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AB-95 Postsecondary education: Coordinating Commission for Education in California.(2025-2026)

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Date Published: 01/07/2025 09:00 PM


Assembly Bill
No. 95

Introduced by Assembly Member Fong

January 07, 2025

An act to add Article 2.3 (commencing with Section 66010.8) to Chapter 2 of Part 40 of Division 5 of Title 3 of the Education Code, relating to postsecondary education.


AB 95, as introduced, Fong. Postsecondary education: Coordinating Commission for Education in California.
Existing law establishes the University of California, under the administration of the Regents of the University of California, the California State University, under the administration of the Trustees of the California State University, the California Community Colleges, under the administration of the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, independent institutions of higher education, and private postsecondary educational institutions as the segments of postsecondary education in this state.
Existing law establishes the California Postsecondary Education Commission (CPEC) as the statewide postsecondary education coordinating and planning agency, and provides for its functions and responsibilities. Existing law also provides for the composition of CPEC’s membership. The annual state Budget Acts from the 2011–12 fiscal year to the 2023–24 fiscal year, inclusive, have provided no funding for CPEC.
This bill would establish the Coordinating Commission for Education in California as a state career and higher education coordination body composed of workforce, education segment, and employer representatives that establishes joint and regional plans and makes recommendations on state and federal funding related to statewide educational attainment and career education goals.
Vote: MAJORITY   Appropriation: NO   Fiscal Committee: YES   Local Program: NO  

The people of the State of California do enact as follows:


 The Legislature finds and declares all of the following:
(a) In 1960, the State Department of Education published the Master Plan for Higher Education in California, which relegated each segment of public postsecondary education to a distinct role in California’s public postsecondary education system.
(b) Since the California Postsecondary Education Commission was defunded in 2011, California has been without a statewide postsecondary education coordinating body and remains one of just two states without a coordinating body.
(c) The state provides state funds and receives federal funds for various workforce development programs that may not work in a coordinated and seamless fashion to best prepare students and adults for high-paying jobs and careers.

SEC. 2.

 Article 2.3 (commencing with Section 66010.8) is added to Chapter 2 of Part 40 of Division 5 of Title 3 of the Education Code, to read:
Article  2.3. Coordinating Commission for Education in California

 The Coordinating Commission for Education in California is hereby established as a state career and higher education coordinating body composed of workforce, education segment, and employer representatives that establishes joint and regional plans and makes recommendations on state and federal funding related to statewide educational attainment and career education goals.