(a) The commission, in consultation with the Public Utilities Commission, shall prepare , as a component of the 2005 integrated energy policy report adopted pursuant to Section 25302, an assessment regarding the costs and benefits of siting liquefied natural gas facilities within the state.(b) The assessment prepared pursuant to subdivision (a) shall include all of the following:
(1) An evaluation of differences in safety risks, public acceptance, costs, and other issues associated with placing liquefied natural gas terminals onshore, compared to placing them offshore.
(2) An evaluation of differences in safety risks, public acceptance, and other issues associated with connecting new liquefied natural gas terminals to the state’s existing natural gas infrastructure, compared to expanding current pipelines to increase natural gas imported from outside the state. This evaluation shall address whether sufficient natural gas from outside the state will be available if the pipelines are expanded.
(3) An evaluation of the additional natural gas pipeline capacity that is necessary to move liquefied natural gas from west to east.
(4) (A) An evaluation of the impact on performance, safety, and emissions of natural gas fired processes resulting from using liquefied natural gas that is shipped from other countries, compared to using natural gas from current sources.
(B) For purposes of this paragraph, “natural gas fired processes” includes residential, commercial, and industrial processes.
(5) An evaluation of the impact that siting a liquefied natural gas terminal has on local property values.
(6) An evaluation of the impact that siting a liquefied natural gas terminal has on local public safety agencies.
(7) A list of proposed liquefied natural gas projects and their status.
(8) A bibliography of available information associated with the costs and benefits of siting liquefied natural gas terminals in the state.