The Legislature finds and declares all of the following:(a) All other full-service fire departments in California, except the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL-FIRE), have a workweek of 56 hours or less.
(b) CAL-FIRE is the full-service fire department for the State of California.
(c) The demand for CAL-FIRE firefighters to work an extraordinary workweek of 72 hours has resulted in significant impacts to the physical and mental health of firefighters.
(d) Firefighters who work manageable shifts result in efficiency and safety.
(e) Historic fires of the past decade have resulted in well over 100 deaths of firefighters, caused billions of dollars in damage, destroyed entire communities, and placed overworked firefighters at risk.
(f) CAL-FIRE firefighters have the most diverse work responsibilities of any firefighters, which includes fire of all types, floods, earthquakes, and all natural disasters.
(g) Climate change is creating an environment where wildfires burn with greater ferocity and that trend is systemic.
(h) The mental health of CAL-FIRE firefighters is placed at risk by the extremely long hours working under extreme duress sometimes for a month on duty without a day off.
(i) The physical risk of working long hours at point zero at these fires that burn for weeks and send dangerous particulates into the air causes immediate and long-term physical and mental health risks.