Ranked voting pursuant to Section 10050 for an election to elect two or more candidates to office shall be known as “choice voting” and shall be conducted in the following manner:(a) The minimum threshold of votes required for election shall be determined by dividing the total number of votes cast for that office, excluding undervotes as defined in Section 10057, by one more than the number of offices to be filled and then adding one vote, and then disregarding any fraction, as shown in the following formula:
The total number of votes cast, excluding undervotes as defined in Section 10057, divided by the sum of one plus the number of offices to be filled, plus one, disregarding any fraction, equals the minimum threshold of votes necessary to be elected.
(b) All ballots are counted and each ballot is allocated as a vote to the candidate receiving the highest ranking.
(c) Each candidate that receives the minimum threshold of votes necessary to be elected shall be declared elected.
(d) If a candidate on the first count has a number of highest ranking votes exactly equal to the minimum number of votes required for election, that candidate is declared elected, and the counted ballots indicating that candidate as a highest ranking are put aside and the other rankings recorded on the ballots are not examined.
(e) If a candidate on the first count gains more than the minimum number of votes required for election, the candidate is declared elected, and the number of votes in excess of the number of votes required for election (the surplus) is recorded. All of the elected candidate’s ballots are then reexamined and assigned to candidates not yet elected according to the highest continuing ranking on the ballots of those who gave a first preference vote to the elected candidate. These votes are allocated according to a “transfer value.” The formula for the transfer value is:
Surplus votes cast for the elected candidate, divided by total number of votes received by the elected candidate, calculated out to five decimal places, with any remainder discarded, equals the transfer value.
(f) If two or more candidates on the first count gain more than the minimum number of votes required for election, all of those candidates are declared elected. Each of the ballots of the candidate with the largest number of highest ranking votes will be reexamined first and assigned (at the transfer value) to candidates not yet elected according to the next highest continuing ranking marked on that ballot. The ballots of the other elected candidates will then be reexamined and their surpluses distributed in order according to the number of highest ranking votes each candidate received in accordance with paragraph (2) of subdivision (i).
(g) (1) If a candidate reaches more than the minimum number of votes required for election as the consequence of a transfer of votes from an elected candidate, the number of votes in excess of the number of votes required for election shall be transferred to other continuing candidates. This transfer will be to the next highest continuing ranking shown on each of this candidate’s ballots. These ballots now include (A) ballots indicating this candidate as the highest ranking, and (B) the ballots transferred to the candidate from one or more elected candidates. The transfer value for the ballots on which the candidate was indicated by the highest ranking is the same as the transfer value defined in subdivision (e).
(2) The transfer value for each ballot transferred to the candidate from one or more previously elected candidates shall be the surplus votes cast for the elected candidate divided by the total number of votes received by the elected candidate multiplied by the previous transfer value of the ballot received by that candidate, as shown in the following formula:
The surplus votes cast for the elected candidate, divided by the total number of votes received by the elected candidate, multiplied by the previous transfer value of the ballot received by that candidate, calculated out to four decimal places using “rounding to nearest.”
(h) If no candidate has a number of votes equal to or greater than the minimum number of votes required for election, either on the first count or as a consequence of a redistribution of surplus votes from a previously elected candidate, the candidate with the smallest number of votes is eliminated. All of the eliminated candidate’s ballots, both ballots indicating that candidate as the highest ranking and any ballots transferred from other candidates, are transferred to the next highest continuing ranking on the eliminated candidate’s ballots. The ballots in which the eliminated candidate was indicated by the highest ranking are transferred to the candidate indicated by the next highest continuing ranking on that ballot at full value. Ballots received from previously elected or previously eliminated candidates are transferred at the transfer value at which the ballots were received.
(i) Tabulation of votes shall continue in the following sequence:
(1) Determine whether a candidate received more votes than the sum of the combined vote total of all candidates who received fewer votes than that candidate and the combined total of all surplus votes not yet redistributed. If this is the case, all candidates with fewer votes than this candidate may be eliminated simultaneously according to the procedure specified in paragraph (3), so long as the number of elected and remaining continuing candidates is greater than, or equal to, the number of candidates to be elected. If two or more sets of candidates meet this criterion, the provisions of this paragraph apply to the largest set. For the purposes of this paragraph, “set of candidates” means a continuing candidate and all other continuing candidates with the same or fewer voters than that candidate.
(2) The surplus votes of elected candidates shall be redistributed until no more candidates receive the minimum threshold of votes required for election. The surplus votes of the elected candidate with the greatest surplus will be distributed first, and the surpluses of the other elected candidates will then be distributed in order according to the number of surplus votes of each elected candidate awaiting transfer of surplus votes.
(3) Candidates are eliminated as specified in subdivision (h), and the votes of eliminated candidates are redistributed until another candidate receives the minimum threshold of votes required for election.
(4) When the number of elected and continuing candidates is equal to the number of candidates to be elected, all of the continuing candidates are declared elected even though they may not have reached the minimum threshold of votes required for election.
(j) A tie between two or more candidates for fewest votes, as specified in subdivision (h), shall be resolved by lot, and the candidate chosen by lot shall be eliminated. A tie between two or more candidates for the number of highest ranking votes received, as specified in subdivision (f), or the most surplus votes, as specified in paragraph (2) of subdivision (i), shall be resolved by lot, and the candidate chosen by lot shall be the first to have his or her surplus votes transferred.