Aanestad (A) , Ackerman (A) , Alarcon (S) , Alpert (S) , Alquist (A) , Aroner (A) , Ashburn (A) , Baca (S) , Baldwin (A) , Bates (A) , Battin (A) , Baugh (A) , Bock (A) , Bowen (S) , Brewer (A) , Briggs (A) , Brulte (S) , Burton (S) , Calderon (A) , Campbell (A) , Cardenas (A) , Cardoza (A) , Cedillo (A) , Chesbro (S) , Corbett (A) , Correa (A) , Costa (S) , Cox (A) , Cunneen (A) , Davis (A) , Dickerson (A) , Ducheny (A) , Dunn (S) , Dutra (A) , Escutia (S) , Figueroa (S) , Firebaugh (A) , Florez (A) , Floyd (A) , Frusetta (A) , Gallegos (A) , Granlund (A) , Havice (A) , Hayden (S) , Haynes (S) , Hertzberg (A) , Honda (A) , House (A) , Hughes (S) , Jackson (A) , Johannessen (S) , Johnson (S) , Johnston (S) , Karnette (S) , Keeley (A) , Kelley (S) , Knight (S) , Knox (A) , Kuehl (A) , Leach (A) , Lempert (A) , Leonard (A) , Leslie (S) , Lewis (S) , Longville (A) , Lowenthal (A) , Machado (A) , Maddox (A) , Maldonado (A) , Margett (A) , Mazzoni (A) , McPherson (S) , Migden (A) , Monteith (S) , Morrow (S) , Mountjoy (S) , Murray (S) , Nakano (A) , O'Connell (S) , Olberg (A) , Oller (A) , Ortiz (S) , Rod Pacheco (A) , Robert Pacheco (A) , Papan (A) , Peace (S) , Perata (S) , Pescetti (A) , Polanco (S) , Rainey (S) , Reyes (A) , Romero (A) , Runner (A) , Schiff (S) , Scott (A) , Shelley (A) , Sher (S) , Solis (S) , Soto (A) , Speier (S) , Steinberg (A) , Strickland (A) , Strom-Martin (A) , Thompson (A) , Thomson (A) , Torlakson (A) , Vasconcellos (S) , Villaraigosa (A) , Vincent (A) , Washington (A) , Wayne (A) , Wesson (A) , Wiggins (A) , Wildman (A) , Wright (A) , Wright (S)
California State University: Kenneth L. Maddy Institute.
An act to add Article 7 (commencing with Section 89260) to Chapter 2 of Part 55 of the Education Code, relating to the California State University, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring the urgency thereof, to take effect immediately.
Type of Measure
Active Bill -
Vote Required
Fiscal Committee
State-Mandated Local Program
Non-Tax levy
Last 5 History Actions
Chaptered by Secretary of State. Chapter 593, Statutes of 1999.
Approved by Governor.
Enrolled. To Governor at 1 p.m. (Corrected September 24. )
Senate concurs in Assembly amendments. (Ayes 39. Noes 0. Page 3253.) To enrollment.
Read third time. Urgency clause adopted. Passed. (Ayes 78. Noes 0. Page 4170.) To Senate.