The Legislature further finds and declares: declares the following: (a) That the State state has a positive interest in the preparation and maintenance of a long-term, general plan for the physical development of each of the State’s state’s urban areas that can serve as a guide to the affected local governmental units within such areas and to the state departments and divisions that are charged with constructing state-financed public works within such urban areas.
(b) That continuing growth of the State, state, and particularly urban areas within the State, present state, presents problems which are not confined to the boundaries of any single county or city.
(c) That the planning activities of counties and cities can be strengthened and more effectively performed when conducted in relation to studies and planning of an urban regional character.
(d) That in order to assure, insofar as possible, the orderly and harmonious development of the urban areas of the State, state, and to provide for the needs of future generations, it is necessary to develop a means of studying, forecasting, and planning for the physical growth and development of these areas.