(a) (1) Upon appropriation by the Legislature, the department shall establish and administer a program to provide grants to cities and counties to provide subsidies for senior citizens at risk of homelessness.(2) Of the grants awarded pursuant to the program, 50 percent of the total funds shall be awarded to localities with at least 250,000 residents, and 50 percent shall be awarded to localities with less than 250,000 residents.
(3) (A) Localities with at least 250,000 residents shall be eligible for block grants.
(B) (i) A locality with less than 250,000 residents may request an allocation of block grant funds in the form and manner prescribed by the department.
(ii) The department shall grant a request made pursuant to this subparagraph if the locality, in the department’s judgment, demonstrates that it has established a program consistent with the requirements of this section and has the capability to implement the resources provided by the state.
(4) The department may contract with third parties to minimize the costs of administering the program.
(b) (1) Funds awarded must be obligated no later than July 31, 2025.
(2) The department may reallocate any part of an award that is not obligated by July 31, 2025, to other grantees participating in the program that have expended at least 50 percent of their reservation pools or have an oversubscribed application list for rental assistance.
(c) Awards made by grantees to individuals shall not exceed five hundred dollars ($500) per month, and shall not exceed 18 months.
(d) A grantee shall award rental subsidies to individuals pursuant to the guidelines established by this subdivision.
(1) In order to qualify for a rental subsidy, an individual must satisfy all of the following:
(A) Be at least 55 years of age.
(B) Be a person of low income, as that term is defined in subdivision (a) of Section 50093, or at or below 50 percent of area median income.
(C) Not be receiving another housing subsidy through the city or county.
(D) Currently spending at least 50 percent of their income on rent, or is at risk of becoming homeless.
(E) Have a landlord that is willing to participate in the program.
(2) A grantee shall give priority to subsidy applicants that satisfy the following:
(A) Heads of household who are at least 60 years of age.
(B) Households whose income does not exceed 30 percent of area median income.