name of the slate mailer organization shall include the name by which the individual or entity is identified for legal purposes. Whenever identification of a slate mailer organization is required by this title, the identification shall include the full name of the slate mailer organization as contained in its statement of organization.
(2) The full name, street address, email address, and telephone number of the treasurer and other principal officers.
(3) The full name, street address, email address, and telephone number of each person with final decisionmaking authority as to which candidates or measures will be supported or opposed in the organization’s slate mailers.
(c) The statement of organization shall be filed online or electronically with the Secretary of State within 10 days after the slate mailer organization receives or is promised five hundred dollars ($500) or more for producing one or more slate mailers. However, if an entity qualifies as a slate mailer organization within 16 days before the date of an election in which it is required to file preelection statements, the slate mailer organization shall file the statement of organization online or electronically with the Secretary of State within 24 hours of qualifying as a slate mailer organization.

SEC. 13.

 Section 84200.8 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 Preelection statements shall be filed under this section as follows:
(a) For the period ending 45 days before the election, the statement shall be filed no later than 40 days before the election.
(b) For the period ending 17 days before the election, the statement shall be filed no later than 12 days before the election.
(c) For runoff elections held within 60 days of the qualifying election, an additional preelection statement for the period ending 17 days before the runoff election shall be filed no later than 12 days before the election.
(d) All candidates being voted on in the election in connection with which the statement is filed, their controlled committees, and committees formed primarily to support or oppose a candidate or measure being voted on in that election shall file the statement due 12 days before the election in subdivisions (b) and (c) online or electronically, if required or, for a city or county committee filing in paper format, by guaranteed overnight delivery service or personal delivery.

SEC. 14.

 Section 84203 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 (a) Each candidate or committee that makes or receives a late contribution, as defined in Section 82036, shall report the late contribution to each office with which the candidate or committee is required to file its next campaign statement pursuant to Section 84215.
(1) The candidate or committee that makes the late contribution shall report his or her full name and street address and the full name and street address of the person to whom the late contribution has been made, the office sought if the recipient is a candidate, or the ballot measure number or letter if the recipient is a committee primarily formed to support or oppose a ballot measure, and the date and amount of the late contribution.
(2) The recipient of the late contribution shall report his or her full name and street address, the date and amount of the late contribution, whether the contribution was a monetary contribution, in-kind contribution of goods or services, or a loan, the cumulative amount of contributions, and whether the contribution was for the primary, general, or other election, if required. The recipient shall also report the full name of the contributor, his or her street address, occupation, and the name of his or her employer, or if self-employed, the name of the business.
(b) A late contribution shall be reported within 24 hours of the time it is made in the case of the candidate or committee that makes the contribution and within 24 hours of the time it is received in the case of the recipient. A late contribution shall be reported online or electronically, if required, or for a city or county committee filing in paper format, by email, fax, guaranteed overnight delivery, or personal delivery. If a late contribution is required to be reported to the Secretary of State, the report to the Secretary of State shall be by online or electronic transmission only. A late contribution shall be reported on subsequent campaign statements without regard to reports filed pursuant to this section.
(c) A late contribution need not be reported nor shall it be deemed accepted if it is not cashed, negotiated, or deposited and is returned to the contributor within 24 hours of its receipt.
(d) A report filed pursuant to this section shall be in addition to any other campaign statement required to be filed by this chapter.
(e) The report required pursuant to this section is not required to be filed by a candidate or committee that has disclosed the late contribution pursuant to subdivision (a) or (b) of Section 85309.

SEC. 15.

 Section 84204 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 (a) A committee that makes a late independent expenditure, as defined in Section 82036.5, shall report the late independent expenditure within 24 hours of the time it is made. A late independent expenditure shall be reported online or electronically, if required, or if filing in a paper format, by email, fax, guaranteed overnight delivery, or personal delivery. If a late independent expenditure is required to be reported to the Secretary of State, the report to the Secretary of State shall be by online or electronic transmission only. A late independent expenditure shall be reported on subsequent campaign statements without regard to reports filed pursuant to this section.
(b) A committee that makes a late independent expenditure shall report its full name and street address, as well as the name, office, and district of the candidate if the report is related to a candidate, or if the report is related to a measure, the number or letter of the measure, whether the expenditure was made to support or oppose the candidate or ballot measure, the jurisdiction in which the measure is to be voted upon, and the amount and the date, as well as a description of goods or services for which the late independent expenditure was made. In addition to the information required by this subdivision, a committee that makes a late independent expenditure shall include with its late independent expenditure report the information required by paragraphs (1) to (5), inclusive, of subdivision (f) of Section 84211, covering the period from the day after the closing date of the last campaign report filed to the date of the late independent expenditure, or if the committee has not previously filed a campaign statement, covering the period from the previous January 1 to the date of the late independent expenditure. Information required by paragraphs (1) to (5), inclusive, of subdivision (f) of Section 84211 that is required to be reported with a late independent expenditure report by this subdivision is not required to be reported on more than one late independent expenditure report.
(c) A committee that makes a late independent expenditure shall file a late independent expenditure report in the places where it would be required to file campaign statements under this article as if it were formed or existing primarily to support or oppose the candidate or measure for or against which it is making the late independent expenditure.
(d) A report filed pursuant to this section shall be in addition to any other campaign statement required to be filed by this article.
(e) Expenditures that have been disclosed by candidates and committees pursuant to Section 85500 are not required to be disclosed pursuant to this section.

SEC. 16.

 Section 84204.5 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 (a) In addition to any other report required by this title, a committee pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 82013 that is required to file reports pursuant to Section 84605 shall file online or electronically with the Secretary of State each time it makes contributions totaling five thousand dollars ($5,000) or more or each time it makes independent expenditures totaling five thousand dollars ($5,000) or more to support or oppose the qualification or passage of a single state ballot measure. The report shall be filed within 10 business days of making the contributions or independent expenditures and shall contain all of the following:
(1) The full name, street address, and identification number of the committee.
(2) The number or letter of the measure if the measure has qualified for the ballot and has been assigned a number or letter; the title of the measure if the measure has not been assigned a number or letter but has been issued a title by the Attorney General; or the subject of the measure if the measure has not been assigned a number or letter and has not been issued a title by the Attorney General.
(3) In the case of a contribution, the date and amount of the contribution and the name, address, and identification number of the committee to whom the contribution was made. In addition, the report shall include the information required by paragraphs (1) to (5), inclusive, of subdivision (f) of Section 84211, regarding contributions or loans received from a person described in that subdivision, covering the period from the day after the closing date of the last campaign report filed to the date of the contribution requiring a report under this section, or if the committee has not previously filed a campaign statement, covering the period from the previous January 1 to the date of the contribution requiring a report under this section. The information described in paragraphs (1) to (5), inclusive, of subdivision (f) of Section 84211 that is required to be reported pursuant to this subdivision is not required to be reported in more than one report provided for in this subdivision for each contribution or loan received from a person described in subdivision (f) of Section 84211.
(4) In the case of an independent expenditure, the date, amount, and a description of the goods or services for which the expenditure was made. In addition, the report shall include the information required by paragraphs (1) to (5), inclusive, of subdivision (f) of Section 84211 regarding contributions or loans received from a person described in that subdivision, covering the period from the day after the closing date of the last campaign report filed to the date of the expenditure, or if the committee has not previously filed a campaign statement, covering the period from the previous January 1 to the date of the expenditure. The information described in paragraphs (1) to (5), inclusive, of subdivision (f) of Section 84211 that is required to be reported pursuant to this subdivision is not required to be reported in more than one report provided for in this subdivision for each contribution or loan received from a person described in subdivision (f) of Section 84211.
(b) In addition to any other report required by this title, a committee pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 82013 shall file a report each time it makes contributions totaling five thousand dollars ($5,000) or more or independent expenditures aggregating five thousand dollars ($5,000) or more to support or oppose the qualification of a single local initiative or referendum ballot measure. A committee that is required to file a report under this subdivision shall file the report in the places where it would be required to file campaign statements under this article as if it were formed or existing primarily to support or oppose the local initiative or referendum ballot measure. The report shall be filed within 10 business days of reaching the aggregate dollar threshold and shall contain all of the following:
(1) The full name, street address, and identification number of the committee.
(2) The name or subject of the measure.
(3) In the case of an independent expenditure, the date, amount, and a description of the goods or services for which the expenditure was made. In the case of a contribution, the date and amount of the contribution and the name, address, and identification number of the committee to which the contribution was made. In addition, the report shall include the information required by paragraphs (1) to (5), inclusive, of subdivision (f) of Section 84211 regarding contributions or loans received from a person described in that subdivision, covering the period from the day after the closing date of the last campaign report filed to the date of the contribution or expenditure, or if the committee has not previously filed a campaign statement, covering the period from the previous January 1 to the date of the contribution or expenditure. The information described in paragraphs (1) to (5), inclusive, of subdivision (f) of Section 84211 that is required to be reported pursuant to this subdivision is not required to be reported in more than one report provided for in this subdivision for each contribution or loan received from a person described in subdivision (f) of Section 84211.
(c) Reports required by this section are not required to be filed by a committee primarily formed to support or oppose the qualification or passage of a state ballot measure or the qualification of a local initiative or referendum ballot measure for expenditures made on behalf of the ballot measure or measures for which it is formed.
(d) Independent expenditures that have been disclosed by a committee pursuant to Section 84204 or 85500 are not required to be disclosed pursuant to this section.

SEC. 17.

 Section 84211 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 Each campaign statement required by this article shall contain all of the following information:
(a) The total amount of contributions received during the period covered by the campaign statement and the total cumulative amount of contributions received.
(b) The total amount of expenditures made during the period covered by the campaign statement and the total cumulative amount of expenditures made.
(c) The total amount of contributions received during the period covered by the campaign statement from persons who have given a cumulative amount of one hundred dollars ($100) or more.
(d) The total amount of contributions received during the period covered by the campaign statement from persons who have given a cumulative amount of less than one hundred dollars ($100).
(e) The balance of cash and cash equivalents on hand at the beginning and the end of the period covered by the campaign statement.
(f) If the cumulative amount of contributions (including loans) received from a person is one hundred dollars ($100) or more and a contribution or loan has been received from that person during the period covered by the campaign statement, all of the following:
(1) His or her full name.
(2) His or her street address.
(3) His or her occupation.
(4) The name of his or her employer, or if self-employed, the name of the business.
(5) The date and amount received for each contribution received during the period covered by the campaign statement and whether the contribution was made in the form of a monetary contribution, in-kind contribution of goods or services, or a loan.
(6) The cumulative amount of contributions.
(g) If the cumulative amount of loans received from or made to a person is one hundred dollars ($100) or more, and a loan has been received from or made to a person during the period covered by the campaign statement, or is outstanding during the period covered by the campaign statement, all of the following:
(1) His or her full name.
(2) His or her street address.
(3) His or her occupation.
(4) The name of his or her employer, or if self-employed, the name of the business.
(5) The original date and amount of each loan.
(6) The due date and interest rate of the loan.
(7) The cumulative payment made or received to date at the end of the reporting period.
(8) The balance outstanding at the end of the reporting period.
(9) The cumulative amount of contributions.
(h) For each person, other than the filer, who is directly, indirectly, or contingently liable for repayment of a loan received or outstanding during the period covered by the campaign statement, all of the following:
(1) His or her full name.
(2) His or her street address.
(3) His or her occupation.
(4) The name of his or her employer, or if self-employed, the name of the business.
(5) The amount of his or her maximum liability outstanding.
(i) The total amount of expenditures made during the period covered by the campaign statement to persons who have received one hundred dollars ($100) or more.
(j) The total amount of expenditures made during the period covered by the campaign statement to persons who have received less than one hundred dollars ($100).
(k) For each person to whom an expenditure of one hundred dollars ($100) or more has been made during the period covered by the campaign statement, all of the following:
(1) His or her full name.
(2) His or her street address.
(3) The date and amount of each expenditure.
(4) A brief description of the consideration for which each expenditure was made.
(5) In the case of an expenditure which is a contribution to a candidate, elected officer, or committee or an independent expenditure to support or oppose a candidate or measure, in addition to the information required in paragraphs (1) to (4), inclusive, the date of the contribution or independent expenditure, the cumulative amount of contributions made to a candidate, elected officer, or committee, or the cumulative amount of independent expenditures made relative to a candidate or measure; the full name of the candidate, and the office and district for which he or she seeks nomination or election, or the number or letter of the measure; and the jurisdiction in which the measure or candidate is voted upon.
(6) The information required in paragraphs (1) to (4), inclusive, for each person, if different from the payee, who has provided consideration for an expenditure of five hundred dollars ($500) or more during the period covered by the campaign statement.
For purposes of subdivisions (i), (j), and (k) only, the terms “expenditure” or “expenditures” mean any individual payment or accrued expense, unless it is clear from surrounding circumstances that a series of payments or accrued expenses are for a single service or product.
(l) In the case of a controlled committee, an official committee of a political party, or an organization formed or existing primarily for political purposes, the amount and source of any miscellaneous receipt.
(m) If a committee is listed pursuant to subdivision (f), (g), (h), (k), (l), or (p), the number assigned to the committee by the Secretary of State shall be listed, or if a number has not been assigned, the full name and street address of the treasurer of the committee.
(n) In a campaign statement filed by a candidate who is a candidate in both a state primary and general election, his or her controlled committee, or a committee primarily formed to support or oppose such a candidate, the total amount of contributions received and the total amount of expenditures made for the period of January 1 through June 30 and the total amount of contributions received and expenditures made for the period of July 1 through December 31.
(o) The full name, residential or business address, email address, and telephone number of the filer, or in the case of a campaign statement filed by a committee defined by subdivision (a) of Section 82013, the name, street address, email address, and telephone number of the committee and of the committee treasurer. In the case of a committee defined by subdivision (b) or (c) of Section 82013, the name that the filer uses on campaign statements shall be the name by which the filer is identified for other legal purposes or any name by which the filer is commonly known to the public.
(p) If the campaign statement is filed by a candidate, the name, street address, and treasurer of any committee of which he or she has knowledge which has received contributions or made expenditures on behalf of his or her candidacy and whether the committee is controlled by the candidate.
(q) A contribution need not be reported nor shall it be deemed accepted if it is not cashed, negotiated, or deposited and is returned to the contributor before the closing date of the campaign statement on which the contribution would otherwise be reported.
(r) If a committee primarily formed for the qualification or support of, or opposition to, an initiative or ballot measure is required to report an expenditure to a business entity pursuant to subdivision (k) and 50 percent or more of the business entity is owned by a candidate or person controlling the committee, by an officer or employee of the committee, or by a spouse of any of these individuals, the committee’s campaign statement shall also contain, in addition to the information required by subdivision (k), that person’s name, the relationship of that person to the committee, and a description of that person’s ownership interest or position with the business entity.
(s) If a committee primarily formed for the qualification or support of, or opposition to, an initiative or ballot measure is required to report an expenditure to a business entity pursuant to subdivision (k), and a candidate or person controlling the committee, an officer or employee of the committee, or a spouse of any of these individuals is an officer, partner, consultant, or employee of the business entity, the committee’s campaign statement shall also contain, in addition to the information required by subdivision (k), that person’s name, the relationship of that person to the committee, and a description of that person’s ownership interest or position with the business entity.
(t) If the campaign statement is filed by a committee, as defined in subdivision (b) or (c) of Section 82013, information sufficient to identify the nature and interests of the filer, including:
(1) If the filer is an individual, the name and address of the filer’s employer, if any, or his or her principal place of business if the filer is self-employed, and a description of the business activity in which the filer or his or her employer is engaged.
(2) If the filer is a business entity, a description of the business activity in which it is engaged.
(3) If the filer is an industry, trade, or professional association, a description of the industry, trade, or profession which it represents, including a specific description of any portion or faction of the industry, trade, or profession which the association exclusively or primarily represents.
(4) If the filer is not an individual, business entity, or industry, trade, or professional association, a statement of the person’s nature and purposes, including a description of any industry, trade, profession, or other group with a common economic interest which the person principally represents or from which its membership or financial support is principally derived.

SEC. 18.

 Section 84213 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 (a) A candidate and state measure proponent shall verify his or her campaign statement and the campaign statement of each committee subject to his or her control. The verification shall be in accordance with the provisions of Section 81004 except that it shall state that to the best of his or her knowledge the treasurer of each controlled committee used all reasonable diligence in the preparation of the committee’s statement. This section does not relieve the treasurer of any committee from the obligation to verify each campaign statement filed by the committee pursuant to Section 81004.
(b) If a committee is required to file a campaign statement or report disclosing an independent expenditure pursuant to this title, a principal officer of the committee or, in the case of a controlled committee, the candidate or state measure proponent or opponent who controls the committee shall sign a verification on the campaign statement or report that reads as follows:

“I have not received any unreported contributions or reimbursements to make these independent expenditures. I have not coordinated any expenditure made during this reporting period with the candidate or the opponent of the candidate who is the subject of the expenditure, with the proponent or the opponent of the state measure that is the subject of the expenditure, or with the agents of the candidate or the opponent of the candidate or the state measure proponent or opponent.”

SEC. 19.

 Section 84215 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 Campaign statements shall be filed at the following places:
(a) Statewide elected officers, including members of the State Board of Equalization; Members of the Legislature; Supreme Court justices, court of appeal justices, and superior court judges; candidates for those offices and their controlled committees; committees formed or existing primarily to support or oppose these candidates, elected officers, justices and judges, or statewide measures, or the qualification of state ballot measures; and all state general purpose committees and filers not specified in subdivisions (b) to (e), inclusive, shall file a campaign statement with the Secretary of State by online or electronic means, as specified in Section 84605.
(b) Elected officers in jurisdictions other than legislative districts, State Board of Equalization districts, or appellate court districts that contain parts of two or more counties, candidates for these offices, their controlled committees, and committees formed or existing primarily to support or oppose candidates or local measures to be voted upon in one of these jurisdictions shall file the original and, if the filing is in paper format, one copy with the elections official of the county with the largest number of registered voters in the jurisdiction. Elected officers, candidates for these offices, and their controlled committees shall also file a copy of their campaign statements with the elections official of the county in which the elected officer or candidate is domiciled, as defined in subdivision (b) of Section 349 of the Elections Code.
(c) County elected officers, candidates for these offices, their controlled committees, committees formed or existing primarily to support or oppose candidates or local measures to be voted upon in any number of jurisdictions within one county, other than those specified in subdivision (d), and county general purpose committees shall file the original and, if the filing is in paper format, one copy with the elections official of the county.
(d) City elected officers, candidates for city office, their controlled committees, committees formed or existing primarily to support or oppose candidates or local measures to be voted upon in one city, and city general purpose committees shall file the original and, if the filing is in paper format, one copy with the clerk of the city.
(e) Elected members of the Board of Administration of the Public Employees’ Retirement System, elected members of the Teachers’ Retirement Board, candidates for these offices, their controlled committees, and committees formed or existing primarily to support or oppose these candidates or elected members shall file the original with the Secretary of State, and a copy shall be filed at the relevant board’s office in Sacramento.
(f) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, a committee, candidate, or elected officer is not required to file more than the original and one copy, or one copy, of a campaign statement with any one county elections official or city clerk or with the Secretary of State.
(g) If a committee is required to file campaign statements required by Section 84200 or 84200.5 in places designated in subdivisions (a) to (d), inclusive, it shall continue to file these statements in those places, in addition to any other places required by this title, until the end of the calendar year.

SEC. 20.

 Section 84217 of the Government Code is repealed.

SEC. 21.

 Section 84219 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 Whenever a slate mailer organization is required to file campaign reports pursuant to Section 84218, the campaign report shall include the following information:
(a) The total amount of receipts during the period covered by the campaign statement and the total cumulative amount of receipts. For purposes of this section only, “receipts” means payments received by a slate mailer organization for production and distribution of slate mailers.
(b) The total amount of disbursements made during the period covered by the campaign statement and the total cumulative amount of disbursements. For purposes of this section only, “disbursements” means payment made by a slate mailer organization for the production or distribution of slate mailers.
(c) For each candidate or committee that is a source of receipts totaling one hundred dollars ($100) or more during the period covered by the campaign statement:
(1) The name of the candidate or committee, identification of the jurisdiction and the office sought or ballot measure number or letter, and if the source is a committee, the committee’s identification number, street address, and the name of the candidate or measure on whose behalf or in opposition to which the payment is made.
(2) The date and amount received for each receipt totaling one hundred dollars ($100) or more during the period covered by the campaign statement.
(3) The cumulative amount of receipts on behalf of or in opposition to the candidate or measure.
(d) For each person other than a candidate or committee who is a source of receipts totaling one hundred dollars ($100) or more during the period covered by the campaign statement:
(1) Identification of the jurisdiction, office or ballot measure, and name of the candidate or measure on whose behalf or in opposition to which the payment was made.
(2) Full name, street address, name of employer, or, if self-employed, name of business of the source of receipts.
(3) The date and amount received for each receipt totaling one hundred dollars ($100) or more during the period covered by the campaign statement.
(4) The cumulative amount of receipts on behalf of or in opposition to the candidate or measure.
(e) For each candidate or ballot measure not reported pursuant to subdivision (c) or (d), but who was supported or opposed in a slate mailer sent by the slate mailer organization during the period covered by the report, identification of jurisdiction, office or ballot measure, and name of the candidate or measure who was supported or opposed.
(f) The total amount of disbursements made during the period covered by the campaign statement to persons who have received one hundred dollars ($100) or more.
(g) The total amount of disbursements made during the period covered by the campaign statement to persons who have received less than one hundred dollars ($100).
(h) For each person to whom a disbursement of one hundred dollars ($100) or more has been made during the period covered by the campaign statement:
(1) His or her full name.
(2) His or her street address.
(3) The date and amount of each disbursement.
(4) A brief description of the consideration for which each disbursement was made.
(5) The information required in paragraphs (1) to (4), inclusive, for each person, if different from the payee, who has provided consideration for a disbursement of five hundred dollars ($500) or more during the period covered by the campaign statement.
(i) Cumulative disbursements, totaling one thousand dollars ($1,000) or more, made directly or indirectly to any person listed in the slate mailer organization’s statement of organization. For purposes of this subdivision, a disbursement is made indirectly to a person if it is intended for the benefit of or use by that person or a member of the person’s immediate family, or if it is made to a business entity in which the person or member of the person’s immediate family is a partner, shareholder, owner, director, trustee, officer, employee, consultant, or holds any position of management or in which the person or member of the person’s immediate family has an investment of one thousand dollars ($1,000) or more. This subdivision shall not apply to any disbursement made to a business entity whose securities are publicly traded.
(j) The full name, street address, email address, and telephone number of the slate mailer organization and of the treasurer.
(k) Whenever a slate mailer organization also qualifies as a general purpose committee pursuant to Section 82027.5, the campaign report shall include, in addition to the information required by this section, the information required by Section 84211.

SEC. 22.

 Section 84223 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 (a) For a committee primarily formed to support or oppose a state ballot measure or state candidate that raises one million dollars ($1,000,000) or more for an election, the Secretary of State shall maintain an accurate list of the committee’s top 10 contributors, as specified by Commission regulations. The list shall be based on the filer’s campaign statements and reports. A current list of the top 10 contributors shall be posted on the Secretary of State’s Internet Web site, as provided in subdivision (c).
(b) (1) Except as provided in paragraph (4), the list of top 10 contributors shall identify the names of the 10 persons who have made the largest cumulative contributions to the committee, the total amount of each person’s contributions, the city and state of the person, the person’s committee identification number, if any, and any other information deemed necessary by the Commission. If any of the top 10 contributors identified on the list are committees pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 82013, the Commission may require, by regulation, that the list also identify the top 10 contributors to those contributing committees.
(2) (A) For a committee primarily formed to support or oppose a state ballot measure, the cumulative amount of contributions received by the committee from a person for the period beginning 12 months prior to the date the committee made its first expenditure to qualify, support, or oppose the measure and ending with the current date shall be counted.
(B) For a committee primarily formed to support or oppose a state candidate, the cumulative amount of contributions received by the committee from a person for the primary and general elections combined shall be counted.
(3) The aggregation rules of Section 85311 and any implementing regulations adopted by the Commission shall apply in identifying the persons who have made the top 10 cumulative contributions to a committee.
(4) A person who makes contributions to a committee in a cumulative amount of less than ten thousand dollars ($10,000) shall not be identified or disclosed as a top 10 contributor to a committee pursuant to this section.
(c) (1) The Commission shall adopt regulations to govern the manner in which the Secretary of State shall display top 10 contributor lists maintained for a committee that is subject to this section, and the Secretary of State shall post the top 10 contributor lists on its Internet Web site in the manner prescribed by those regulations.
(2) A committee’s top 10 contributor list shall be updated when any of the following occurs:
(A) A new person qualifies as a top 10 contributor to the committee.
(B) A person who is an existing top 10 contributor makes additional contributions to the committee.
(C) A change occurs that alters the relative ranking order of the top 10 contributors.
(3) The 10 persons who have made the largest cumulative contributions to a committee shall be listed in order from largest contribution amount to smallest amount. If two or more contributors of identical amounts meet the threshold for inclusion in the list of top 10 contributors, the order of disclosure shall be made beginning with the most recent contributor of that amount.
(4) The Secretary of State shall post or update a top 10 contributor list within five business days or, during the 16 days before the election, within 48 hours of receiving data of a contributor qualifying for the list or of any change to the list.
(d) In addition to any other lists that the Secretary of State is required to post on its Internet Web site, the Secretary of State shall compile, maintain, and display on its Internet Web site a current list of the top 10 contributors supporting and opposing each state ballot measure, as prescribed by Commission regulations.

SEC. 23.

 Section 84504.2 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 (a) A print advertisement paid for by a committee, other than a political party committee or a candidate controlled committee established for an elective office of the controlling candidate, shall include the disclosures required by Sections 84502, 84503, and 84506.5, displayed as follows:
(1) The disclosure area shall have a solid white background and shall be in a printed or drawn box on the bottom of at least one page that is set apart from any other printed matter. All text in the disclosure area shall be in contrasting color.
(2) The text shall be in an Arial equivalent type with a type size of at least 10-point for printed advertisements designed to be individually distributed, including, but not limited to, mailers, flyers, and door hangers.
(3) The top contributors, if any, shall each be disclosed on a separate horizontal line, in descending order, beginning with the top contributor who made the largest cumulative contributions on the first line. The name of each of the top contributors shall be centered horizontally in the disclosure area.
(4) Immediately below the text described in paragraph (3), committees subject to Section 84223 shall include the text “Funding Details At [insert link to Secretary of State Internet Web site page with top 10 contributor lists].” The text shall be in an Arial equivalent type with a type size of at least 10-point for printed advertisements designed to be individually distributed, including, but not limited to, mailers, flyers, and door hangers.
(b) Notwithstanding paragraphs (2) and (4) of subdivision (a), the disclosures required by Sections 84502, 84503, and 84506.5 on a printed advertisement that is larger than those designed to be individually distributed, including, but not limited to, yard signs or billboards, shall be in an Arial equivalent type with a total height of at least 5 percent of the height of the advertisement, and printed on a solid background with sufficient contrast that is easily readable by the average viewer. The text may be adjusted so it does not appear on separate horizontal lines, with the top contributors separated by a comma.
(c) Notwithstanding the definition of “top contributors” in paragraph (1) of subdivision (c) of Section 84501, newspaper, magazine, or other public print advertisements that are 20 square inches or less shall be required to disclose only the single top contributor of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) or more.

SEC. 23.5

 Section 84504.2 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 (a) A print advertisement paid for by a committee, other than a political party committee or a candidate controlled committee established for an elective office of the controlling candidate, shall include the disclosures required by Sections 84502, 84503, and 84506.5, displayed as follows:
(1) The disclosure area shall have a solid white background and shall be in a printed or drawn box on the bottom of at least one page that is set apart from any other printed matter. All text in the disclosure area shall be in contrasting color and centered horizontally in the disclosure area.
(2) The text shall be in an Arial equivalent type with a type size of at least 10-point for printed advertisements designed to be individually distributed, including, but not limited to, mailers, flyers, and door hangers.
(3) The top of the disclosure area shall include the disclosure required by Sections 84502 and 84503. The text of the disclosure shall be underlined if there are any top contributors.
(4) The top contributors, if any, shall each be disclosed on a separate horizontal line separate from any other text, in descending order, beginning with the top contributor who made the largest cumulative contributions on the first line. The name of each of the top contributors shall be centered horizontally in the disclosure area and shall not be underlined. The names of the top contributors shall not be printed in a type that is condensed to be narrower than a normal non-condensed Arial equivalent type.
(5) A committee subject to Section 84506.5 shall include the disclosure required by Section 84506.5, which shall be underlined and on a separate line below any of the top contributors.
(6) A committee subject to Section 84223 shall next include the text “Funding Details At [insert link to Secretary of State Internet Web site page with top 10 contributor lists],” which shall be underlined and printed on a line separate from any other text.
(b) Notwithstanding paragraphs (2) and (4) of subdivision (a), the disclosures required by Sections 84502, 84503, and 84506.5 on a printed advertisement that is larger than those designed to be individually distributed, including, but not limited to, yard signs or billboards, shall be in an Arial equivalent type with a total height of at least 5 percent of the height of the advertisement, and printed on a solid background with sufficient contrast that is easily readable by the average viewer. The text may be adjusted so it does not appear on separate horizontal lines, with the top contributors separated by a comma.
(c) Notwithstanding the definition of “top contributors” in paragraph (1) of subdivision (c) of Section 84501, newspaper, magazine, or other public print advertisements that are 20 square inches or less shall be required to disclose only the single top contributor of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) or more.

SEC. 24.

 Section 84602 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 (a) To implement the Legislature’s intent, the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Commission, notwithstanding any other provision of this code, shall do all of the following:
(1) Develop online and electronic filing processes for use by persons and entities specified in Section 84605 that are required to file statements and reports with the Secretary of State’s office pursuant to Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 84100), Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 85100), and Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 86100). Those processes shall each enable a user to comply with all of the disclosure requirements of this title and shall include, at a minimum, both of the following:
(A) A means or method whereby filers subject to this chapter may submit required filings free of charge. Any means or method developed pursuant to this subparagraph shall not provide any additional or enhanced functions or services that exceed the minimum requirements necessary to fulfill the disclosure provisions of this title. At least one means or method shall be made available no later than December 31, 2002.
(B) The definition of a nonproprietary standardized record format or formats using industry standards for the transmission of the data that is required of those persons and entities specified in Section 84605 and that conforms with the disclosure requirements of this title. The Secretary of State shall hold public hearings before development of the record format or formats as a means to ensure that affected entities have an opportunity to provide input into the development process. The format or formats shall be made public no later than July 1, 1999, to ensure sufficient time to comply with this chapter.
(2) Accept test files from software vendors and others wishing to file reports electronically, for the purpose of determining whether the file format is in compliance with the standardized record format developed pursuant to paragraph (1) and is compatible with the Secretary of State’s system for receiving the data. A list of the software and service providers who have submitted acceptable test files shall be published by the Secretary of State and made available to the public. Acceptably formatted files shall be submitted by a filer in order to meet the requirements of this chapter.
(3) Develop a system that provides for the online or electronic transfer of the data specified in this section using telecommunications technology that ensures the integrity of the data transmitted and that creates safeguards against efforts to tamper with or subvert the data.
(4) Make all the data filed available on the Internet in an easily understood format that provides the greatest public access. The data shall be made available free of charge and as soon as possible after receipt. All late contribution and late independent expenditure reports, as defined by Sections 84203 and 84204, respectively, shall be made available on the Internet within 24 hours of receipt. The data made available on the Internet shall not contain the street name and building number of the persons or entity representatives listed on the electronically filed forms or any bank account number required to be disclosed pursuant to this title.
(5) Develop a procedure for filers to comply with the requirement that they sign under penalty of perjury pursuant to Section 81004.
(6) Maintain all filed data online for 10 years after the date it is filed, and then archive the information in a secure format.
(7) Provide assistance to those seeking public access to the information.
(8) Implement sufficient technology to seek to prevent unauthorized alteration or manipulation of the data.
(9) Provide the Commission with necessary information to enable it to assist agencies, public officials, and others with the compliance with, and administration of, this title.
(10) Report to the Legislature on the implementation and development of the online and electronic filing and disclosure requirements of this chapter. The report shall include an examination of system security, private security issues, software availability, compliance costs to filers, use of the filing system and software provided by the Secretary of State, and other issues relating to this chapter, and shall recommend appropriate changes if necessary. In preparing the report, the Commission may present to the Secretary of State and the Legislature its comments regarding this chapter as it relates to the duties of the Commission and suggest appropriate changes if necessary. There shall be one report due before the system is operational as set forth in Section 84603, one report due no later than June 1, 2002, and one report due no later than January 31, 2003.
(11) Review the current filing and disclosure requirements of this chapter and report to the Legislature, no later than June 1, 2005, recommendations on revising these requirements so as to promote greater reliance on electronic and online submissions.
(b) (1) To implement the Legislature’s intent, as described in Section 84601, the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Commission, shall develop an online filing and disclosure system for use by persons and entities specified in Section 84605 that are required to file statements and reports with the Secretary of State’s office pursuant to Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 84100), Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 85100), and Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 86100). The system shall enable a user to comply with all of the disclosure requirements of this title and shall include, at minimum, all of the following:
(A) A data-driven means or method that allows filers subject to this chapter to submit required filings free of charge in a manner that facilitates public searches of the data and does all of the following:
(i) Enables a filer to comply with all of the disclosure requirements of this title, including by entering or uploading requisite data or by indicating that the filer had no reportable activity during a particular reporting period.
(ii) Retains previously submitted data so that a filer can access that data to amend disclosures or prepare future disclosures. The system shall permit a filer to enter a contribution or independent expenditure transaction once and have the transaction appear on both a transactional report required by Section 84203, 84204, 84204.5, 84309, or 85500, as well as a periodic campaign statement required by this title.
(iii) Ensures the security of data entered and stored in the system.
(iv) To the extent feasible, is compatible with potential future capability to accept statements from filers specified in subdivisions (b) to (e), inclusive, of Section 84215.
(B) The definition of a nonproprietary standardized record format or formats using industry standards for the transmission of the data that is required of those persons and entities specified in Section 84605 and that conforms with the disclosure requirements of this title.
(2) The Secretary of State shall do all of the following with respect to the online filing and disclosure system developed pursuant to this subdivision:
(A) Accept test files from software vendors and others wishing to file reports electronically for the purpose of determining whether the file format is in compliance with the standardized record format developed pursuant to this subdivision and is compatible with the Secretary of State’s system for receiving the data. The Secretary of State shall publish and make available to the public a list of the software and service providers who have submitted acceptable test files. A filer shall submit acceptably formatted files in order to meet the requirements of this chapter.
(B) Make the data filed available on the Internet as follows:
(i) In a user-friendly, easily understandable format that provides the greatest public access, including online searches and machine-readable downloads of all data contained in the system, except as specified in clause (iii).
(ii) Free of charge and as soon as possible after receipt, or, in the case of late contribution, late in-kind contribution, and late independent expenditure reports, as defined by Sections 84203, 84203.3, and 84204, respectively, within 24 hours of receipt.
(iii) Not containing the street name or building number of the persons or entity representatives listed on the electronically filed forms or any bank account number required to be disclosed pursuant to this title, except that a nonresidential address of a committee under Section 82013 may be made available on the Internet.
(iv) In a manner that allows the public to track and aggregate contributions from the same contributor across filers using a permanent unique identifier assigned by the Secretary of State for this purpose. The Secretary of State shall assign this identifier to, at minimum, each contributor who makes contributions totaling ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or more in a calendar year to, or at the behest of, candidates or committees that file electronically with the Secretary of State pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 84215 or who files with the Secretary of State as a major donor committee under subdivision (c) of Section 82013.
(C) Develop a procedure for filers to comply electronically with the requirement to sign under penalty of perjury pursuant to Section 81004. The electronic signature procedure shall allow the filer to file with the Secretary of State and shall not require an original signature to be filed.
(D) Maintain all filed data online for at least 20 years after the date it is filed, and then archive the information in a secure format.
(E) Provide assistance to those seeking public access to the information.
(F) Implement sufficient technology to seek to prevent unauthorized alteration or manipulation of the data.
(G) Provide the Commission with necessary information to enable it to assist agencies, public officials, and others in complying with and administering this title.
(3) The Secretary of State shall do all of the following with respect to developing the online filing and disclosure system and record format pursuant to this subdivision:
(A) Consult with the Assembly Committee on Elections and Redistricting, the Senate Committee on Elections and Constitutional Amendments, the Commission, users, filers, and other stakeholders, as appropriate, about functions of the online filing and disclosure system.
(B) In consultation with the Commission, and no later than July 31, 2017, hold at least one public hearing to receive input about developing the online filing and disclosure system and record format.
(C) No later than December 31, 2017, submit a report to the Assembly Committee on Elections and Redistricting and the Senate Committee on Elections and Constitutional Amendments that includes a plan for the online filing and disclosure system, describes how members of the public will be able to query and retrieve data from the system, and includes a plan for integrating statements as specified in clause (iv) of subparagraph (A) of paragraph (1).
(4) The Secretary of State shall make the online filing and disclosure system developed pursuant to this subdivision available for use no later than February 1, 2019. The Secretary of State may extend this date to a date no later than December 31, 2019, after consulting with the Assembly Committee on Elections and Redistricting and the Senate Committee on Elections and Constitutional Amendments and providing to those committees a report that explains the need for the extension and includes a plan for completion.
(5) The Secretary of State may accept any funds, services, equipment, or grants to further this subdivision, provided that the Secretary of State shall notify the Assembly Committee on Elections and Redistricting and the Senate Committee on Elections and Constitutional Amendments upon accepting any amount valued at one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) or more.
(6) Because the provisions of this chapter need to be implemented as expeditiously as possible, the information technology procurement requirements described in Chapter 5.6 (commencing with Section 11545) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of this code, and in Section 12100 of the Public Contract Code, do not apply to development of the online filing and disclosure system pursuant to this subdivision. The Secretary of State shall consult with the Department of Technology, as appropriate, in developing the online filing and disclosure system, in order to maximize project success, minimize lifecycle costs, and ensure the security of the system and its data.
(7) (A) Before making the system developed pursuant to this subdivision available for public use, the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Commission, shall test the system to ensure its functionality and then certify that the system meets all the requirements of this subdivision. The Secretary of State may consult with the Department of Technology as needed to fulfill his or her duties under this paragraph.
(B) After the system developed pursuant to this subdivision is certified, the system described in subdivision (a) shall no longer accept reports and filings, unless otherwise directed by the Secretary of State and the Commission. The system described in subdivision (a) shall continue to allow public access to past disclosures unless the Secretary of State migrates that data into the system described in this subdivision. To facilitate data conversion during migration, the Secretary of State may make minor technical modifications or corrections to the migrated data.
(c)  On or before December 31, 2017, and on or before every April 15, July 15, October 15, and January 15 thereafter, the Secretary of State shall submit to the chairs of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the fiscal committees of the Legislature a quarterly report on the progress of the Cal-Access Project. Specifically, the Secretary of State shall certify whether he or she (1) anticipates making or has made any changes to the project’s scope, schedule, or budget and (2) considers any problems to be a risk to the project’s completion according to the approved project schedule and budget. This reporting requirement shall end upon the completion or termination of the Cal-Access Project.

SEC. 25.

 Section 84605 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 (a) The following persons shall file online or electronically with the Secretary of State:
(1) Any candidate, including superior court, appellate court, and Supreme Court candidates and officeholders, committee, or other persons who are required, pursuant to Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 84100) and Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 85100), to file statements, reports, or other documents in connection with a state elective office or state measure.
(2) Any state general purpose committees, as defined in Section 82027.5, including the general purpose committees of political parties, as defined in Section 85205, and small contributor committees, as defined in Section 85203.
(3) Any slate mailer organization that produces one or more slate mailers supporting or opposing candidates or measures voted on in a state election or in more than one county.
(4) Any lobbyist, lobbying firm, lobbyist employer, or other persons required, pursuant to Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 86100), to file statements, reports, or other documents.
(b) The Secretary of State shall also disclose on the Internet any late contribution or late independent expenditure report, as defined by Sections 84203 and 84204, respectively, not covered by paragraph (1), (2), or (3) of subdivision (a) or any other provision of law.
(c) It shall be presumed that online or electronic filers file under penalty of perjury.
(d) The Secretary of State shall maintain at all times a secured, official version of all original online and electronically filed statements and reports required by this chapter, which shall be the official version for audit and other legal purposes.
(e) Except for statements related to a local elective office or a local ballot measure filed by a candidate for local elective office who is also a candidate for elective state office, a copy of a statement, report, or other document filed by online or electronic means with the Secretary of State shall not be filed with a local filing officer.

SEC. 26.

 Section 84606 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 The date that a filer transmits an online or electronic report shall be the date the filed report is received by the Secretary of State.

SEC. 27.

 Section 84612 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 If the Secretary of State rejects a filing made under this chapter, the Secretary of State shall immediately notify the filer, by email, of the reason or reasons for rejection using plain, straightforward language, avoiding technical terms as much as possible, and using a coherent and easily readable style. The notice shall be written or displayed so that the meaning will be easily understood by those persons directly affected by it. The Cal-Access Replacement System may contain required fields in which information must be entered in order to submit a report or statement, as determined by the Secretary of State and the Commission.

SEC. 28.

 Section 84615 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 A local government agency may require an elected officer, candidate, committee, or other person required to file statements, reports, or other documents required by Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 84100), except an elected officer, candidate, committee, or other person who receives contributions totaling less than two thousand dollars ($2,000), and makes expenditures totaling less than two thousand dollars ($2,000) in a calendar year, to file those statements, reports, or other documents online or electronically with a local filing officer. A local government agency that requires online or electronic filing pursuant to this section shall comply with all of the following:
(a) The legislative body for the local government agency shall adopt an ordinance approving the use of online or electronic filing, which shall include a legislative finding that the online or electronic filing system will operate securely and effectively and would not unduly burden filers. The ordinance adopted by the legislative body for the local government agency may, at the discretion of that legislative body, specify that the electronic or online filing requirements apply only to specifically identified types of filings or are triggered only by identified monetary thresholds. In any instance in which the original statement, report, or other document is required to be filed with the Secretary of State and a copy of that statement, report, or other document is required to be filed with the local government agency, the ordinance may permit, but shall not require, that the copy be filed online or electronically.
(b) The online or electronic filing system shall accept a filing in the standardized record format that was developed by the Secretary of State pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 84602, or the local government agency may transition to the Cal-Access Replacement System format, and then the system shall accept a filing in the new standardized record format developed by the Secretary of State pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 84602, and that is compatible with the Secretary of State’s system for receiving an online or electronic filing.
(c) The online or electronic filing system shall ensure the integrity of the data transmitted and shall include safeguards against efforts to tamper with, manipulate, alter, or subvert the data.
(d) (1) The local filing officer shall issue to a person who files a statement, report, or other document online or electronically an electronic confirmation that notifies the filer that the statement, report, or other document was received. The confirmation shall include the date and the time that the statement, report, or other document was received by the filing officer and the method by which the filer may view and print the data received by the filing officer.
(2) A copy retained by the filer of a statement, report, or other document that was filed online or electronically and the confirmation issued pursuant to paragraph (1) that shows the filer timely filed the statement, report, or other document shall create a rebuttable presumption that the filer timely filed the statement, report, or other document.
(e) The date of filing for a statement, report, or other document that is filed online or electronically shall be the day that it is received by the local filing officer.
(f) The local filing officer shall make all the data filed available on the Internet in an easily understood format that provides the greatest public access. The data shall be made available free of charge and as soon as possible after receipt. The data made available on the Internet shall not contain the street name and building number of the persons or entity representatives listed on the electronically filed forms or any bank account number required to be disclosed by the filer. The local filing officer shall make a complete, unredacted copy of any statement, report, or other document filed pursuant to this section, including any street names, building numbers, and bank account numbers disclosed by the filer, available to any person upon request.
(g) The online or electronic filing system shall include a procedure for filers to comply with the requirement that they sign statements and reports under penalty of perjury pursuant to Section 81004.
(h) The local government agency shall enable filers to complete and submit filings free of charge.
(i) The local filing officer shall maintain, for a period of at least 10 years commencing from the date filed, a secured, official version of each online or electronic statement, report, or other document filed pursuant to this section, which shall serve as the official version of that record for purpose of audits and any other legal purpose. Data that has been maintained for at least 10 years may then be archived in a secure format.
(j) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any statement, report, or other document filed online or electronically pursuant to this section shall not be required to be filed with the local filing officer in paper format.

SEC. 29.

 Section 85200 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 Prior to the solicitation or receipt of any contribution or loan, an individual who intends to be a candidate for an elective state office, as that term is defined by Section 82024, shall file online or electronically with the Secretary of State an original statement, signed under penalty of perjury, of intention to be a candidate for a specific office.
An individual who intends to be a candidate for any other elective office shall file the statement of intention with the same filing officer and in the same location as the individual would file an original campaign statement pursuant to subdivisions (b), (c), and (d) of Section 84215.
For purposes of this section, “contribution” and “loan” do not include any payments from the candidate’s personal funds for a candidate filing fee or a candidate statement of qualifications fee.

SEC. 30.

 Section 86100 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 (a) Individual lobbyists shall prepare lobbyist certifications pursuant to Section 86103 for filing with the Secretary of State as part of the registration of the lobbying firm in which the lobbyist is a partner, owner, officer, or employee or as part of the registration of the lobbyist employer by which the lobbyist is employed.
(b) Lobbying firms shall register with the Secretary of State.
(c) Lobbyist employers as defined in subdivision (a) of Section 82039.5 shall register with the Secretary of State.
(d) Lobbyist employers as defined in subdivision (b) of Section 82039.5 and persons described in subdivision (b) of Section 86115 are not required to register with the Secretary of State but shall file statements pursuant to this article.
(e) A registration statement shall be filed by online or electronic means.

SEC. 31.

 Section 86103 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 A lobbyist certification shall include all of the following:
(a) A recent photograph of the lobbyist, in a size prescribed by the Secretary of State.
(b) The lobbyist’s full name, business address, email address, and telephone number.
(c) A statement that the lobbyist has read and understands the prohibitions contained in Sections 86203 and 86205.
(d) A statement regarding the lobbyist’s completion of the ethics course described in subdivision (b) of Section 8956 as follows:
(1) For a lobbyist who filed a completed lobbyist certification in connection with the last regular session of the Legislature, either of the following statements:
(A) That the lobbyist has completed the ethics course within the previous 12 months.
(B) That the lobbyist will complete the ethics course no later than June 30 of the following year, in which case the certification shall be accepted on a conditional basis.
(2) In the case of a new lobbyist certification, if the lobbyist has not completed the course within the previous 12 months, the lobbyist certification shall include a statement that the lobbyist will complete the course within 12 months. The lobbyist certification shall be accepted on a conditional basis.
(3) If a lobbyist certification is accepted on a conditional basis, the lobbyist shall timely complete the ethics course and file a new lobbyist certification to replace the conditional lobbyist certification. If the lobbyist fails to timely complete the ethics course, the conditional lobbyist certification shall be void and the individual shall not act as a lobbyist under this title until the individual completes the course and files a lobbyist certification stating the date of completion. It is a violation of this section for any individual to act as a lobbyist under this title once his or her conditional certification is void.
(4) The date and confirmation that an individual has completed the ethics course may be transmitted to the Secretary of State by the legislative ethics committee.
(e) Any other information required by the commission consistent with the purposes and provisions of this chapter.
(f) Registration fees required by Section 86102 shall be paid online at the time a lobbyist certification is submitted for registration to be active.

SEC. 32.

 Section 86104 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 The registration of a lobbying firm shall include:
(a) The full name, business address, email address, and telephone number of the lobbying firm.
(b) A list of the lobbyists who are partners, owners, officers, or employees of the lobbying firm.
(c) The lobbyist certification of each lobbyist in the lobbying firm.
(d) The following information regarding each person with whom the lobbying firm contracts to provide lobbying services:
(1) The full name, business address, email address, and telephone number of the person.
(2) An authorization electronically confirmed by the person.
(3) The time period of the contract.
(4) Information sufficient to identify the nature and interests of the person including:
(A) For an individual, the name and address of his or her employer, if any, or if self-employed, his or her principal place of business, and a description of the business activity in which the person or his or her employer is engaged.
(B) For a business entity, a description of the business activity in which it is engaged.
(C) For an industry, trade, or professional association, a description of the industry, trade, or profession it represents, including a specific description of any part or faction of the industry, trade, or profession the association exclusively or primarily represents and, if the association has 50 or fewer members, the names of the members.
(D) For other persons, a statement of the person’s nature and purposes, including a description of any industry, trade, profession, or other group with a common economic interest that the person principally represents or from which its membership or financial support is principally derived.
(5) The lobbying interests of the person.
(6) A list of the state agencies whose legislative or administrative actions the lobbying firm will attempt to influence for the person.
(e) The name and title of a partner, owner, or officer of the lobbying firm who is responsible for filing statements and reports and keeping records required by this chapter on behalf of the lobbying firm, and a statement signed by the designated responsible person that he or she has read and understands the prohibitions contained in Sections 86203 and 86205.
(f) Any other information required by the commission consistent with the purposes and provisions of this chapter.

SEC. 33.

 Section 86105 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 The registration of a lobbyist employer shall include:
(a) The full name, business address, email address, and telephone number of the lobbyist employer.
(b) A list of the lobbyists who are employed by the lobbyist employer.
(c) The lobbyist certification of each lobbyist employed by the lobbyist employer, included by electronic link.
(d) Information sufficient to identify the nature and interests of the filer, including:
(1) For an individual, the name and address of the filer’s employer, if any, or if self-employed, his or her principal place of business, and a description of the business activity in which the filer or his or her employer is engaged.
(2) For a business entity, a description of the business activity in which it is engaged.
(3) For an industry, trade, or professional association, a description of the industry, trade, or profession it represents including a specific description of any part or faction of the industry, trade, or profession that the association exclusively or primarily represents and, if the association has 50 or fewer members, the names of the members.
(4) For other persons, a statement of the person’s nature and purposes, including a description of any industry, trade, profession, or other group with a common economic interest that the person principally represents or from which its membership or financial support is principally derived.
(e) The lobbying interests of the lobbyist employer, and a list of the state agencies whose legislative or administrative actions the lobbyist employer will attempt to influence.
(f) Any other information required by the commission consistent with the purposes and provisions of this chapter.

SEC. 34.

 Section 86107 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 (a) If any information in a registration statement changes, an appropriate amendment shall be filed online or electronically with the Secretary of State within 20 days after the change. However, if the change includes the name of a person by whom a lobbying firm is retained, the registration statement of the lobbying firm shall be amended and filed to show that change prior to the lobbying firm’s attempting to influence any legislative or administrative action on behalf of that person. Lobbying firms and lobbyist employers that, during a regular session of the Legislature, cease all activity that required registration shall file a notice of termination within 20 days after the cessation. Lobbying firms and lobbyist employers that, at the close of a regular session of the Legislature, cease all activity that required registration are not required to file a notice of termination.
(b) If any information in a lobbyist certification changes, or if a lobbyist terminates all activity that required the certification, the lobbyist shall submit an amended certification or notice of termination to his or her lobbying firm or lobbyist employer for filing with the Secretary of State within the time limits specified in subdivision (a). A lobbyist who, at the close of a regular session of the Legislature, ceases all activity that required certification is not required to file a notice of termination.
(c) Lobbyists and lobbying firms are subject to the gift limits in Section 86203 for the earlier of six months after either of the following:
(1) The filing of a notice of termination.
(2) The close of a regular session of the Legislature if the lobbyist or lobbying firm ceased all activity that required certification or registration when the session closed.

SEC. 35.

 Section 86108 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 The Secretary of State shall make all information listed on any registration statement and on any amendment, renewal, or notice of termination publicly available on the Internet as soon as possible after receipt.

SEC. 36.

 Section 86109 of the Government Code is repealed.

SEC. 37.

 Section 86109.5 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 (a) The Secretary of State shall establish and maintain on the Internet an online listing of lobbyists, lobbying firms, and lobbyist employers. The Secretary of State shall update the listing as soon as possible when new information is received.
(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, the lobbying data made available on the Internet shall include the street name and building number of the persons or entity representatives listed on all the documents submitted to the Secretary of State pursuant to Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 86100).

SEC. 38.

 Section 86114 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 (a) Lobbying firms shall file periodic reports containing all of the following:
(1) The full name, address, email address, and telephone number of the lobbying firm.
(2) The full name, business address, and telephone number of each person who contracted with the lobbying firm for lobbying services, a description of the specific lobbying interests of the person, and the total payments, including fees and the reimbursement of expenses, received from the person for lobbying services during the reporting period.
(3) The total amount of payments received for lobbying services during the period.
(4) A periodic report completed and verified by each lobbyist in the lobbying firm pursuant to Section 86113.
(5) Each activity expense incurred by the lobbying firm including those reimbursed by a person who contracts with the lobbying firm for lobbying services. A total of all activity expenses of the lobbying firm and all of its lobbyists shall be included.
(6) If the lobbying firm subcontracts with another lobbying firm for lobbying services:
(A) The full name, address, email address, and telephone number of the subcontractor.
(B) The name of the person for whom the subcontractor was retained to lobby.
(C) The total amount of all payments made to the subcontractor.
(7) The date, amount, and the name of the recipient of any contribution of one hundred dollars ($100) or more made by the filer to an elected state officer, a state candidate, a committee controlled by an elected state officer or state candidate, or a committee primarily formed to support or oppose those officers or candidates. If this contribution is reported by the lobbying firm or by a committee sponsored by the lobbying firm in a campaign statement filed pursuant to Chapter 4 which is required to be filed with the Secretary of State, the filer may report only the name of the committee and the identification number of the committee.
(8) Any other information required by the commission consistent with the purposes and provisions of this chapter.
(b) In addition to the information required by subdivision (a), lobbying firms which qualify pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 82038.5 shall also report the name and title of each partner, owner, officer, and employee of the lobbying firm who, on at least five separate occasions during the reporting period, engaged in direct communication with any elective state official, legislative official, or agency official, for the purpose of influencing legislative or administrative action on behalf of a person who contracts with the lobbying firm for lobbying services. This does not include individuals whose actions were purely clerical.

SEC. 39.

 Section 86116 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 Every person described in Section 86115 shall file periodic reports containing the following information:
(a) The name, business address, email address, and telephone number of the lobbyist employer or other person filing the report.
(b) The total amount of payments to each lobbying firm.
(c) The total amount of all payments to lobbyists employed by the filer.
(d) A description of the specific lobbying interests of the filer.
(e) A periodic report completed and verified by each lobbyist employed by a lobbyist employer pursuant to Section 86113.
(f) Each activity expense of the filer. A total of all activity expenses of the filer shall be included.
(g) The date, amount, and the name of the recipient of any contribution of one hundred dollars ($100) or more made by the filer to an elected state officer, a state candidate, or a committee controlled by an elected state officer or state candidate, or a committee primarily formed to support or oppose the officer or candidate. If this contribution is reported by the filer or by a committee sponsored by the filer in a campaign statement filed pursuant to Chapter 4 which is required to be filed with the Secretary of State, the filer may report only the name of the committee, and the identification number of the committee.
(h) (1) Except as set forth in paragraph (2), the total of all other payments to influence legislative or administrative action including overhead expenses and all payments to employees who spend 10 percent or more of their compensated time in any one month in activities related to influencing legislative or administrative action.
(2) A filer that makes payments to influence a ratemaking or quasi-legislative proceeding before the Public Utilities Commission, as defined in subdivision (b) or (c), respectively, of Section 82002, may, in lieu of reporting those payments pursuant to paragraph (1), report only the portion of those payments made to or for the filer’s attorneys for time spent appearing as counsel and preparing to appear as counsel, or to or for the filer’s witnesses for time spent testifying and preparing to testify, in this type of Public Utilities Commission proceeding. This alternative reporting of these payments made during a calendar month is not required to include payments made to an attorney or witness who is an employee of the filer if less than 10 percent of his or her compensated time in that month was spent in appearing, testifying, or preparing to appear or testify before the Public Utilities Commission in a ratemaking or quasi-legislative proceeding. For the purposes of this paragraph, time spent preparing to appear or preparing to testify does not include time spent preparing written testimony.
(i) Any other information required by the commission consistent with the purposes and provisions of this chapter.

SEC. 40.

 Section 86118 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 Reports required by Sections 86114 and 86116 shall be filed online or electronically with the Secretary of State.

SEC. 41.

 Section 23.5 of this bill incorporates amendments to Section 84504.2 of the Government Code proposed by this bill and Assembly Bill 2155. That section shall only become operative if (1) both bills are enacted and become effective on or before January 1, 2019, (2) each bill amends Section 84504.2 of the Government Code, and (3) this bill is enacted after Assembly Bill 2155, in which case Section 84504.2 of the Government Code, as amended by Assembly Bill 2155, shall remain operative only until the operative date of this bill, at which time Section 23.5 of this bill shall become operative, and Section 23 of this bill shall not become operative.

SEC. 42.

 No reimbursement is required by this act pursuant to Section 6 of Article XIII B of the California Constitution because the only costs that may be incurred by a local agency or school district will be incurred because this act creates a new crime or infraction, eliminates a crime or infraction, or changes the penalty for a crime or infraction, within the meaning of Section 17556 of the Government Code, or changes the definition of a crime within the meaning of Section 6 of Article XIII B of the California Constitution.

SEC. 43.

 The Legislature finds and declares that this bill furthers the purposes of the Political Reform Act of 1974 within the meaning of subdivision (a) of Section 81012 of the Government Code.

SEC. 44.

 This act shall not become operative until the Secretary of State certifies an online filing and disclosure system pursuant to paragraph (7) of subdivision (b) of Section 84602 of the Government Code.