Today's Law As Amended

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AB-2276 Pupils: transfers from juvenile court schools. (2013-2014)

As Amends the Law Today


 Section 48645.5 of the Education Code is amended to read:

 (a) Each public school district and county office of education shall accept for credit full or partial coursework satisfactorily completed by a pupil while attending a public school, juvenile court school, or nonpublic, nonsectarian school or agency. The coursework shall be transferred by means of the standard state transcript. If a pupil completes the graduation requirements of the pupil’s  his or her  school district of residence while being detained, the school district of residence shall issue to the pupil a diploma from the school the pupil last attended before detention or, in the alternative, the county superintendent of schools may issue the diploma.
(b) A pupil shall not be denied enrollment or readmission to a public school solely on the basis that the pupil  he or she  has had contact with the juvenile justice system, including, but not limited to:
(1) Arrest.
(2) Adjudication by a juvenile court.
(3) Formal or informal supervision by a probation officer.
(4) Detention for any length of time in a juvenile facility or enrollment in a juvenile court school.
(c)   Pursuant to subparagraph (B) of paragraph (8) of subdivision (f) (e)  of Section 48853.5, a pupil who has had contact with the juvenile justice system shall be immediately enrolled in a public school.
(d) (1) If a pupil transfers into a juvenile court school any time after the completion of the pupil’s second year of high school and completes the statewide coursework requirements for graduation specified in Section 51225.3 while attending a juvenile court school, and the pupil is in their third or fourth year of high school, the county office of education shall exempt the pupil from all coursework or other requirements of the county office of education that are in addition to the statewide coursework specified in Section 51225.3, unless the county office of education makes a finding that the pupil is reasonably able to complete the local graduation requirements in time to graduate from high school by the end of the pupil’s fourth year of high school.
(2) To determine whether a juvenile court school pupil is in the third or fourth year of high school, the number of credits the pupil has earned to the date of transfer, the length of the pupil’s school enrollment, or, for pupils with significant gaps in school attendance, the pupil’s age as compared to the average age of pupils in the third or fourth year of high school, may be used, whichever will qualify the pupil for the exemption.
(3) Within 30 calendar days of the date that a pupil who may qualify for the exemption from local graduation requirements pursuant to this section transfers into a juvenile court school for an enrollment period in the juvenile court school of at least 30 days, the county office of education shall notify the pupil, the person holding the right to make educational decisions for the pupil, and the pupil’s social worker and probation officer of the availability of the exemption and whether the pupil qualifies for the exemption. If the county office of education fails to provide timely notice pursuant to this section, the pupil shall be eligible for the exemption from local graduation requirements pursuant to this section once notified, even if that notification occurs after the termination of the court’s jurisdiction over the pupil, if the pupil otherwise qualifies for the exemption pursuant to this section.
(4) The county office of education shall comply with all of the requirements of Section 48645.7.
(e) If a juvenile court school pupil is exempted from local graduation requirements pursuant to this section and completes the statewide coursework requirements specified in Section 51225.3 before the end of the pupil’s fourth year of high school and that pupil would otherwise be entitled to remain in attendance at the school, the county office of education shall not require or request that the pupil graduate before the end of the pupil’s fourth year of high school.
(f) For the purposes of this section, “local graduation requirements” means the coursework and other requirements for high school graduation adopted by the county board of education.

SEC. 2.

 Section 48647 is added to the Education Code, to read:

 (a) Local educational agencies are strongly encouraged to enter into memoranda of understanding and create joint policies, systems, including data sharing systems, transition centers, and other joint structures that will allow for the immediate transfer of educational records, create uniform systems for calculating and awarding course credit, and allow for the immediate enrollment of pupils transferring from juvenile court schools.
(b) As part of their existing responsibilities for coordinating education and services for youth in the juvenile justice system, the county office of education and county probation department shall have a joint transition planning policy that includes collaboration with relevant local educational agencies to improve communication regarding dates of release and the educational needs of pupils who have had contact with the juvenile justice system, to coordinate immediate school placement and enrollment, and to ensure that probation officers in the community have the information they need to support the return of pupils who are being transferred from juvenile court schools to public schools in their communities.

SEC. 3.

 Section 48648 is added to the Education Code, to read:

 (a) Subject to an appropriation in the annual Budget Act for this purpose, the Superintendent, in consultation with the Board of State and Community Corrections, shall convene a statewide group with stakeholders from the community, advocacy organizations, and education and probation department leaders to develop a model and study existing successful county programs and policies for the immediate transfer of educational records, uniform systems for calculating and awarding credits, transition planning, and the immediate enrollment of pupils who are being transferred from juvenile court schools.
(b) (1) On or before January 1, 2016, the statewide group shall report its findings and provide recommendations for state action to the Legislature and appropriate policy committees.
(2) The report shall be submitted in compliance with Section 9795 of the Government Code.
(c) Pursuant to Section 10231.5 of the Government Code, this section is repealed on January 1, 2020.

SEC. 4.

 Section 49069.5 of the Education Code is amended to read:

 (a) The Legislature finds and declares all of the following:
(1) The mobility of pupils in foster care often disrupts their educational experience.
(2) Efficient transfer procedures and transfer of pupil records are  is a  critical factors factor  in the swift placement of foster children in educational settings.
(3) Pupils who have had contact with the juvenile justice system are often denied credit or partial credit earned during enrollment in juvenile court schools. Delays in school enrollment and loss of earned credit can result in improper class or school placement, denial of special education services, and school dropout.
(b) The proper and timely transfer between schools of pupils in foster care is the responsibility of both the local educational agency, including the county office of education for pupils in foster care who are enrolled in juvenile court schools, and the county placing agency, which includes the county probation department.
(c) As soon as the county placing agency or county office of education becomes aware of the need to transfer a pupil in foster care out of the pupil’s  his or her  current school, the county placing agency or county office of education shall contact the appropriate person at the local educational agency of the pupil. The county placing agency shall notify the local educational agency of the date that the pupil will be leaving the school and request that the pupil be transferred out.
(d) Upon receiving a transfer request from a county placing agency or notification of enrollment from the new local educational agency, the local educational agency receiving the transfer request or notification shall, within two business days, transfer the pupil out of school and deliver the educational information and records of the pupil to the next educational placement.
(e) As part of the transfer process described under subdivisions (c) and (d), the local educational agency shall compile the complete educational record of the pupil, including a determination of days of enrollment or seat time, or both if applicable, an official transcript that meets the requirements of Section 51225.2, including full and seat time, full or  partial credits earned, or any measure of full or partial coursework being satisfactorily completed, as defined in subparagraph (B) of paragraph (1) of subdivision (b) of Section 51225.2, including a determination of the days of enrollment or seat time,  current classes and grades, immunization and other records, and, if applicable, a copy of the pupil’s plan adopted pursuant to Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. Sec. 794) or individualized education program adopted pursuant to the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. Sec. 1400 et seq.).
(f) The local educational agency shall assign the duties listed in this section to a person who is  competent to handle the transfer procedure and who is aware of the specific educational recordkeeping needs of homeless, foster, and other transient children who transfer between schools.
(g) The local educational agency shall ensure that, if the pupil in foster care is absent from school due to a decision to change the placement of a pupil made by a court or placing agency, the grades and credits of the pupil will be calculated as of the date the pupil left school and no lowering of grades will occur as a result of the absence of the pupil under these circumstances.
(h) The local educational agency shall ensure that, if the pupil in foster care is absent from school due to a verified court appearance or related court ordered activity, no lowering of the pupil’s  his or her  grades will occur as a result of the absence of the pupil under these circumstances.
(i) (1) A complaint of noncompliance with the requirements of this section may be filed with the local educational agency under the Uniform Complaint Procedures set forth in Chapter 5.1 (commencing with Section 4600) of Division 1 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations.
(2) A complainant not satisfied with the decision of a local educational agency may appeal the decision to the department pursuant to Chapter 5.1 (commencing with Section 4600) of Division 1 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, and shall receive a written decision regarding the appeal within 60 days of the department’s receipt of the appeal.
(3) If a local educational agency finds merit in a complaint, or if the Superintendent finds merit in an appeal, the local educational agency shall provide a remedy to the affected pupil.
(4) Information regarding the requirements of this section shall be included in the annual notification distributed to, among others, pupils, parents or guardians of pupils, employees, and other interested parties pursuant to Section 4622 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations.
(j) (i)  For purposes of this section, the following definitions apply:
(1) “County placing agency” means a county social services department or county probation department.
(2) “Local educational agency” means a school district, a county office of education, a charter school participating as a member of a special education local plan area, or a special education local plan area.
(3) “Pupil in foster care” has the same meaning as “foster child,” as that term is defined in subdivision (a) of Section 48853.5. means a child who has been removed from his or her home pursuant to Section 309 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, is the subject of a petition filed under Section 300 or 602 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, or has been removed from his or her home and is the subject of a petition filed under Section 300 or 602 of the Welfare and Institutions Code. 
SEC. 5.
 If the Commission on State Mandates determines that this act contains costs mandated by the state, reimbursement to local agencies and school districts for those costs shall be made pursuant to Part 7 (commencing with Section 17500) of Division 4 of Title 2 of the Government Code.