The Legislature finds and declares all of the following:(a) The continued viability of the California economy and quality of life are essential to the people of this state.
(b) The ability of the state to detect, exclude, and eradicate the Mediterranean fruit fly and the Mexican fruit fly is necessary to avoid increased pesticide use by farmers and homeowners.
(c) The development of improved lures, traps, trapping techniques, and alternative eradication procedures designed to keep the Mediterranean fruit fly and the Mexican fruit fly from becoming endemic to any portion of the state is essential to protect the agricultural industry, urban residents, and the economy.
(d) Future efforts to eradicate the Mediterranean fruit fly and Mexican fruit fly should utilize integrated pest management procedures, to the maximum extent feasible.
(e) The highest priority for research funding is for research leading to the development of effective detection devices or procedures, and for alternatives to aerial pesticide spraying.
(f) Fumigation at border stations will substantially assist in the control of these pests.