SEC. 2.
(a) The sum of one million one hundred thousand dollars ($1,100,000) is hereby appropriated from the Water Security, Clean Drinking Water, Coastal and Beach Protection Fund of 2002 to the State Water Resources Control Board for the purposes of making a grant, in accordance with subdivision (c) of Section 79561 of the Water Code, to the Southern California Caulerpa Action Team to eradicate Caulerpa taxifolia, or its clones and derivatives (taxifolia, cupressoides, mexicana, sertulariodes, floridana, ashmeadii, racemosa, verticillata, and scapelliformis), in the Agua Hedionda Lagoon.(b) The State Water Resources Control Board may only allocate funds pursuant to subdivision (a) if it determines that allocation meets the requirements of Chapter 8 (commencing with Section 79560) of Division 26.5 of the Water Code.
(c) For the purposes of subdivision (a), the Southern California Caulerpa Action Team consists of federal, state, and local agencies and private entities, organized to eradicate Caulerpa taxifolia, or its clones and derivatives, in the Agua Hedioda Lagoon.