(a) The department shall establish a task force, or utilize an existing subcommittee, working group, task force, or committee to do all of the following:(1) Assess the implementation of the recommendations made pursuant to Section 9320 regarding the improvement of legal services delivery to older citizens in California.
(2) Make additional recommendations by exploring the matters specified in subdivision (a) of Section 9320.
(3) Report the assessment and make its recommendations to the Legislature, in a separate report or as part of an existing report requirement, in compliance with Section 9795 of the Government Code, on or before September 1, 2026.
(b) If the department creates a task force pursuant to subdivision (a), the director shall serve on or appoint a representative to the task force. The task force shall include a broad array of state agencies and stakeholder organizations with resources and expertise related to elder justice initiatives and legal services for older adults.