For purposes of this article, an opportunity school is defined as a public school that meets one of the following criteria:(a) It is an alternative school, as described in subdivision (d) of Section 52052, which includes any of the following:
(1) Schools under the jurisdiction of a county board of education or a county superintendent of schools.
(2) Community day schools.
(3) Nonpublic, nonsectarian schools within the meaning of Section 56366.
(4) Alternative schools serving high-risk pupils, including continuation high schools, dropout recovery high schools, and opportunity schools.
(b) It is an alternative school of choice or charter school that serves high-risk or opportunity youth and meets, or is certified as meeting, the criteria for the Dashboard Alternative School Status program. To comply with this subdivision, a school shall have an unduplicated pupil count of at least 70 percent of the school’s total enrollment, as counted upon first entry to the school, composed of high-risk pupil groups, including any of the following:
(1) A pupil who has been expelled within the meaning of subdivision (b) of Section 48925, or whose expulsion has been suspended pursuant to Section 48917.
(2) A pupil who has been suspended within the meaning of subdivision (d) of Section 48925 for more than 10 days in a school year.
(3) A pupil who is a ward of the court within the meaning of Section 601 or 602 of the Welfare and Institutions Code or a dependent of the court within the meaning of Section 300 or 654 of the Welfare and Institutions Code.
(4) A pupil who is pregnant, parenting, or both pregnant and parenting.
(5) A pupil who is a recovered dropout who is either of the following:
(A) The pupil has been designated as a dropout pursuant to the exit and withdraw codes in the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System.
(B) The pupil has left school and has not been enrolled in a school for at least 180 days.
(6) A pupil who has been habitually truant within the meaning of Section 48262 or who has been habitually insubordinate and disorderly and whose attendance at the school is directed by a school attendance review board or probation officer pursuant to Section 48263.
(7) A pupil who was retained more than once in kindergarten or in any of grades 1 to 8, inclusive.
(8) A pupil who is credit deficient, which is defined as being one semester or more behind in the credits required to graduate on time, per grade level, from the enrolling school.
(9) A pupil with a gap in enrollment, which is defined as having not been in any school during the 45 days immediately before enrolling in the current school, where the 45 days does not include noninstructional days such as summer break, holiday break, off track, and other days when the school was closed.
(10) A pupil with high-level transiency, which is defined as having been enrolled in more than two schools during the past academic year or having changed secondary schools more than twice since entering high school.
(11) A pupil who is a foster youth, as defined in subdivision (b) of Section 42238.01.
(12) A pupil who is a homeless youth, as defined in subdivision (e) of Section 52052.