For purposes of this article, the following terms shall be defined as follows:(a) “Blighted community” means an area that was previously a functioning city, or part of a city, that has fallen into disrepair and decrepitude. A blighted community may feature deindustrialization, depopulation or changing population, economic restructuring, abandoned buildings, high local unemployment, fragmented families, political disenfranchisement, crime, and a desolate, inhospitable city landscape.
(b) “Pod” means a specific geographical area designated as “blighted” or underrepresented, identified and developed into a pod by ZIP Codes, including or close to a university, research facility, or community college within the designated ZIP Codes.
(c) “Socioeconomic development” means the process of social and economic development in a society. Socioeconomic development is measured with indicators such as gross domestic product, life expectancy, literacy, and levels of employment. Socioeconomic development also includes changes in less tangible factors, such as personal dignity, freedom of association, personal safety and freedom from fear of physical harm, and the extent of participation in civil society.
(d) “Socioeconomic development pod” means a hybrid urban enterprise zone that utilizes some of the incentives of the urban enterprise zone to encourage certain industries to develop in a designated blighted area where retraining of the community is financed by social innovative financing. Social redevelopment and economic redevelopment occurs simultaneously.
(e) “Social innovative financing” means an approach to expanding social programs whereby the government pays a service provider based on the results delivered, as opposed to the activities performed. Social innovative financing means a partnership in which philanthropic funders and impact investors take on the financial risk of scaling up social programs.