(a) The home addresses, home telephone numbers, personal cellular telephone numbers, and birth dates of all employees of a public agency shall not be deemed to be public records and shall not be open to public inspection, except that disclosure of that information may be made as follows:(1) To an agent, or a family member of the individual to whom the information pertains.
(2) To an officer or employee of another public agency when necessary for the performance of its official duties.
(3) To an employee organization pursuant to regulations and decisions of the Public Employment Relations Board, except that the home addresses and any phone numbers on file with the employer of employees performing law enforcement-related functions, and the birth date of any employee, shall not be disclosed.
(4) To an agent or employee of a health benefit plan providing health services or administering claims for health services to public agencies and their enrolled dependents, for the purpose of providing the health services or administering claims for employees and their enrolled dependents.
(b) Upon written request of any employee, a public agency shall not disclose the employee’s home address, home telephone number, personal cellular telephone number, or birth date pursuant to paragraph (3) of subdivision (a) and an agency shall remove the employee’s home address, home telephone number, and personal cellular telephone number from any mailing list maintained by the agency, except if the list is used exclusively by the agency to contact the employee.