(a) A vehicle may park, for up to the posted time limit, two hours, in any parking space that is regulated by an inoperable parking meter or an inoperable parking payment center.(b) A vehicle may park without time limit in any parking space that does not have a posted time limit and that is regulated by an inoperable parking meter or inoperable parking payment center, subject to any other applicable regulations regarding parking vehicles.
(c) A local authority may limit parking to four hours for a parking space that does not have a posted time limit and that is regulated by an inoperable parking meter or an inoperable parking payment center, if the local authority posts signs clearly providing notice of the time limitation applicable when that parking meter or parking payment center is inoperable.
(d) If a parking space is regulated by a parking meter or parking payment center that cannot physically accept payment, a local authority shall not issue a citation for nonpayment of parking fees notwithstanding the fact that the parking meter or parking payment center may accept payment by other nonphysical means.
(e) (b) Except as provided in subdivision (c), a A local authority shall not, by ordinance or resolution, prohibit or restrict the parking of vehicles in a space that is regulated by an inoperable parking meter or inoperable parking payment center.
(f) (c) For purposes of this section:
(1) “Inoperable parking meter” means a meter located next to and designated for an individual parking space that space, which has become inoperable and cannot accept payment in any form or cannot register that a payment in any form has been made.
(2) “Inoperable parking payment center” means an electronic parking meter or pay station serving one or more parking spaces that is closest to the space where a person has parked and that cannot accept payment in any form, cannot register that a payment in any form has been made, or cannot issue a receipt that is required to be displayed in a conspicuous location on or in the vehicle.
(d) A violation of subdivision (a) is subject to civil penalties and is neither an infraction nor a public offense.