(a) The Natural Resources Agency may authorize teal carbon demonstration projects in order to demonstrate and quantify the carbon sequestration potential of these projects to help inform the state’s natural and working lands and climate resilience strategies.(b) The Natural Resources Agency shall consult with the State Air Resources Board, the Department of Fish and Wildlife, and other public entities, and seek consultation with applicable federal agencies, in developing a teal carbon demonstration project program.
(c) Each teal carbon demonstration project shall be designed, monitored, and have sufficient data collected in order to demonstrate the carbon uptake and sequestration achieved. This shall include an evaluation of relevant factors affecting the permanence of the sequestration. The project results shall be provided to the Natural Resources Agency and posted on a public portion of its internet website.
(d) (1) Designation as a teal carbon demonstration project shall not alter the requirement that the project obtain all applicable local, state, and federal permits.
(2) A teal carbon demonstration project, or a contribution to its funding, shall not be imposed as a condition of approval or occupancy of a residential project.
(e) For purposes of this section, “teal carbon demonstration project” means the restoration of inland wetland and ecosystems that can take up and sequester carbon. A teal carbon demonstration project is limited to all of the following:
(1) Ecologically appropriate locations where the habitat or ecosystem had historically occurred and subsequently become degraded or removed.
(2) The restoration of the habitat or ecosystem to its historical state to provide ecosystem services and habitat values, to the extent feasible.
(3) The use of diverse native species.
(f) This section shall be implemented only upon an appropriation by the Legislature for purposes of this section.
(g) This section shall become operative on January 1, 2028.