(a) The Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges and the Trustees of the California State University shall, and the Regents of the University of California are requested to, each create a segment-wide online training program, for the administrators of their respective segments to complete annually, relating to undocumented students, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), federal and state laws related to immigration generally, state law relating to exemption from nonresident tuition for persons who are unable to establish California residency, and resources that the system or campus has for undocumented students.(b) The online training programs established under this section shall be available to all faculty and staff of the segments, and the governing bodies of the segments shall encourage faculty and staff, particularly advisors, counselors, and human resources specialists, to take the training.
(c) The training provided under this section shall not be sufficient to meet the requirements for a staff person to be designated as a Dreamer Resource Liaison pursuant to Section 66021.8.
(d) As used in this section, “administrator” shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, all of the following:
(1) With respect to the California Community Colleges, the chancellor, a member of the board of governors, the general counsel, a vice chancellor, a member of a district governing board, a district superintendent, and a college president, vice president, or dean.
(2) With respect to the California State University, the chancellor, a trustee, the general counsel, a vice chancellor, and a university president, vice president, or dean.
(3) With respect to the University of California, the president, a regent, the general counsel, a vice president, and a university chancellor, vice chancellor, or dean.