The Legislature finds and declares as follows:(a) Appointed commission members and board members at the local government level have the power to make important decisions impacting the daily lives, opportunities, and the future welfare of those living and working throughout various regions of the state.
(b) The policy decisions taken by board and commission members with respect to the programs and services they oversee often have a direct and substantial impact on social, economic, and gender equality.
(c) Access to board and commission membership frequently establishes a pathway to other governmental leadership positions.
(d) Research, however, shows that decisionmaking bodies in certain geographic areas of California are comprised disproportionally of White males from privileged socioeconomic backgrounds.
(e) For instance, an August 2018 report by the Center on Policy Initiatives entitled “Community Representation Report: Boards and Commissions in the San Diego Region” concluded that the five entities it studied were disproportionately White, male, economically advantaged, and professionally or politically connected to the established power structure.
(f) It is critical to have boards and commissions comprised of those who more accurately reflect the gender make up of California communities, so that all Californians feel they are represented and have the ability to have their needs and issues heard and addressed by those who represent them in leadership roles.
(g) Therefore, it is necessary for California to take affirmative steps to remedy the injustices resulting from underrepresentation of women in leadership positions in order to improve the lives and opportunities of all Californians.