SEC. 8.
(a) If a school is closed due to the coronavirus (COVID–19), the State Department of Education, in order to determine a local educational agency’s compliance with the special education timelines required by subdivision (a) of Section 56043 and subdivision (a) of Section 56321 of the Education Code, shall consider the days a school is closed due to COVID –19 as days between a pupil’s regular school session, up until the time the school reopens and the regular school session reconvenes.(b) The timelines established in subdivisions (n) and (o) of Section 56043 and Section 56504 of the Education Code, and subdivision (a) of Section 3024 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations shall be waived if a school is closed due to COVID–19, up until the time school reopens and the regular school session reconvenes.
(c) This section applies all local educational agencies, even if a local educational agency continues to offer educational opportunities through distance learning, or independent study, or both, during the period of time a school is closed due to COVID–19.
(d) The Legislature encourages local educational agencies to respond as expeditiously as possible to requests from parents or guardians received during the period of time a school is closed due to COVID–19.
(e) This section does not waive any federal requirements imposed under the federal Individual with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. Sec. 1400, et seq.).