The sum of thirty-one million, five hundred eighty-five thousand, nine hundred twenty-seven dollars ($31,585,927) is hereby appropriated for expenditures for the 2004-05 fiscal year in augmentation of Item 9840-001-0001 of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2004 (Chapter 208 of the Statutes of 2004) and, notwithstanding Provision 7 of that item, shall be allocated by the State Controller in accordance with the following schedule:(1) Ten million, four hundred thirty-six thousand, eight hundred thirty-six dollars ($10,436,836) to Item 1760-001-0001, for payment to Item 1760-001-0666, Schedule (1) Program Support.
(2) Ten million, nine hundred nineteen
thousand, five hundred six dollars ($10,919,506) to Item 5240-001-0001, Schedule (1) 21 - Institutions Program.
(3) Three million, six hundred sixty-six thousand, nine hundred thirty-five dollars ($3,666,935) to Item 4440-011-0001, Schedule (2) 20.20 - Long-Term Care Services-Penal Code and Judicially Committed.
(4) Five million, one hundred nineteen thousand, two hundred fifty dollars ($5,119,250) to Item 3960-001-0001.
(5) One million, four hundred forty-three thousand, four hundred dollars ($1,443,400) to Item 0690-115-0001.