(a) Notwithstanding Section 25631, the department may authorize, with or without conditions, the selling, giving, delivering, or purchasing of alcoholic beverages at an individual on-sale licensed premises between the hours of 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. within a city, county, or a city and county if the local governing body of that city, county, or city and county, or its designated subordinate officer or body does the following:(1) Develops and approves a local plan that meets the following requirements:
(A) Shows that the public convenience or necessity will be served by the additional hours.
(B) Identifies the area that will be affected by the additional hours and demonstrates how that area will benefit from the additional hours.
(C) Shows that residents and businesses within the additional hours service area support the additional hours.
(D) Includes an assessment by local law enforcement regarding the potential impact of an additional hours service area and the public safety plan, created by local law enforcement, for managing those impacts that has been approved by the local governing body.
(E) Shows that transportation services are readily accessible in the additional hours service area during the additional service hours.
(F) Includes programs to increase public awareness of the transportation services available in the additional hours service area and the impacts of alcohol consumption.
(2) Resolves and certifies the local plan and submits the local plan to the department.
(b) Upon receipt of a local plan developed pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (a), the department shall review the local plan to ensure compliance with existing law and regulations promulgated by the department. The department shall review the local plan within ____ days of receipt and shall notify the local governing body of its approval or denial of the plan. During the review process the department shall post the local plan on its Internet Web site.
(c) An on-sale licensee shall not apply for additional hours pursuant to this section until the department has approved the local plan of the city, county, or city and county in which the licensed premises is located.
(d) (1) Upon receipt of an application by an on-sale licensee for additional hours pursuant to this section, the department shall make a thorough investigation to determine whether the additional hours sought by the applicant would unreasonably interfere with the quiet enjoyment of their property by the residents of the city, county, or city and county in which the applicant’s licensed premises are located.
(2) The applicant shall notify the law enforcement agencies of the city, county, or city and county, the residents of the city, county, or city and county located within 500 feet of the premises for which additional hours are sought, and any other interested parties, as determined by the local governing body, of the application by an on-sale licensee for additional hours pursuant to this section within 30 consecutive days of the filing of the application, in a manner determined by the local governing body.
(3) Protests may be filed at any office of the department within 30 days from the first date of notice of the filing of an application by an on-sale licensee for additional hours. The time within which a local law enforcement agency may file a protest shall be extended by the period prescribed in Section 23987.
(4) The department may reject protests, except protests made by a public agency or public official, if it determines the protests are false, vexatious, frivolous, or without reasonable or probable cause at any time before hearing thereon, notwithstanding Section 24300. If, after investigation, the department recommends that additional hours be authorized notwithstanding a protest by a public agency or a public official, the department shall notify the agency or official in writing of its determination and the reasons therefor, in conjunction with the notice of hearing provided to the protestant pursuant to Section 11509 of the Government Code. If the department rejects a protest as provided in this section, a protestant whose protest has been rejected may, within 10 days, file an accusation with the department alleging the grounds of protest as a cause for revocation of the additional hours and the department shall hold a hearing as provided in Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 11500) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code.
(5) This section shall not be construed as prohibiting or restricting any right that the individual making the protest might have to a judicial proceeding.
(e) (1) If, after investigation, the department recommends that additional hours be authorized, with or without conditions on the applicant’s license, notwithstanding that one or more protests have been accepted by the department, the department shall notify the local governing body and all protesting parties whose protests have been accepted in writing of its determination.
(2) Any person who has filed a verified protest in a timely fashion pursuant to subdivision (d) that has been accepted pursuant to this section may request that the department conduct a hearing on the issue or issues raised in the protest. The request shall be in writing and shall be filed with the department within 15 business days of the date the department notifies the protesting party of its determination as required under paragraph (1).
(3) At any time prior to the issuance of the license, the department may, in its discretion, accept a late request for a hearing upon a showing of good cause. Any determination of the department pursuant to this subdivision shall not be an issue at the hearing nor grounds for appeal or review.
(4) If a request for a hearing is filed with the department pursuant to paragraph (2), the department shall schedule a hearing on the protest. The issues to be determined at the hearing shall be limited to those issues raised in the protest or protests of the person or persons requesting the hearing.
(5) Notwithstanding that a hearing is held pursuant to paragraph (4), the protest or protests of any person or persons who did not request a hearing as authorized in this section shall be deemed withdrawn.
(6) If a request for a hearing is not filed with the department pursuant to this section, any protest or protests shall be deemed withdrawn and the department may approve the on-sale licensee’s application for additional hours without any further proceeding.
(7) If the person filing the request for a hearing fails to appear at the hearing, the protest shall be deemed withdrawn.
(f) The department shall notify the applicant of the outcome of the application for additional hours. Any conditions placed upon the license pursuant to this section shall be subject to Article 1.5 (commencing with Section 23800).
(g) The applicant shall, at the time of application for additional hours pursuant to this section, accompany the application with a fee of ____ dollars ($____). Fees collected pursuant to this section shall be deposited in the Alcohol Beverage Control Fund.