For purposes of this chapter, the following terms have the following meanings:(a) “Experienced mentor teacher” means a teacher who meets all of the following requirements:
(1) Has at least three years of teaching experience and a clear teaching credential in the field in which he or she will be mentoring.
(2) Has taught in a hard-to-staff school.
(3) Has a record of successful teaching.
(4) Receives specific training for the mentor teacher role, and engages in ongoing professional learning and networking with other mentors. Compensation shall be ongoing as long as the mentor continues to serve in the role prescribed by the program.
(5) Receives compensation or appropriate release time, or both, to serve as a mentor in the initial preparation or induction component of the teacher residency program.
(b) “Hard-to-staff schools” shall be determined by the governing board or body of the local educational agency.
(c) “Local educational agency” includes, but is not necessarily limited to, a school district, county office of education, charter school, or charter management organization.
(d) (1) “Teacher residency program” means a school-based teacher preparation program that is accredited by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing and in which a prospective teacher does all of the following:
(A) Teaches at least one-half time alongside a teacher of record, who is designated as the mentor teacher, for at least one full academic year while engaging in initial preparation coursework.
(B) Receives instruction in all of the following:
(i) The teaching of the content area or areas in which the teacher will become certified to teach.
(ii) Planning, curriculum development, and assessment.
(iii) Learning and child development.
(iv) Management of the classroom environment.
(v) The use of culturally responsive practices, supports for language development, and supports for serving pupils with disabilities.
(vi) Professional responsibilities, including interaction with families and colleagues.
(C) Receives financial assistance and provides a stipend.
(D) Attains a preliminary teaching credential upon completion of the program.
(E) Receives mentoring and induction support following the completion of the initial credential program necessary to obtain a clear credential and ongoing professional development and networking opportunities during his or her first years of teaching.
(F) Has the option of completing a master’s degree before completion of the program.
(2) A “teacher residency program” does all of the following:
(A) Seeks out individuals who meet the Teaching Performance Expectations of the Commission on Teacher Credentialing and meet hiring needs of the local educational agency for difficult-to-fill areas, such as chronic teacher shortage areas, including special education and bilingual teachers, and hard-to-staff schools.
(B) Produces culturally responsive teachers who address specific pupil populations, local district initiatives and priorities, and teacher preparation emphasis while maintaining high state-established standards for credentials.
(C) Allows residents to learn to teach in the same local educational agency in which they will work, learning the instructional initiatives and curriculum of the local educational agency.
(D) Groups teacher candidates in cohorts to facilitate professional collaboration among residents, and places them in teaching schools or professional development programs that are organized to support a high-quality teacher learning experience in a supportive work environment.
(E) Assigns a high priority to the recruiting of mid-career professionals, military veterans, and recent college graduates as prospective participants in the teacher residency program.
(F) Builds coursework for residents and mentors around the classroom experience in ways that are aligned to pupil needs.
(G) Offers structured feedback and coaching systems organized around the California Standards for the Teaching Profession to ensure that participants engage in a meaningful classroom teaching experience.
(H) Ensures that candidates are prepared to pass a teacher performance assessment if that is required by the state as a condition of the initial license.
(I) Maintains a program evaluation system that focuses on continual improvement for residents, mentors, teacher education faculty, and the teacher residency program itself.
(J) Is developed collaboratively with the certified exclusive bargaining representative, or if none exists, teacher representatives within the local educational agency.