(a) The commission shall develop best practice recruiting recommendations and materials that include best practices for recruiting women peace officers. peace officers who are women, racial or ethnic minorities, and members of any other group currently underrepresented in law enforcement. In developing these recommendations and materials, the commission shall work with women advocacy organizations, law enforcement agencies,
and community, local, or other state organizations and agencies that have expertise in the area of best practices recruitment for peace officer community relations, including, but not limited to, the recruitment of women peace officers. officers and peace officers belonging to racial or ethnic minority groups.(b) Upon completion of a set of best practices, the commission shall create and make available to distribute electronically, or provide by means of another form or method, a guidebook or other material on best practices for peace officer recruitment for recruiting community oriented officers and women peace officers.
officers, peace officers who are women, racial or ethnic minorities, and members of any other group currently underrepresented in law enforcement. This material shall be designed for, and made available to, peace officers responsible for recruitment at individual law enforcement agencies across California.
(c) In addition to the requirements in subdivision (b), the commission shall distribute, as necessary, a short bulletin via the internet to law enforcement agencies participating in the commission’s program on the topic of best recruitment practices, including, but not limited to, recruiting women peace officers.
peace officers who are women, racial or ethnic minorities, and members of any other group currently underrepresented in law enforcement. This bulletin is intended to summarize key findings and advertise the guidebook.
(d) The commission shall report to the Legislature, no later than June 30, 2022, on the extent to which peace officer programs have implemented best practice recruitment recommendations, the perceived outcomes of those recruitment recommendations, and the number of women officers officers, officers belonging to a racial or ethnic minority, or officers belonging to any other self-identified minority group, in each department.
(e) (1) The requirement for submitting a report imposed under subdivision (d) is inoperative on June 30, 2026, pursuant to Section 10231.5 of the Government Code.
(2) A report to be submitted pursuant to subdivision (d) shall be submitted in compliance with Section 9795 of the Government Code.