An act relating to the Budget Act of 2023. An act to amend Section 1021.8 of the Code of Civil Procedure, to amend Section 1610 of, and to add Chapter 11.5 (commencing with Section 1927) to Division 2 of, the Fish and Game Code, to amend Sections 4101.4 and 4104 of, and to add and repeal Sections 4104.5, 4105.5, and 4109 of, the Food and Agricultural Code, to repeal Section 12087.3 of the Government Code, to amend Sections 25502, 38562.2, 116773.2, 116773.4, 116773.6, and 116773.8 of the Health and Safety Code, to amend Sections 716, 3258, 5080.18, 42034.2, and 71154 of, and to add Article 4 (commencing with Section 5081) to Chapter 1.2 of Division 5 of, the Public Resources Code, to repeal Section 17131.19 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, to amend Sections
1831, 1846, 6300, 6302, 6304, 6305, 13198, 13198.2, 13260, and 13523 of, to add Sections 1242.1, 1242.2, 1242.3, 6433, and 13198.3 to, to add Part 4 (commencing with Section 6700) to Division 3 of, and to repeal Section 13198.8 of, the Water Code, to amend the Budget Act of 2021 (Chapter 69 of the Statutes of 2021) by amending Item 3940-162-8506 of Section 2.00 of that act, to amend Section 106 of Chapter 73 of the Statutes of 2021, and to repeal Section 95 of Chapter 50 of the Statutes of 2022, relating to public resources, and making an appropriation therefor, to take effect immediately, bill related to the budget.