(a) The Building Standards Commission, by June 30, 2020, shall assemble a functional recovery working group comprised of appropriate public and private sector entities, including, but not limited to:(1) The Department of Housing and Community Development.
(2) The Division of the State Architect.
(3) The Office of the State Fire Marshal.
(4) The Structural Engineers Association of California.
(5) California building officials.
(6) The insurance industry.
(7) The Building Owners and Managers Association.
(8) Members of the construction industry.
(9) The Earthquake Engineering Research Institute.
(10) The California Council of the American Institute of Architects.
(11) The Association of Bay Area Governments.
(12) The Southern California Association of Governments.
(13) The American Society of Civil Engineers.
(14) An economic development organization representing a metropolitan region in the state.
(15) The Alfred E. Alquist Seismic Safety Commission.
(16) The California Geological Survey.
(17) The International Code Council.
(b) Not later than June 30, 2021, the functional recovery working group shall do all of the following:
(1) (A) Consider whether a “functional recovery” standard is warranted for all or some building occupancy classifications and investigate the practical means of implementing that standard either as a mandate or as a voluntary measure and, to the extent possible, take into account the findings from the upcoming National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program committee report.
(B) If the working group suggests the development of a voluntary or mandatory standard is warranted, the working group shall assist in the preparation of an estimated cost of compliance for use by the appropriate state agencies in meeting the requirements of clause (i) of subparagraph (B) of paragraph (5) of subdivision (b) of Section 11346.2 of the Government Code.
(2) Provide advice to the appropriate state agencies regarding whether the work product of paragraph (1) should apply only to certain specified seismic design categories or to the entire state.
(3) Subsequent to considerations and recommendations made pursuant to paragraph (1), the working group shall advise the appropriate state agencies to propose building standards for consideration by the commission during the next regularly occurring Triennial or Intervening Code Adoption Cycle taking place after the working group recommendations are issued.
(c) The commission is authorized to adopt regulations based upon the recommendations resulting from the working group for nonresidential occupancies. The Department of Housing and Community Development may adopt regulations based upon the recommendations resulting from the working group for residential occupancies. These regulations shall comply with the requirements of the rulemaking provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 2 of Title 2 of the Government Code).
(d) For purposes of this section, “functional recovery standard” means a set of enforceable building code provisions and regulations that provide specific design and construction requirements intended to result in a building for which postearthquake structural and nonstructural capacity are maintained or can be restored to support the basic intended functions of the building’s preearthquake use and occupancy within a maximum acceptable time, where the maximum acceptable time might differ for various uses or occupancies.