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SB-613 State agency greenhouse gas emission reduction report cards.(2019-2020)

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Date Published: 07/01/2019 09:00 PM

Amended  IN  Assembly  July 01, 2019
Amended  IN  Senate  April 04, 2019


Senate Bill
No. 613

Introduced by Senator Stern

February 22, 2019

An act to amend Section 12892 of, and to add Section 12892.5 to, the Government Code, relating to greenhouse gases.


SB 613, as amended, Stern. State agency greenhouse gas emission reduction report cards.
Existing law requires specified state agencies to prepare and submit to the Secretary for Environmental Protection specified information for inclusion in an annual greenhouse gas emission reduction report card, including, among other information, a list of measures that the state agency has adopted or implemented, or that are needed, to meet greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, as defined, an estimate of the state agency’s greenhouse gas emissions, and an explanation of any increase or decrease compared to its previous year greenhouse gas emissions.
This bill would require the estimate of a state agency’s greenhouse gas emissions to include include, to the extent feasible, an estimate of greenhouse gas emissions related to the state agency’s food purchases. The bill would require the State Air Resources Board to create and publish on its internet website a methodology for a state agency to estimate estimate, to the extent feasible, its food-related greenhouse gas emissions, as provided, and would require a state agency to use this methodology to prepare its estimate of those emissions.
Vote: MAJORITY   Appropriation: NO   Fiscal Committee: YES   Local Program: NO  

The people of the State of California do enact as follows:


 Section 12892 of the Government Code is amended to read:

 (a) On or before October 1 of each year, each state agency shall prepare and submit to the secretary in a standardized format as determined by the agency all of the following:
(1) A list of those measures that have been adopted and implemented by the state agency to meet GHG emission reduction targets and a status report on actual GHG emissions reduced as a result of these measures.
(2) A list and timetable for adoption of any additional measures needed to meet GHG emission reduction targets.
(3) (A) An estimate of the state agency’s own GHG emissions, as well as an explanation of any increase or decrease compared to the previous year’s GHG emissions.
(B) The estimate in subparagraph (A) shall shall, to the extent feasible, include an estimate of GHG emissions related to the state agency’s food purchases using the methodology created pursuant to Section 12892.5.
(b) In order to reduce paperwork and workload, information required to be submitted pursuant to this section may be submitted in a standardized electronic format as determined by the agency.
(c) On or before January 1 of each year, the agency shall compile and organize the information submitted pursuant to this section into a clear, standardized format, and shall provide that information on the agency’s internet website in the form of a state agency greenhouse gas GHG emission reduction report card.
(d) The report card shall compare the actions taken and proposed to be taken by individual state agencies and their projected annual GHG emission reductions against the state agency GHG emission reduction targets and statewide GHG emission reduction limits.
(e) Where appropriate, the report card shall include a statement regarding the independent audits required by Section 12893.
(f) In conjunction with the Governor’s Budget submitted pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 12 of Article IV of the California Constitution, on or before January 10 of each year, the agency shall submit to the Legislature a comprehensive budget display that includes both of the following:
(1) Funding proposals and base funding in the proposed Governor’s Budget for state agencies implementing climate solutions to meet the greenhouse gas GHG emissions reduction targets as specified in the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (Division 25.5 (commencing with Section 38500) of the Health and Safety Code).
(2) A five-year work plan summary for each department included in the comprehensive budget display that shows how staff and contracting resources will be allocated to achieve specified climate solution deliverables.

SEC. 2.

 Section 12892.5 is added to the Government Code, to read:

  The State Air Resources Board shall create and publish on its internet website a methodology for a state agency to estimate estimate, to the extent feasible, the GHG emissions that occur through the life cycle of all food purchased by the state agency, including third-party vendors that provide food on behalf of the state agency, that will enable a state agency to reliably track changes in its food-related GHG emissions over time. In creating this methodology, the State Air Resources Board may consider costs and feasibility of implementation and may focus on tracking only the key sources of food-related GHG emissions.