The board of governors, in accordance with the statewide requirements contained in subdivisions (a) to (j), inclusive, and in consultation with institutional representatives of the California Community Colleges and statewide faculty and staff organizations, so as to ensure their participation in the development and review of policy proposals, shall develop criteria and standards for the purposes of making the annual budget request for the California Community Colleges to the Governor and the Legislature, and for the purpose of allocating the state general apportionment revenues.In developing the criteria and standards, the board of governors shall utilize and strongly consider the guidelines and work products of the Task Force on Community College Financing as established pursuant to Chapter 1465 of the Statutes of 1986, and shall complete the development of these criteria and standards, accompanied by the necessary procedures, processes, and formulas for utilizing its criteria and standards, by March 1, 1990, and shall submit on or before that date a report on these items to the Legislature and the Governor.
The board of governors shall develop the criteria and standards within the following statewide minimum requirements:
(a) The calculations of each community college district’s revenue level for each fiscal year shall be based on the level of general apportionment revenues (state and local) the district received for the prior year plus any amount attributed to a deficit of minimum workload growth, with revenue adjustments being made for increases or decreases in workload, for program improvement as authorized by this section or by any other provision of law, for inflation, and for other purposes authorized by law.
(b) (1) For credit instruction, the funding mechanism developed pursuant to this section shall recognize the needs among the major categories of operation of community colleges, with categories established for instruction, instructional services and libraries, student services, maintenance and operations, and institutional support.
(2) The board of governors may propose to the Legislature, for enactment by statute, other cost categories when adequate data exist.
(3) Funding for noncredit classes shall be determined as follows:
(A) The preliminary amount per noncredit full-time equivalent student (FTES) for 1991–92 shall be equal to the comparable amount for 1990–91 with increases corresponding to the cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) specified in subdivision (e) and corresponding to any program improvement provided to the maintenance and operations category for 1991–92.
(B) Funds for maintenance and operations shall be included in the funds derived under paragraph (4) of subdivision (c).
(C) Funds for institutional support will be derived as part of the computation under paragraph (5) of subdivision (c).
(D) From the preliminary amount described in subparagraph (A), a deduction shall be made corresponding to the amounts derived in subparagraphs (B) and (C), and the remainder shall be the funded amount per noncredit FTES for 1991–92.
(E) Changes in noncredit FTES shall result in adjustments to revenues as follows:
(i) Increases in noncredit FTES shall result in an increase in revenues in the year of the increase and at the average rate per noncredit FTES.
(ii) Decreases in noncredit FTES shall result in a revenue reduction in the year following the decrease and at the average rate per noncredit FTES.
(iii) Districts shall be entitled to restore any reductions in apportionment revenue due to decrease in noncredit FTES during the three years following the initial year of decrease in noncredit FTES if there is a subsequent increase in FTES.
(4) Except as otherwise provided by statute, current categorical programs providing direct services to students, including extended opportunity programs and services, and disabled students programs and services, shall continue to be funded separately through the annual Budget Act, and shall not be assumed under budget formulas of program-based funding.
(5) District revenues shall be determined based on systemwide funding standards within the categories, and revenue adjustments shall occur based on distinct measures of workload applicable to each category.
(c) Workload measures applicable to each category shall be established with the following measures to be provided:
(1) For credit instruction, the workload measure shall be the credit FTES. Changes in credit FTES shall result in adjustments in revenues as follows:
(A) Increases in FTES shall result in an increase in revenues in the year of the increase and at the statewide average per FTES.
(B) Decreases in FTES shall result in a revenue reduction in the year following the decrease and at the district’s average FTES.
(C) Districts shall be entitled to restore any reductions in apportionment revenue due to decrease in FTES during the three years following the initial year of decrease in FTES if there is a subsequent increase in FTES.
(2) For instructional services and libraries, the workload measure shall be the credit FTES. Changes in credit FTES with respect to instructional services and libraries shall result in adjustments to revenues as follows:
(A) Increases in FTES shall result in an increase in revenues in the year of the increase and at the statewide average rate per FTES.
(B) Decreases in FTES shall result in a revenue reduction in the year following the decrease and at the district’s average per FTES.
(C) Districts shall be entitled to restore any reductions in apportionment revenue due to decreases in FTES during the three years following the initial year of decreases in FTES if there is a subsequent increase in FTES.
(3) For student services, the workload measure shall be based on the numbers of credit students enrolled (headcount).
Changes in headcount shall result in adjustments to revenues as follows:
(A) Increases in headcount shall result in an increase in revenues in the year of the increase at the statewide average per headcount.
(B) Decreases in headcount shall result in a revenue reduction in the year following the decrease at the district’s average per headcount.
(C) Districts shall be entitled to restore any reductions in apportionment revenue due to decrease in headcount during the three years following the initial year of decrease in headcount if there is a subsequent increase in headcount.
(4) For maintenance and operations, the workload measure shall be based on the number of square feet of owned or leased facilities. Changes in the number of square feet shall be adjusted as follows:
(A) Increases in the number of square feet shall result in an increase in revenue in the year that the increase occurs and at the average per square foot.
(B) Decreases in the number of square feet shall result in a decrease in revenue beginning July 1 of the first full year in which the square feet are no longer owned or leased and at the average rate per square foot.
(5) For institutional support, a single fixed percentage which shall apply to all districts shall be established based on the pattern from the most recent data. The percentage shall be obtained from statewide data by comparing expenditures for this category with the total revenue for all five categories.
(d) Funding standards, subject to the conditions and criteria of this section, shall be established by the board for the various categories of operation established pursuant to subdivision (b). In consultation as required by subdivision (e) of Section 70901, the board of governors shall annually request program improvement moneys to assist districts in meeting these standards.
(e) To the extent that funding is provided in the annual budget, revenue adjustments shall be made to reflect cost changes, using the same inflation adjustment as required for school districts pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 42238.1.
(f) An adjustment for economies of scale for districts and colleges shall be provided.
(g) The statewide increase in workload of FTES and headcount shall be, at a minimum, the rate of change of the adult population as determined by the Department of Finance, and may be increased through the budget process to reflect other factors, including statewide priorities, the unemployment rate, and the number of students graduating from California high schools. The allocation of changes on a district-by-district basis shall be determined by the board of governors.
(h) For fiscal year 1991–92 or on the date Section 84750 is implemented by the board of governors in accordance with Section 70 of Chapter 973 of the Statutes of 1988, whichever is later, all districts shall receive at least the amount of revenue to which they would have been entitled pursuant to Article 1 (commencing with Section 84700) of Chapter 5 of Part 50. Thereafter, allocations shall be made pursuant to this section, as implemented by the board of governors pursuant to the annual State Budget.
(i) Except as specifically provided by statute, regulations of the board of governors for determining and allocating the state general apportionment to the community colleges may not require district governing boards to expend the allocated revenues in specified categories of operation or according to the workload measures developed by the board of governors.
(j) As used in this section:
(1) “Criteria” means the definitions of elements of institutional practice or activity to be included in the categories of operation of community college districts.
(2) “Program improvement” means an increase in revenue which is allocated to all districts to fund standards adopted pursuant to subdivision (d). Program improvement also means an increase in revenue allocated to low revenue districts to bring them closer to the statewide average.
(3) “Standard” means the appropriate level of service in a category of operation of the community college districts.