Under existing law, by executive order, CaliforniaVolunteers is established in the office of the Governor and is charged with overseeing programs and initiatives for service and volunteerism.
This bill would authorize CaliforniaVolunteers, for so long as it is authorized to exist, to form a nonprofit public benefit corporation or other entity exempt from income taxation, as provided, to raise revenues and receive grants or other financial support from private or public sources, for the purposes of undertaking or funding any lawful activity authorized to be undertaken by CaliforniaVolunteers. The bill would require that the nonprofit public benefit corporation or other entity use the financial support it receives solely for the
governmental purposes approved by CaliforniaVolunteers for activities within the scope of authority of CaliforniaVolunteers. The bill would prohibit the nonprofit public benefit corporation or other entity from using for its own administrative costs more than 10% of the grants and financial support it receives. The bill would specify the mission of that nonprofit public benefit corporation or other