Today's Law As Amended

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SB-564 Energy efficiency.(2011-2012)

As Amends the Law Today


 Section 399.4 of the Public Utilities Code is amended to read:

 (a) (1) In order to ensure that prudent investments in energy efficiency continue to be made that produce cost-effective energy savings, reduce customer demand, and contribute to the safe and reliable operation of the electrical electric  distribution grid, it is the policy of this state and the intent of the Legislature that the commission shall supervise the administration of  continue to administer  cost-effective energy efficiency programs authorized pursuant to its statutory authority, including Sections 381, 381.1, 381.2, 381.5, 382, 384.5, 400, 454.5, 454.55, 454.56, 589, 701.1, 749, and 769, Article 10 (commencing with Section 890) of Chapter 4, and Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 2781) of Part 2. existing statutory authority. 
(2) As used in this section, the term “energy efficiency” includes, but is not limited to, cost-effective activities to achieve peak load reduction that improve end-use efficiency, lower customers’ bills, and reduce system needs.
(b) (1) If a customer or contractor is the recipient of a rebate or incentive offered by a public utility for an energy efficiency improvement or installation of energy efficient components, equipment, or appliances in a building, the public utility shall provide the rebate or incentive only if the customer or contractor certifies that the improvement or installation has complied with any applicable permitting requirements, including any applicable specifications or requirements set forth in the California Building Standards Code (Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations), and, if a contractor performed the installation or improvement, that the contractor holds the appropriate license for the work performed.
(2) In addition to the requirements of paragraph (1), if a customer or contractor is the recipient of a rebate or incentive offered by a public utility for the purchase or installation of central air conditioning or a heat pump, and their related fans, the public utility shall provide the rebate or incentive only if the customer or contractor provides proof of permit closure. The public utility is not responsible for verifying the proof of permit closure documentation provided by the customer or contractor.
(3) This subdivision does not imply or create authority or responsibility, or expand existing authority or responsibility, of a public utility for the enforcement of the building energy and water efficiency standards adopted pursuant to subdivision (a) or (b) of Section 25402 of the Public Resources Code, or appliance efficiency standards and certification requirements adopted pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 25402 of the Public Resources Code.
(4) This subdivision does not limit the authority of the commission to impose any additional requirements on a recipient of any rebate or incentive.
(c) (b)  The commission, in evaluating energy efficiency investments under its existing  statutory authority, shall also  ensure that local and regional interests, including, but not limited to, those interests described in Division 19.1 (commencing with Section 181000),  multifamily dwellings, and energy service industry capabilities are incorporated into program portfolio design and that  design, and encourage participation from  local governments, community-based organizations, and energy efficiency service providers are encouraged to participate in program  in program design, revision, and  implementation where appropriate.
(d) (c)  The commission, in a new or existing proceeding, shall review and update its policies governing energy efficiency programs funded by utility customers to facilitate achieving the targets established pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 25310 of the Public Resources Code. In updating its policies, the commission shall, at a minimum, do all of the following: When developing or revising its energy efficiency program portfolio design, an electrical corporation shall collaborate with, and seek comments from, county climate protection authorities or other public agencies that are directly authorized to implement regional or countywide climate protection and energy efficiency programs. 
(1) Authorize market transformation programs with appropriate levels of funding to achieve deeper energy efficiency savings.
(2) Authorize pay for performance programs that link incentives directly to measured energy savings. As part of pay for performance programs authorized by the commission, customers should be reasonably compensated for developing and implementing an energy efficiency plan, with a portion of their incentive reserved pending post project measurement results.
(3) Authorize programs to achieve deeper savings through operational, behavioral, and retrocommissioning activities.
(4) Ensure that customers have certainty in the values and methodology used to determine energy efficiency incentives by basing the amount of any incentives provided by gas and electrical corporations on the values and methodology contained in the executed customer agreement. Incentive payments shall be based on measured results.
SEC. 2.
  No reimbursement is required by this act pursuant to Section 6 of Article XIII B of the California Constitution because the only costs that may be incurred by a local agency or school district will be incurred because this act creates a new crime or infraction, eliminates a crime or infraction, or changes the penalty for a crime or infraction, within the meaning of Section 17556 of the Government Code, or changes the definition of a crime within the meaning of Section 6 of Article XIII B of the California Constitution.