The Legislature finds and declares all of the following:(a) California’s increasing demand for petroleum and rapidly growing consumption of gasoline and diesel fuel pose substantial risks to the state’s economy and environment.
(b) Growing instability in global oil supplies and rapidly increasing demand in China, India, and throughout the world are likely to increase California’s vulnerability to oil supply disruptions and sudden price increases.
(c) Aggressive pursuit of energy efficiency and conservation measures and expanded use of renewable energy sources have been shown to help stabilize energy supplies and lower costs to consumers during California’s electricity crisis.
(d) California’s current and future levels of oil demand and rapidly growing consumption of gasoline and diesel fuel far exceeds California’s refinery capacity, which results in limited competition.
(e) Unless the state’s rapid rate of growth in oil consumption and rising levels of consumption of imported oil and petroleum products are stabilized and gradually reduced, California is likely to continue to experience price spikes and supply disruptions, which will harm the state’s economy and business climate.
(f) Cost-effective options exist today, including alternative fuels and advanced technologies, such as hybrid electric vehicles, which can lessen economic instability caused by high fuel prices and price spikes, while reducing risks to public health and environmental degradation caused by increased consumption of petroleum fuel.
(g) The commission and the State Air Resources Board have determined that improving the fuel efficiency of new vehicles would dramatically reduce petroleum demand and that the efficiency of new cars and light trucks can be improved significantly with existing and emerging automotive technologies.
(h) Reducing the rate of growth in onroad petroleum consumption and increasing transportation energy conservation and efficiency, and the use of alternative fuels are technologically feasible and cost effective public policy objectives, which will create new jobs, economic development, and investment opportunities in alternative fuels and advanced transportation technologies.
(i) The Governor, the Legislature, and state and local agencies should make every effort to reduce the growth in oil demand and increase transportation energy conservation and efficiency, and the use of alternative fuels in California through aggressive public education regarding the environmental and economic risks caused by current and projected petroleum consumption, through sustained commitment and public agency procurement of energy efficiency and alternative transportation fuels, and by promoting the modernization and installation of best available technologies on California’s oil refineries.