(a) On or before the beginning of the 2018–19 school year, a public school that enrolls pupils in grades 1 to 4, inclusive, at which less than 50 percent of 4th grade pupils demonstrate proficiency on English language arts standards on the statewide assessment administered the previous school year, shall ensure that each pupil’s reading proficiency is measured throughout the school year using at least one of the formative reading diagnostic tools identified by the state board pursuant to Section 53008.1 to determine if a pupil has an appropriate developmental reading level for the pupil’s grade level.(b) A reading plan, as described in subdivision (c), shall be created for a pupil in grades 1 to 3, inclusive, who is not at the appropriate developmental reading level for the pupil’s grade level as that term is defined by the state board pursuant to Section 53008.1. The plan shall be created in collaboration with the pupil’s parent and teacher, if possible, and as soon as possible after the pupil’s developmental reading level is identified. The pupil’s reading plan shall continue to be implemented until the pupil demonstrates reading proficiency. The pupil’s reading plan shall be reviewed at least annually by the school and updated or revised as appropriate to facilitate the pupil’s progress in demonstrating reading proficiency.
(c) A reading plan shall include all of the following:
(1) The pupil’s specific developmental reading level that needs to be addressed in order for the pupil to attain reading proficiency.
(2) The goals and benchmarks for the pupil’s growth in attaining reading proficiency by the end of grade 3.
(3) The type of additional instructional services and interventions the pupil will receive in reading as determined by the school.
(4) The strategies the pupil’s parent is encouraged to use in assisting their child to achieve reading proficiency that are designed to supplement the additional instructional services and interventions described in paragraph (3).
(5) Any additional services that are deemed available and appropriate to accelerate the pupil’s reading skill development.
(d) The parent of the pupil shall be provided with a copy of their child’s reading plan along with all of the following information:
(1) The state’s goal is for all children in California to graduate from high school having attained skill levels that adequately prepare them for postsecondary studies or for the workforce, and research demonstrates that achieving reading competency by grade 3 is a critical milestone in achieving this goal.
(2) If the pupil enters grade 4 without achieving reading competency, he or she is significantly more likely to fall behind in all subject areas beginning in grade 4 and continuing in later grades. If the pupil’s reading skill deficiencies are not remediated, it is likely the pupil will not have the skills necessary to complete the coursework required to graduate from high school.
(3) The parent plays a central role in supporting the pupil’s efforts to achieve reading competency and is strongly encouraged to work with his or her child’s teacher in implementing the reading plan, and, in order to supplement the intervention instruction the pupil receives in school, the reading plan will include strategies the parent is encouraged to use at home to support the pupil’s reading success.
(e) For purposes of this section, “parent” means parent or legal guardian.