SEC. 2.
The Legislature declares that certain real property transferred to the Yosemite Community College District and the County of Stanislaus, in accordance with Chapter 291 of the Statutes of 1970 and Chapter 1031 of the Statutes of 1977, continues to be used for a public purpose. That purpose includes, but is not limited to, support for activities that generate revenues for the education programs offered to residents of the district and that have a connection to the educational programs offered by the district.The Yosemite Community College District may continue to use the property so long as the revenues derived from the use of the land confer a benefit on the students and residents of the area. Any proposed new use of the land shall be subject to review by the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges and to assurances by the district that the revenues derived from the proposed use continue to benefit the students and residents of the area.
The Yosemite Community College District shall include in any land use agreement that results from this act a statement that holds the State of California harmless for any actions connected with the use of the land in question.