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SB-1431 Service of summons or subpoena.(2015-2016)

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Senate Bill No. 1431

An act to amend Section 415.21 of the Code of Civil Procedure, relating to civil procedure.

[ Approved by Governor  July 22, 2016. Filed with Secretary of State  July 22, 2016. ]


SB 1431, Morrell. Service of summons or subpoena.
Existing law requires specified persons to be granted access to a gated community for a reasonable period of time for the sole purpose of performing lawful service of process or service of a subpoena, as specified.
This bill would additionally require an investigator who is employed by an office of the Attorney General, a county counsel, a city attorney, a district attorney, or a public defender, upon the display of proper identification, to be granted access to a gated community for the sole purpose of performing lawful service of process or service of a subpoena.
Vote: MAJORITY   Appropriation: NO   Fiscal Committee: NO   Local Program: NO  

The people of the State of California do enact as follows:


 Section 415.21 of the Code of Civil Procedure is amended to read:

 (a) Notwithstanding any other law, any person shall be granted access to a gated community for a reasonable period of time for the sole purpose of performing lawful service of process or service of a subpoena upon displaying a current driver’s license or other identification, and one of the following:
(1) A badge or other confirmation that the individual is acting in his or her capacity as a representative of a county sheriff or marshal, or as an investigator employed by an office of the Attorney General, a county counsel, a city attorney, a district attorney, or a public defender.
(2) Evidence of current registration as a process server pursuant to Chapter 16 (commencing with Section 22350) of Division 8 of the Business and Professions Code or of licensure as a private investigator pursuant to Chapter 11.3 (commencing with Section 7512) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code.
(b) This section shall only apply to a gated community that is staffed at the time service of process is attempted by a guard or other security personnel assigned to control access to the community.