If applicable, multiple measures of pupil progress, pupil academic growth, pupil achievement, and pupil outcomes as used in this chapter for purposes of evaluating and assessing certificated employee performance may include, but shall not be limited to, any of the following sources:(a) State-adopted formative and summative criterion referenced assessments.
(b) School district, school, or department-developed assessments.
(c) Curriculum-based and end-of-course assessments.
(d) Pretest and posttest data.
(e) Interim, periodic, benchmark, and formative assessments.
(f) English language proficiency assessments.
(g) Assessments measuring progress in an individualized education program.
(h) Advance placement, international baccalaureate, and college preparedness examinations.
(i) A-G coursework completion.
(j) Industry-recognized career technical education assessments and program completion.
(k) Portfolios of pupils’ work, projects, and performances redacted of personally identifiable pupil information.
(l) Surveys from parents, if approved in advance by the certificated employee.
(m) Surveys from pupils, if approved in advance by the certificated employee.
(n) Written reports from classroom observations.
(o) Progress on outcomes described in the local control and accountability plan pursuant to paragraphs (4) and (8) of subdivision (d) of Section 52060.