The Secretary of State shall do all of the following:(a) Promulgate regulations by January 1, 2020, establishing which events in election administration constitute “reportable events.” The regulations shall be consistent with all of the following:
(1) A “reportable event” must affect at least 100 individuals or 0.01 percent of the registered voters, whichever is greater.
(2) A “reportable event” includes, but is not limited to, instances when a voter is provided election-related materials from a county elections official that is incorrect or incomplete. For the purpose of this paragraph, “election-related materials” includes, but is not limited to, ballots, voter rolls, sample ballots, voter information guides, and polling place notifications that are sent to a voter by mail, e-mail, or text.
(3) A “reportable event” is not a minor or technical typographical or formatting error, as determined by the Secretary of State.
(b) Require county elections officials to submit specified information about reportable events to the Secretary of State within a prescribed time.
(c) Review submitted information about reportable events and issue appropriate guidance to address those events, if necessary.