December 09, 2024
Assembly Concurrent Resolution
No. 4
Introduced by Assembly Member Nguyen
December 02, 2024 |
Relative to Republic of Vietnam Month.
ACR 4, as introduced, Nguyen.
Republic of Vietnam Month.
This measure would proclaim the month of October 2025 as Republic of Vietnam Month in commemoration of the 69th anniversary of the adoption of the first Constitution of the Republic of Vietnam, in honor of the lives lost for freedom and democracy during the Vietnam War, and in recognition of the positive contributions of Vietnamese Americans to the State of California.
Digest Key
Fiscal Committee:
NO WHEREAS, The people of the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam) and the United States found common ground in their shared principles of democracy and individual liberties, coming together to valiantly defend these tenets against communism; and
WHEREAS, October 2025 marks the 69th anniversary of the adoption of the first Constitution of the Republic of Vietnam, which established that nation’s first democracy; and
WHEREAS, Until the Fall of Saigon in 1975, the government of the Republic of Vietnam sought to defend the lives, freedom, and property of its people and was at the forefront of the fight for democracy in Southeast Asia; and
WHEREAS, In an effort to protect the democratic government of the Republic of Vietnam from socialist control, the United States, Australia, the Philippines, New Zealand, South Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand fought vigorously to aid the Republic of Vietnam in their fight against communism; and
WHEREAS, Despite a valiant effort from countries around the world, Saigon fell, compelling nearly 3,000,000 Vietnamese to flee the country in search of freedom and refuge in neighboring countries, with approximately one-half of these individuals perishing at sea before reaching a safe haven; and
WHEREAS, The United States welcomed many Vietnamese refugees following the collapse of the Republic of Vietnam, and today, the State of California is home to more than 600,000 Vietnamese Americans that enrich the social, cultural, and economic fabric of our state through their significant contributions to the fields of education, business, politics, arts, science, and technology; and
WHEREAS, Today, the Vietnamese American community throughout California and the United States remains vigilant of the state of affairs of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam due to its continuous infringement upon the liberties of its people, specifically in the areas of child labor, human trafficking, religious and political persecution, suppression of the press, unlawful deprivation of life, forced disappearances, and land seizure; and
WHEREAS, Vietnamese American communities throughout California and the United States continue to put pressure on the government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam with the hope of bringing freedom and democracy to the people of Vietnam, improving the quality of life of the veterans and disabled veterans of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam, and drawing attention to the plight of the wives of the fallen soldiers who continue to suffer; and
WHEREAS, For their brave resolution to defend freedom around the world, Republic of Vietnam Month also seeks to recognize the sacrifice of the more than 58,000 American service members who lost their lives to defend democracy in Vietnam, as well as the more than 1,000,000 people, including service members, supporting personnel, and their families, who made great sacrifices and contributions to the fight for freedom; and
WHEREAS, Republic of Vietnam Month also honors the members of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam and government officials, many of whom perished or were captured and held in communist labor camps where they suffered unspeakable abuses, as well as to recognize the sacrifice of their families, especially the wives who displayed admirable courage in the face of tragedy; and
WHEREAS, To honor the great sacrifices made in the fight for democracy, communities throughout California will dedicate the month of October as a time to reflect on principles of freedom and democracy and the sacrifices that have been made towards the attainment of these ideals, as well as to commemorate the anniversary of the first democracy of the Republic of Vietnam and to thank the millions of veterans around the world who fought during the Vietnam War; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Assembly of the State of California, the Senate thereof concurring, That the Legislature hereby proclaims the month of October 2025 as Republic of Vietnam Month, in commemoration of the 69th anniversary of the adoption of the first Constitution of the Republic of Vietnam, in honor of the lives lost for freedom and democracy during the Vietnam War, and in recognition of the positive contributions of Vietnamese Americans to the State of California; and be it further
Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly transmit copies of this resolution to the author for appropriate distribution.
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