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ACR-12 Child abuse and neglect.(2001-2002)

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Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 12

Relative to child abuse and neglect.

[ Filed with Secretary of State  April 23, 2001. ]


ACR 12, Cardoza. Child abuse and neglect.
This measure would designate 2001 as the Year of Heightened Concern for Special Children.

WHEREAS, Child abuse and neglect not only scar the lives of tens of thousands of California children each year but also directly cost the state over $3 billion in added costs for the provision of social services and billions more in medical, mental health, and judicial costs; and
WHEREAS, Emerging child development research shows that exposure to violence negatively affects the brain development of young children; and
WHEREAS, California has assumed legal responsibility for over 100,000 children removed from abusive environments and has a special obligation to ensure that these children are provided the care, treatment, and educational opportunities needed to heal the scars of mistreatment; and
WHEREAS, Foster care can protect many children from further abuse and neglect; but for too many children foster care has failed to provide the healing and nurturing that these children need; and
WHEREAS, Policymakers should affirm the extraordinary obligation of the state to care for abused children and prevent abuse by helping troubled families; and
WHEREAS, When the state assumes the role of parent, it assumes the responsibility and the obligation to provide the highest quality of care; and
WHEREAS, Child abuse and neglect constitute behavior that can and must be prevented; and
WHEREAS, The state should encourage innovative programs by funding pilot programs, conducting rigorous evaluations, and aggressively replicating and expanding cost-effective strategies to minimize child abuse and the need for foster care placement; and
WHEREAS, Foster care caseloads are growing because more children are entering the system and staying longer; and
WHEREAS, Too many children are returned to foster care after failed attempts to reunify them with their families; and
WHEREAS, The adoption process is unnecessarily tedious and cumbersome, frustrating the goal of increasing the number of successful foster care adoptions, particularly for older children; and
WHEREAS, Children are staying in temporary placement too long, aggravating the trauma of separation and limiting opportunities for permanent placement in nurturing families; and
WHEREAS, When a child is placed in foster care, the child becomes a legal dependent of the state; the state must fully live up to its obligation to care for and nurture abused children under its protection by healing the traumas of maltreatment in order to speed these children toward successful adulthood; and
WHEREAS, Each case of child abuse is a personal tragedy and social malady with far-reaching consequences for all Californians; it is past time for policymakers to make abused and neglected children a priority and ensure that programs are managed effectively to respond comprehensively to this problem; and
WHEREAS, The Members of the Legislature recognize the need to focus on this important issue in the 2001–02 Regular Session; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Assembly of the State of California, the Senate thereof concurring, That the Legislature designate the year 2001 as the Year of Heightened Concern for Special Children; and be it further
Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly transmit copies of this resolution to the author for appropriate distribution.