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ACR-34 California Earthquake Preparedness Month.(2001-2002)

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Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 34

Relative to California Earthquake Preparedness Month.

[ Filed with Secretary of State  April 09, 2001. ]


ACR 34, Corbett. California Earthquake Preparedness Month.
This measure would declare the month of April to be California Earthquake Preparedness Month and urge all Californians and government agencies to engage in education, evaluation of seismic hazards, mitigation, safety activities, and the exchange of information related to earthquake preparedness with other states and nations during that month.

WHEREAS, The Federal Emergency Management Agency estimates that of the nation’s $4.4 billion average annual capital and income losses due to earthquakes, 74 percent of those losses occur in California; and
WHEREAS, Major earthquakes registering magnitudes between 6.3 and 8.3 have occurred in California every 5.4 years, on average, for the past 200 years; and
WHEREAS, These earthquakes have resulted in loss of life, significant property damage, and indirect costs; and
WHEREAS, The United States Geological Survey estimates that there is a 90 percent chance that a major earthquake will strike an urban area in California within the next 30 years; and
WHEREAS, The majority of Californians live within 20 miles of a major earthquake fault; and
WHEREAS, Mitigating measures can save lives, reduce property damage, and alleviate traffic and economic dislocation caused by earthquakes; and
WHEREAS, The Federal Emergency Management Agency estimates that for every dollar spent on earthquake mitigation, $2 to $6 is saved if an earthquake occurs; and
WHEREAS, Education about the danger of earthquakes in California and the value of mitigation is the key to taking action at the city, county, and state levels of government; and
WHEREAS, It is important for these levels of government to work cooperatively with citizens, each other, the federal government, and other nations to mitigate damage caused by earthquakes; and
WHEREAS, It is vital that we examine the lessons learned from recent earthquakes in Seattle, El Salvador, and India, and that we share our knowledge with other states and nations; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Assembly of the State of California, the Senate thereof concurring, That the Legislature of the State of California hereby declares that the month of April is California Earthquake Preparedness Month and urges all Californians and government agencies to engage in education, evaluation of seismic hazards, mitigation, safety activities, and the exchange of information related to earthquake preparedness with other states and nations during that month; and be it further
Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly transmit copies of this resolution to the author for appropriate distribution.