6870-101-0001—For local assistance, Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges (Proposition 98)
| 3,941,88 5,000 |
| Schedule: | |
| (1) | 10.10.010-Apportionments
| 3,170,717,000 | |
| (2) | 10.10.020-Apprenticeship
| 14,641,000 | |
| (3) | 10.10.030-Growth for Apportionments
| 113,500,000 | |
| (4) | 20.10.004-Student Success for Basic Skills Students
| 33,100,000 | |
| (5) | 20.10.005-Student Financial Aid Administration
| 51,269,000 | |
| (6) | 20.10.020-Disabled Students
| 115,011,000 | |
| (7) | 20.10.045-Special Services for CalWORKs Recipients
| 43,580,000 | |
| (8) | 20.10.060-Foster Care Education Program
| 5,254,000 | |
| (9) | 20.10.070-Matriculation
| 101,803,000 | |
| (10) | 20.20.020-Academic Senate for the Community Colleges
| 467,000 | |
| (11) | 20.20.041-Equal Employment Opportunity pursuant to Ch. 1169, Stats. 2002
| 1,747,000 | |
| (12) | 20.20.050-Part-time Faculty Health Insurance
| 1,000,000 | |
| (13) | 20.20.051-Part-time Faculty Compensation
| 50,828,000 | |
| (14) | 20.20.055-Part-time Faculty Office Hours
| 7,172,000 | |
| (15) | 20.30.011-Telecommunications and Technology Services
| 26,197,000 | |
| (16) | 20.30.050-Economic Development
| 46,790,000 | |
| (17) | 20.30.070-Transfer Education and Articulation
| 1,424,000 | |
| (18) | 20.40.026-Physical Plant and Instructional Support
| 0 | |
| (19) | 20.10.010-Extended Opportunity Programs and Services and Special Services
| 122,291,000 | |
| (20) | 20.30.045-Fund for Student Success
| 6,158,000 | |
| (21) | 20.70.010-Career Technical Education
| 0 | |
| (22) | 20.80.010-Campus Childcare Tax Bailout
| 6,836,000 | |
| (23) | 20.95.010-Nursing Program Support
| 22,100,000 | |
| Provisions: | |
| 1. | The funds appropriated in Schedules (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (11), (12), (13), (14), (15), (16), (18), (19), and (22) are for transfer by the Controller during the 2008–09 fiscal year to Section B of the State School Fund. | |
| 2. | Notwithstanding any other provision of law, apportionment funding for community college districts shall be based on the greater of the current year or prior year level of full-time equivalent students (FTES), consistent with K–12 declining enrollment practices pursuant to Section 42238.5 of the Education Code. Decreases in FTES shall result in a revenue reduction at the district’s average level of apportionment funding per FTES and shall be made in the year following the initial year of decrease in FTES. | |
| 3. | The funds appropriated in Schedule (1) for Apportionments include $31,409,000 to encourage district-level accountability efforts pursuant to Section 84754.5 of the Education Code. It is intended that the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges submit an annual report on district-specific accountability measures by March 19 of each year. This report shall reflect outcomes from the most recently completed fiscal year for which data is available pursuant to Section 84754.5 of the Education Code. | |
| 4. | Of the funds appropriated in Schedule (1), Apportionments: | |
| | (a) | Up to $100,000 is for a maintenance allowance, pursuant to Section 54200 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations. | |
| | (b) | Up to $500,000 is to reimburse colleges for the costs of federal aid repayments related to assessed fees for fee waiver recipients. This reimbursement only applies to students who completely withdraw from college before the census date pursuant to Section 58508 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations. | |
| 5. | Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges shall not reduce district workload obligations for a lack of a funded cost-of-living adjustment. | |
| 6. | (a) | Of the amount appropriated in Schedule (2) for the Apprenticeship Program, up to $14,641,000 shall be available as necessary upon certification by the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges for the purpose of funding community college-related and supplemental instruction pursuant to Section 3074 of the Labor Code, as provided in Section 8152 of the Education Code. No community college district shall use funds available under this provision to offer any new apprenticeship training program or the expansion of any existing program unless the new program or expansion has been approved by the chancellor. | |
| | (b) | Notwithstanding Section 8152 of the Education Code, each 60-minute hour of teaching time devoted to each indentured apprentice enrolled in and attending classes of related and supplemental instruction as provided under Section 3074 of the Labor Code shall be reimbursed at the rate of $5.06 per hour. For purposes of this provision, each hour of teaching time may include up to 10 minutes for passing time and breaks. | |
| 7. | Funds appropriated in Schedule (3), Growth for Apportionments, shall be available first to any districts bringing online in the current fiscal year newly accredited colleges or California Postsecondary Education Commission-approved educational centers. It is the intent of the Legislature that increases in basic foundation allocations to each college be funded prior to additional growth in full-time equivalent students. The Chancellor of the California Community Colleges shall provide a report by November 1 of each year, to the Department of Finance and the Legislative Analyst, on the number of new centers and colleges added for the current fiscal year and those anticipated to be added for the prospective budget year. This report shall also detail the specific funding adjustments provided for basic foundation allocations to each college and center for the current fiscal year. | |
| 8. | Notwithstanding any other provision of law, funds appropriated in Schedule (3) for Growth for Apportionments shall only be allocated for growth in full-time equivalent students (FTES), on a district-by-district basis, as determined by the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges. The chancellor shall not include any FTES from concurrent enrollment in physical education, dance, recreation, study skills, and personal development courses and other courses in conflict with existing law for the purpose of calculating a district’s three-year overcap adjustment. The Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges shall implement the criteria required by subdivision (a) of Provision 5 of Item 6870-101-0001 of the Budget Act of 2003 (Ch. 157, Stats. 2003) for the allocation of funds appropriated in Schedules (1) and (3), so as to ensure that courses related to student needs for transfer, basic skills, and vocational/workforce training are accorded the highest priority and are provided to the maximum extent possible within budgeted funds. | |
| 10. | Of the amount appropriated in Schedule (1), $10,000,000 shall only be available for noncredit instruction to prepare pupils to pass the California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE). The first priority shall be to serve high school pupils from the class of 2007 who met all other graduation requirements except for passage of the CAHSEE. Remaining funds may be used to support other necessary noncredit courses for other pupils who not only did not pass the CAHSEE, but who did not complete other coursework necessary to meet high school graduation requirements. These funds are intended to supplement but not supplant existing funding for these purposes. | |
| 11. | The funds appropriated in Schedule (4), Student Success for Basic Skills Students, shall be allocated as follows: | |
| | (a) | $1,600,000 for faculty and staff development to improve curriculum, instruction, student services, and program practices in the areas of basic skills and English as a Second Language (ESL) programs. The Office of the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges shall select a district, utilizing a competitive process, to carry out these faculty and staff development activities. All colleges receiving funds pursuant to subdivision (b) shall be provided with the opportunity to participate in the faculty and staff development programs specified in this subdivision. The chancellor shall report on the use of these funds by the selected district to the Legislative Analyst and the Department of Finance not later than September 1, 2009. | |
| | (b) | $31,500,000 for allocation by the chancellor to community college districts for improving outcomes of students who enter college needing at least one course in ESL or basic skills, with particular emphasis on students transitioning from high school. | |
| | (c) | Funding specified in subdivisions (a) and (b) shall be distributed to eligible applicants pursuant to Chapter 489 of the Statutes of 2007. | |
| | (d) | The Office of the Chancellor shall work jointly with the Department of Finance and the Legislative Analyst to develop annual accountability measures for this program. It is the intent of the Legislature that annual performance accountability measures for this program utilize, to the extent possible, data available as part of the accountability system developed pursuant to Section 84754.5 of the Education Code. By November 1, 2009, the chancellor shall submit a report to the Governor and Legislature on the annual accountability measures developed pursuant to this process. | |
| 12. | (a) | Of the funds appropriated in Schedule (5) for Student Financial Aid Administration, not less than $9,864,000 is available to provide $0.91 per unit reimbursement to community college districts for the provision of board of governors (BOG) fee waiver awards pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (m) of Section 76300 of the Education Code. | |
| | (b) | Of the funds appropriated in Schedule (5), not less than $4,405,000 is available to provide reimbursement of 2 percent of total waiver value to community college districts for the provision of BOG fee waiver awards pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (m) of Section 76300 of the Education Code. | |
| | (c) | Funding provided to community college districts in subdivisions (a) and (b) of Provision 15 is provided to directly offset any mandated costs claimed by community college districts pursuant to Commission on State Mandates Test Claims 99-TC-13 (Enrollment Fee Collection) and 00-TC-15 (Enrollment Fee Waivers). | |
| | (d) | (1) | Of the amount appropriated in Schedule (5), $2,800,000 shall be for a contract with a community college district to conduct a statewide media campaign to promote the general message to prospective students as follows: (A) the California Community Colleges (CCC) remain affordable, (B) financial aid and tax credits are available to cover enrollment fees and help with books and other costs, and (C) the active encouragement of contact between pupils and local CCC financial aid offices. Any funds used from this source to produce radio, television, or mail campaigns must emphasize the availability of financial aid, the easiest and most reliable method of accessing the aid, a contact telephone number, an Internet Web site address, where applicable, and the physical location of a financial aid office. Any mail campaign must give priority to existing pupils, recent high school graduates, and 12th graders. The outreach and information campaign should target its efforts in high schools, welfare offices, unemployment offices, churches, community centers, and any other location that will most effectively reach low-income and disadvantaged students who must overcome barriers in accessing postsecondary education. The community college district awarded the contract shall consult with the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges and the Student Aid Commission prior to performing any activities to ensure appropriate coordination with any other state efforts in this area and ensure compliance with this provision. | |
| | | (2) | Of the amount appropriated in Schedule (5), not more than $34,200,000 shall be for direct contact with potential and current financial aid applicants. Each CCC campus shall receive a minimum allocation of $50,000. The remainder of the funding shall be allocated to campuses based upon a formula reflecting full-time equivalent students (FTES) weighted by a measure of low-income populations as demonstrated by BOG fee waiver program participation within a district. It is the intent of the Legislature, to the extent that funds are provided in this item, that all campuses provide additional staff resources to increase both financial aid participation and student access to low-income and disadvantaged students who must overcome barriers in accessing postsecondary education. Funds may be used for screening current students for possible financial aid eligibility and offering personal assistance to these students in accessing financial aid, providing individual help in multiple languages for families and students in filling out the necessary paperwork to apply for financial aid, and increasing financial aid staff to process additional financial aid forms. | |
| | | (3) | Funds allocated to a community college district for financial aid personnel, outreach determination of financial need, and delivery of student financial aid services shall supplement, and shall not supplant, the level of funds allocated for the administration of student financial aid programs during the 2001–02 fiscal year. | |
| | | (4) | It is the intent of the Legislature that the Office of the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges provide the Legislature with a report not later than April 1, 2009, on the use of the funds allocated pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subdivision (d), including the distribution of the funds, specific uses of the funds, strategies employed to reach low-income and disadvantaged students potentially eligible for financial aid, and the extent to which districts were successful in increasing the number of students accessing financial aid, particularly the maximum Pell Grant award. | |
| | | (5) | It is the intent of the Legislature that the chancellor report by September 1, 2008, in the manner and using the factors set forth in paragraph (5) of subdivision (b) of Provision 11 of Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2004 (Ch. 208, Stats. 2004), on the impact of outreach efforts on student headcount and FTES enrollment for the 2005–06 and 2006–07 academic years. | |
| 13. | Of the funds appropriated in Schedule (19) for Extended Opportunity Programs and Services, $106,786,000 is for Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) in accordance with Article 8 (commencing with Section 69640) of Chapter 2 of Part 42 of Division 5 of Title 3 of the Education Code. Funds provided in this item for EOPS shall be available to students on all campuses within the California Community College system, including those students on new campuses or in new districts. In addition, $15,505,000 is for funding, at all colleges, the Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE) program in accordance with Article 4 (commencing with Section 79150) of Chapter 9 of Part 48 of Division 7 of Title 3 of the Education Code. The Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges shall allocate funds on a priority basis to local programs on the basis of need for student services. | |
| 14. | Of the funds appropriated in Schedule (19) for the Extended Opportunity Programs and Services, $1,900,000 shall be available to support additional textbook assistance grants to community college students as an allowable expenditure consistent with paragraph (10) of subdivision (b) of Section 69648 of the Education Code. | |
| 15. | The funds appropriated in Schedule (20) for the Fund for Student Success is for additional targeted student services, to be expended as follows: | |
| | (a) | $1,921,000 is for the Puente Project to support up to 75 colleges. These funds are available if matched by $200,000 of private funds and the participating community colleges and University of California campuses maintain their 1995–96 fiscal year support level for the Puente Project. All funding shall be allocated directly to participating districts in accordance with their participation agreement. | |
| | (b) | Up to $2,459,000 is for the Mathematics, Engineering and Science Achievement (MESA) Program. For each dollar allocated, the recipient district shall provide $1 in matching funds. | |
| | (c) | No less than $1,778,000 is for the Middle College High School Program. With the exception of fully compliant special part-time students at the community colleges pursuant to Sections 48802 and 76001 of the Education Code, student workload based on participation in the Middle College High School Program shall not be eligible for community college state apportionment. Further, no community college state apportionment shall be made available for physical education classes, noncredit classes, nor other courses specified in Provision 8. | |
| 16. | (a) | The funds appropriated in Schedule (6) for the Disabled Students Program are for assisting districts in funding the excess direct instructional cost of providing special support services or instruction, or both, to disabled students enrolled at community colleges, and for state hospital programs, as mandated by federal law. | |
| | (b) | Of the amount appropriated in Schedule (6), no less than $3,945,000 shall be used to address deficiencies identified by the federal Office of Civil Rights (OCR), as determined by the Office of the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges. | |
| | (c) | Of the amount appropriated in Schedule (6), at least $943,000 shall be used for support of the High Tech Centers for activities including, but not limited to, training of district employees, staff, and students in the use of specialized computer equipment for the disabled. All High Tech Centers shall meet standards developed by the Office of the Chancellor. Colleges that receive these augmentations shall not supplant existing resources provided to the centers. | |
| | (d) | Notwithstanding any other provision of law, of the funds appropriated in Schedule (6), $1,246,000 shall be for state hospital adult education programs at the hospitals served by the Coast and Kern Community College Districts since the 1986–87 fiscal year. If adult education services at any of the three hospitals are not supported by the community colleges in any portion of the 2008–09 fiscal year, remaining funds shall, upon order of the Department of Finance, after 30 days’ notice to the Chairperson of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee, be transferred to the State Department of Developmental Services (DDS). For any transfer of funds to DDS during the 2008–09 fiscal year, the Proposition 98 base funding levels for community colleges and DDS shall be adjusted accordingly. | |
| | (e) | Of the funds appropriated in Schedule (6) for the Disabled Student Services, no less than $9,600,000 shall be allocated to support high-cost sign language interpreter services and real-time captioning equipment or other communication accommodations for hearing-impaired students based on a 4-to-1 state-to-local district match. | |
| 17. | The funds appropriated in Schedule (7), Special Services for CalWORKs Recipients, are for the purpose of assisting welfare recipient students and those in transition off of welfare to achieve long-term self-sufficiency through coordinated student services offered at community colleges, including workstudy, other educational related work experience, job placement services, child care services, and coordination with county welfare offices to determine eligibility and availability of services. All services funded in Schedule (7) shall be for current CalWORKs recipients or prior CalWORKs recipients who are in transition off of cash assistance for no more than two years. Current cash-assistance recipients may utilize these services until their initial educational objectives are met. Former recipients in transition off of cash assistance may utilize these services for a period of up to two years after leaving cash assistance subject to the conditions of this provision. These funds shall be used to supplement and not supplant existing funds and services provided for CalWORKs recipients attending community colleges. The Chancellor of the California Community Colleges shall develop an equitable method for allocating funds to all districts and colleges based on the relative numbers of CalWORKs recipients in attendance and shall allocate funds for the following purposes: | |
| | (a) | Job placement. | |
| | (b) | Coordination with county welfare offices and other local agencies, including local workforce investment boards. | |
| | (c) | Curriculum development and redesign. | |
| | (d) | Child care and workstudy. | |
| | (e) | Instruction. | |
| | (f) | Postemployment skills training and related skills. | |
| | (g) | Campus-based case management, limited to on-campus assistance and services not provided by county case workers that do not supplant other counseling and academic support services funded through existing California Community Colleges categorical programs. | |
| | Of the amount appropriated in Schedule (7), $15,000,000 is for child care and does not require a district match. For the remaining funds, districts shall, as a condition of receipt of these funds, provide a $1 match for every $1 provided by the state. | |
| | Funds utilized for subsidized child care shall be for children of CalWORKs recipients through campus-based centers or parental choice vouchers at rates and with rules consistent with those applied to related programs operated by the State Department of Education in the 2008–09 fiscal year, including eligibility, reimbursement rates, and parental contribution schedules. Subsidized campus child care for CalWORKs recipients may be provided during the period they are engaged in qualifying state and federal work activities through attainment of their initial education and training plan and for up to three months thereafter or until the end of the academic year, whichever period of time is greater. | |
| | Funds utilized for workstudy shall be used solely for payments to employers that currently participate in campus-based workstudy programs or are providing work experiences that are directly related to and in furtherance of student educational programs and work participation requirements, provided that those payments may not exceed 75 percent of the wage for the workstudy positions, and the employers shall pay at least 25 percent of the wage for the workstudy positions. These funds may be expended only if the total hours of education, employment, and workstudy for the student are sufficient to meet both state and federal minimum requirements for qualifying work-related activities. | |
| | Funds may be used to provide credit or noncredit classes for CalWORKs students if a district has committed all of its funded full-time equivalent students (FTES) and is unable to offer the additional instructional services to meet the demand for CalWORKs students. This determination shall be based on fall enrollment information. Districts shall submit applications to the Office of the Chancellor by October 15 of each year. If the chancellor approves the use of funds for direct instructional workload, the Office of the Chancellor shall submit a report to the Department of Finance and the Joint Legislative Budget Committee by November 15, 2008, that (a) identifies the enrollment of new CalWORKs students, (b) states whether and why additional classes were needed to accommodate the needs of CalWORKs students, and (c) sets forth an expenditure plan for the balance of funds. | |
| | As a condition of receipt of the funds appropriated in Schedule (7), by the fourth week following the end of the semester or quarter term commencing in January 2009, each participating community college shall submit to the Office of the Chancellor a report, in the format specified by the chancellor in consultation with the State Department of Social Services, that includes, but is not limited to, the funded components, the number of hours of child care provided, the average monthly enrollment of CalWORKs dependents served in child care, the number of workstudy hours provided, the hourly salaries and type of jobs, the number of students being case managed, the short-term programs available, the student participation rates, and other outcome data. It is intended that, to the extent practical, reporting from colleges utilize data gathered for federal reporting requirements at the state and local level. Further, it is intended that the Office of the Chancellor compile the information for annual reports to the Legislature, the Governor, the Legislative Analyst, the Department of Finance, and the State Department of Social Services by November 15 of each year. | |
| | First priority for expenditures of any funds appropriated in Schedule (7) shall be in support of current CalWORKs recipients. However, if caseloads are insufficient to fully utilize all of the funding in this schedule in a cost-beneficial way, it is intended that up to $5,000,000 of the funds subject to local matching requirements may be allocated for providing postemployment services to former CalWORKs recipients who have been off of cash assistance for no longer than two years to assist them in upgrading skills, job retention, and advancement. Allowable services include direct instruction that cannot be funded under available growth funding, child care to support attendance in these classes consistent with this provision, job development and placement services, and career counseling and assessment activities which cannot be funded through other programs. Child care services may only be provided for periods commensurate with a student’s need for postemployment training within the two-year transitional period. | |
| | Prior to allocation of funds for postemployment services, the chancellor shall first secure the approval of the Department of Finance for the allocations, complete a cumulative report on the outcomes, activities, and cost-effectiveness of the program no later than November 15, 2008, in compliance with the Budget Acts of 1998 (Ch. 324, Stats. 1998) and 1999 (Ch. 50, Stats. 1999) and this act, and shall provide the rationale and justification for the proposed allocation of postemployment services to districts for transitional students. | |
| | If a district is unable to fully expend its share of child care funds, it may request that the Office of the Chancellor approve a reallocation to other CalWORKs purposes authorized by this provision, subject to all pertinent limitations and district match required for these purposes under this provision. | |
| | Of the funds appropriated in Schedule (7) for the Special Services for CalWORKs Recipients Program, no less than $8,000,000 is to provide direct workstudy wage reimbursement for students served under this program, and $1,000,000 is available for campus job development and placement services. | |
| 18. | Funds appropriated in Schedule (7) for the Special Services for CalWORKs Recipients Program have been budgeted to meet the state’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families maintenance-of-effort requirement pursuant to the federal Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (P.L. 104-193) and may not be expended in any way that would cause their disqualification as a federally allowable maintenance-of-effort expenditure. | |
| 19. | (a) | Funds provided in Schedule (8) for the Foster Care Education Program shall be allocated to provide foster and relative/kinship care education and training. Districts shall ensure that education and training required by Sections 1529.1 and 1529.2 of the Health and Safety Code and Section 16003 of the Welfare and Institutions Code receive priority. Districts may use any remaining funds for additional parenting skills training. | |
| | (b) | Funds provided in Schedule (8) shall be used for foster parent and relative/kinship care provider education training services consistent with the following criteria: | |
| | | (1) | The Chancellor of the California Community Colleges shall use these funds exclusively for foster parent and relative/kinship care provider education and training, as specified by the chancellor in consultation with an advisory committee that includes foster parents, representatives of statewide foster parent organizations, parent and relative/kinship care providers, and representatives from the State Department of Social Services. | |
| | | (2) | Acceptance of funds under this program shall constitute agreement by the district to comply with such reporting requirements, guidelines, and other conditions for receipt of funding as the chancellor may establish. | |
| | | (3) | Each college plan for foster and relative/kinship care education programs shall include the provision of training to facilitate the development of foster family homes, small family homes, and relative/kinship homes to care for no more than six children who have special mental, emotional, developmental, or physical needs. | |
| | | (4) | The State Department of Social Services shall facilitate the participation of county welfare departments in the foster and relative/kinship care education program. | |
| 20. | (a) | Funds appropriated in Schedule (9) for the Matriculation Program are for the purpose of student matriculation pursuant to Article 1 (commencing with Section 78210) of Chapter 2 of Part 48 of Division 7 of Title 3 of the Education Code. | |
| | (b) | Of the amount appropriated in Schedule (9), $20,000,000 shall be allocated to community college districts on a one-to-one matching funds basis to provide matriculation services, including, but not limited to, orientation, assessment, and counseling, for students enrolled in designated noncredit classes and programs who may benefit most, as determined by the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges pursuant to Sections 78216 to 78218, inclusive, of the Education Code. | |
| 21. | The funds in Schedule (13) for the Part-time Faculty Compensation Program shall be allocated solely to increase compensation for part-time faculty from the amounts previously authorized. Funds shall be distributed to districts based on the total actual full-time equivalent students served in the previous fiscal year and include a small district factor as determined by the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges. These funds are to be used to assist districts in making part-time faculty salaries more comparable to full-time salaries for similar work, as determined through each district’s local collective bargaining process. These funds shall not supplant the amount of resources each district used to compensate part-time faculty or be used to exceed parity of each part-time faculty employed by each district with regular full-time faculty at the same district, as certified by the chancellor. If a district achieves parity, its allocation may be used for any other educational purpose. | |
| 22. | (a) | $24,197,000 of the funds provided in Schedule (15) for the Telecommunications and Technology Services Program shall be for the purpose of supporting technical and application innovations and for coordination of activities that serve to maximize the utility of the technology investments of the community college system towards improving learning outcomes. Allocations shall be made by the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges, based on criteria and guidelines as developed by the chancellor, on a competitive basis through the RFA/RFP application process for the following purposes: | |
| | | (1) | Provision of access to statewide multimedia hosting and delivery services for system colleges and districts. | |
| | | (2) | Provision of systemwide Internet, audio bridging, and telephony. | |
| | | (3) | Technical assistance and planning, cooperative purchase agreements, and faculty and staff development in a manner consistent with paragraph (3) of subdivision (b) of Provision 17 of Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 1996 (Ch. 162, Stats. 1996). | |
| | | (4) | Ongoing support for the California Virtual University Distance Education Program. | |
| | | (5) | Ongoing support for programs designed to use technology in assisting accreditation and the alignment of curricula across K–20 segments in California. | |
| | | (6) | Support for technology pilots and ongoing technology programs and applications that serve to maximize the utility and economy of scale of the technology investments of the community college system towards improving learning outcomes. | |
| | | In addition, a portion of the funds provided in this subdivision shall be available for allocations to districts. It is the intent of the Legislature that these funds be used by colleges to maintain the technology capabilities specified in subdivision (a) of Provision 21 of Item 6870-101-0001 of the Budget Act of 2003 (Ch. 157, Stats. 2003). These funds shall not supplant existing funds used for those purposes, and colleges shall match maintenance and ongoing costs with other funds as provided by Provision 21(a) of Item 6870-101-0001 of the Budget Act of 2003 (Ch. 157, Stats. 2003). | |
| | (b) | The Office of the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges shall develop the reporting criteria for all programs funded by this item and shall submit that for review along with an annual progress report on program implementation to the Legislative Analyst, the Office of the Secretary for Education, and the Department of Finance no later than December 1 of each year. Reporting shall include summaries of allocations and expenditures by program and by district, where applicable. | |
| | (c) | Of the funds provided in Schedule (15), $2,000,000 is for ongoing support and expansion of the California Partnership for Achieving Student Success (Cal-PASS) program. As a condition of receipt of these funds, the grantee shall submit to the Office of the Chancellor, by October 15 of each year, all of the following: (1) a report that includes the numbers and percentages of institutions and school districts that have signed agreements and the number and percentage that have actively submitted data in the current year, (2) the results of an annual program evaluation, as prescribed by the chancellor, that sufficiently documents the value and productivity of the program, and (3) an annual financial audit, as prescribed by the chancellor, that includes an accounting of all funding sources and all uses of funds by funding source. It is the intent of the Legislature that all reporting requirements contained in this subdivision shall be completed using funds provided to the grantee. | |
| 23. | Of the funds provided in Schedule (16) for the Economic and Workforce Development Program: | |
| | (a) | $22,830,000 is allocated for grants for regional business resources assistance and innovation network centers. Each grant awarded to a district for Centers for International Development shall contain sufficient funds, as determined by the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges, for the continued operation of Mexican International Trade Centers. | |
| | (b) | $7,822,000 is allocated for industry-driven regional education and training collaboratives. These grants shall be made on a competitive basis and the award amounts shall not be restricted to any predetermined limit, but rather shall be funded on their individual merits. | |
| | (c) | $3,609,000 is allocated for statewide network leadership, organizational development, coordination, information and support services, or other program purposes. | |
| | (d) | $4,529,000 is available for Job Development Incentive Training programs focused on job creation for public assistance recipients. Any annual savings from this subdivision shall only be available for expenditure for one-time activities listed under subdivision (j) of Section 88531 of the Education Code. | |
| | (e) | $8,000,000 is allocated for the establishment of a Responsive Incumbent Worker Training Fund, which will serve to expand the delivery of performance improvement training to employers and incumbent workers in high-growth industries. Funds shall also be used to develop programs that integrate basic skills and career technical education curriculum in ways that provide students with seamless educational coursework that transitions students into high-tech and high-demand job sectors. | |
| | (f) | The following provisions apply to the expenditure of funds within subdivisions (a) and (b): Funds allocated for centers and regional collaboratives shall seek to maximize the use of state funds for subdivisions (g) to (j), inclusive, of Section 88531 of the Education Code. Funds allocated to districts for purposes of subdivisions (g) and (i) of Section 88531 of the Education Code for performance-based training and student internships shall be matched by a minimum of $1 of private business and industry funding for each $1 of state funds. Funds allocated for purposes of subdivision (h) of Section 88531 of the Education Code for credit and noncredit instruction may be transferred to Schedule (1) or (3) to facilitate distribution at the chancellor’s discretion. Any funds that become available from network centers due to savings, discontinuance, or reduction of amounts shall first be made available for additional allocations in subdivision (b) to increase the level of subsidized training otherwise available. | |
| | (g) | Funds allocated by the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges under this provision may not be used by community college districts to supplant existing courses or contract education offerings. The chancellor shall ensure that funds are spent only for expanded services and shall implement accountability reporting for districts receiving these funds to ensure that training, credit, and noncredit programs remain relevant to business needs. Programs that do not demonstrate continued relevance and support by business shall not be eligible for continued funding. The board of governors shall consider the level of involvement and financial commitments of business and industry as primary factors in making awards. The chancellor shall incorporate grant requirements into the guidelines for audits of economic development grants. | |
| | (h) | Primary objectives of the Economic and Workforce Development Program are to maximize instruction, to prepare students for entry-level jobs, to increase skills of the current workforce, and to stimulate the growth of businesses through training so that more jobs are created. As part of the annual report on the performance of the Economic and Workforce Development Program, the chancellor shall provide disaggregated data detailing the funding provided to each economic development regional center and each industry-driven regional education and training collaborative, and to the extent practicable, the total number of hours of contract education services, performance improvement training, credit and noncredit instruction, and job placements created as a result of each center and collaborative. | |
| 24. | (a) | The funds appropriated in Schedule (17) for the Transfer Education and Articulation Program are available to support transfer and articulation projects and common course numbering projects. | |
| | (b) | Funding provided to community college districts from Schedule (17) is provided to directly offset any mandated costs claimed by community college districts pursuant to Chapter 737 of the Statutes of 2004. | |
| 25. | (a) | $13,673,000 of the funds appropriated in Schedule (18) is available for the following purposes: | |
| | | (1) | Scheduled maintenance and special repairs of facilities. The Chancellor of the California Community Colleges shall allocate funds to districts on the basis of actual reported full-time equivalent students (FTES), and may establish a minimum allocation per district. As a condition for receiving and expending these funds for maintenance or special repairs, a district shall certify that it will increase its operations and maintenance spending from the 1995–96 fiscal year by the amount it allocates from this appropriation for maintenance and special repairs, plus an equal amount to be provided from district discretionary funds. The chancellor may waive all or a portion of the matching requirement based upon a review of a district’s financial condition. The question of whether a district has complied with its resolution shall be reviewed under the annual audit of that district. For every $1 a district expends from this appropriation for scheduled maintenance and special repairs, the recipient district shall provide $1 in matching funds. | |
| | | (2) | Hazardous substances abatement, cleanup, and repairs. | |
| | | (3) | Architectural barrier removal projects that meet the requirements of the federal Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Sec. 12101 et seq.) and seismic retrofit projects limited to $400,000. Districts that receive funds for architectural barrier removal projects shall provide a $1 match for every $1 provided by the state. | |
| | (b) | $13,672,000 of the funds appropriated in Schedule (18) is available for replacement of instructional equipment and library materials. For every $3 a district expends from this appropriation for replacement of instructional equipment or library materials, the recipient district shall provide $1 in matching funds. The chancellor may waive all or a portion of the matching requirement based upon a review of a district’s financial condition. The funds provided for instructional equipment and library materials shall not be used for personal services costs or operating expenses. The chancellor shall allocate funds to districts on the basis of actual reported FTES and may establish a minimum allocation per district. The question of whether a district has complied with its resolution shall be reviewed under the annual audit of that district. | |
| | (c) | The funds appropriated in Schedule (18) shall be available for expenditure until June 30, 2010. | |
| 26. | Pursuant to Sections 69648.5, 78216, and 84850, and subdivision (b) of Section 87108, of the Education Code, the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges may allocate funds appropriated in Schedules (6), (9), (11), and (19) by grant or contract, or through the apportionment process, to one or more districts for the purpose of providing program evaluation, accountability, monitoring, or program development services, as appropriate under the applicable statute. | |
| 27. | The funds appropriated in Schedule (21) for the Career Technical Education Program are for the purpose of aligning career-technical education curriculum between K–12 and community colleges in targeted industry-driven programs offered through the Economic and Workforce Development Program. Prior to the allocation of these funds, the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges, in conjunction with the State Department of Education, shall submit a proposed expenditure plan for the funds contained in this item, and the rationale therefor, to the Department of Finance by August 1, 2008, for approval. | |
| | Of the funds appropriated in Schedule (21), $2,500,000 is available for the development and enhancement of health-related career pathway programs in grades 7 to 12, inclusive, and for the articulation and alignment of health-related curriculum between schools with pupils in kindergarten and grades 1 to 12, inclusive, and the California Community Colleges. | |
| 28. | The funds appropriated in Schedule (22) for the Campus Childcare Tax Bailout shall be allocated by the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges to community college districts that levied child care permissive override taxes in the 1977–78 fiscal year pursuant to Sections 8329 and 8330 of the Education Code in an amount equal to the property tax revenues, tax relief subventions, and state aid required to be made available by the district to its child care and development program for the 1979–80 fiscal year pursuant to Section 30 of Chapter 1035 of the Statutes of 1979, increased by any cost-of-living increases granted in subsequent fiscal years. These funds shall be used only for the purpose of community college child care and development programs. | |
| 29. | With regard to the funds appropriated in Schedule (23), Nursing Program Support, all of the following shall apply: | |
| | (a) | $14,000,000 shall be used to provide support for nursing program enrollment and equipment needs consistent with paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 2 of Chapter 514 of the Statutes of 2001. Grant funding for nursing enrollment shall provide a marginal increase in funding in addition to the amount provided for each full-time equivalent student for regular growth in apportionments. | |
| | (b) | $8,100,000 shall be used to provide diagnostic and support services, preentry coursework, alternative program delivery model development, and other services to reduce the incidence of student attrition in nursing programs. | |
| | (d) | The Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges shall develop a request for applications (RFA) to allocate the additional $5,214,000 of funds in subdivision (b) to community college districts. Criteria for assessing each RFA shall include all of the following: | |
| | | (1) | The degree to which the funds provided would be used to increase student enrollment in nursing programs beyond the level of full-time equivalent students served in the 2007–08 academic year. | |
| | | (2) | The district’s level of attrition from nursing programs and the suitability of planned expenditures to address attrition levels. | |
| | | (3) | The degree to which funds provided would be used to support infrastructure or equipment needs with the intent of building capacity and increasing the number of nursing students served. | |
| | | (4) | For districts with attrition rates of 15 percent or more, new grant funding shall focus on attrition reduction. For districts with attrition rates below 15 percent, new grant funding shall focus on enrollment expansion. | |
| | (e) | The board of governors shall release the RFA no sooner than 30 days after submitting it to the Legislature and the Department of Finance for review. | |
| | (f) | On or before March 1 of each year, the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges shall provide the Legislature and the Department of Finance with a report on the allocation of funding. For each district receiving funding under this item, the report shall include all of the following: (1) the amount of funding received, (2) the number of nursing full-time equivalent students served in the 2006–07 academic year, and the additional number of nursing full-time equivalent students served with funding provided in this item in each subsequent year, (3) the district’s attrition and completion rates in the 2006–07 academic year and subsequent years, (4) any equipment or infrastructure-related items acquired with the funds appropriated in this item, and (5) the number of new and existing faculty receiving annual stipend awards. | |