Bill Search

For a phrase: "Surround it with Quotes"
Bills Returned: 21
Measure Subject Author Status
AB-1907 Use fuel tax: natural gas: gallon equivalent. Ridley-Thomas Chaptered
AB-2047 Veterans, services. Ridley-Thomas Assembly - Died
AB-2118 Adoption records: confidentiality. Ridley-Thomas Assembly - Died - Judiciary
AB-2120 Compensation: child care instructor. Ridley-Thomas Assembly - Died - Labor and Employment
AB-2125 Child care: standard reimbursement rates. Ridley-Thomas Senate - Died - Appropriations
AB-2155 Nurses and certified nurse assistants: overtime. Ridley-Thomas Vetoed
AB-2259 Water replenishment: assessments. Ridley-Thomas Chaptered
AB-2273 Payment of election expenses. Ridley-Thomas Assembly - Died - Appropriations
AB-2275 Certified copies of marriage, birth, and death certificates: electronic application. Ridley-Thomas Senate - Died - Judiciary
AB-2295 Community colleges: academic employees. Ridley-Thomas Chaptered
AB-2300 Firearms: Prohibited Armed Persons File. Ridley-Thomas Chaptered
AB-2305 Weapons. Ridley-Thomas Assembly - Died - Appropriations
AB-2310 Unlawful detainer: nuisance: unlawful weapons and ammunition. Ridley-Thomas Chaptered
AB-2315 Department of Justice: unit on recidivism. Ridley-Thomas Assembly - Died
AB-2400 Health care coverage: provider contracts. Ridley-Thomas Senate - Died - Health
AB-2549 Gambling: moratorium: City of Milpitas. Ridley-Thomas Senate - Died - Rules
AB-2678 Oil spills: oil spill prevention and administration fee. Ridley-Thomas Assembly - Died
AB-2722 Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority: contracting. Ridley-Thomas Assembly - Died - Local Government
ACR-139 Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month Ridley-Thomas Chaptered
ACR-163 Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. Ridley-Thomas Chaptered
HR-55 x Ridley-Thomas Assembly - Passed