June 21, 2016 |
June 16, 2016 |
April 27, 2016 |
March 15, 2016 |
January 25, 2016 |
May 20, 2015 |
April 30, 2015 |
April 23, 2015 |
April 13, 2015 |
Introduced by Assembly Member Ridley-Thomas |
February 27, 2015 |
This bill would specify, among other things, procedures for delivery of individuals to various facilities for mental health evaluation and treatment; procedures for probable cause determinations for detention and evaluation for treatment; terms and length of detention, when appropriate, in various types of facilities; and criteria
for release from nondesignated hospitals, as defined. The bill would exempt specified providers of health services and peace officers from criminal or civil liability for the actions of a person after his or her release from detention, subject to specified exceptions. The bill would authorize certain providers of ambulance services to continue the detention of an individual for the purpose of transporting the individual to a designated facility. The bill would require a designated facility to accept, within its clinical capability and capacity, all persons for whom it is designated, without regard to insurance or financial status. The bill would also make changes to the methods
by which the county is notified of the release of a person detained for evaluation and treatment, including notification through the 24-hour toll-free telephone number established by the county’s mental health program.
(o)“Authorized professional” means any of the following:
(1)A mental health professional or category of mental health professionals, excluding peace officers, who are authorized in writing by a county to provide services described in Article 1 (commencing with Section 5150) of Chapter 2. An authorized professional shall have appropriate training in mental health disorders and determination of probable cause, and shall have relevant experience in providing services to persons with mental health disorders.
(2)An authorized professional as described in paragraph (1) who is a member of the staff of a designated facility and who is authorized by the facility to provide services described in this part.
(3)A member of a mobile crisis team who is authorized in writing by a county to provide services described in Article 1 (commencing with Section 5150) of Chapter 2.
(a)The professional person in charge of a nondesignated hospital, as defined in subdivision (c) of Section 5160, his or her designee, the medical director of the nondesignated hospital or his or her designee, the psychiatric professional who has consulted with a treating emergency professional in accordance with subdivision (c) of Section 5164, or a treating emergency professional or other professional staff person who has received training in managing persons who have been detained for evaluation and treatment and the determination of probable cause in accordance with Section 5150, and who is acting within the scope of his or her official duties, employment or contractual obligations, or clinical privileges for the
nondesignated hospital, shall not be civilly or criminally liable for any action by a person detained pursuant to Article 1 (commencing with Section 5150) of Chapter 2 of this part, and released at the end of 72 hours, or before the end of 72 hours, if Section 5164 is satisfied.
(b)The peace officer responsible for the detainment of the person shall not be civilly or criminally liable for any action by a person released at or before the end of the 72-hour detainment period pursuant to Article 1 (commencing with Section 5150) of Chapter 2 of this part.
(c)A treating emergency professional or other professional staff person who has received training in managing persons who have been detained for evaluation and treatment and the determination of probable cause in accordance with
Section 5150, and who is acting within the scope of his or her official duties, employment or contractual obligations, or clinical privileges for the nondesignated hospital shall not be liable for carrying out a determination in accordance with Section 5164.
(d)Nothing in this section shall exonerate a person described in this section from liability if that person acted with gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct.
Except as provided in Sections 5154, 5173, 5259.3, 5267, 5270.35, and 5306, the facility providing treatment pursuant to Article 1 (commencing with Section 5150), Article 1.5 (commencing with Section 5170), Article 4 (commencing with Section 5250), Article 4.5 (commencing with Section 5260), Article 4.7 (commencing with Section 5270.10), or Article 6 (commencing with Section 5300), a nondesignated hospital, as defined in subdivision (c) of Section 5160, the administrator of the facility or nondesignated hospital, the professional person in charge of the facility or nondesignated hospital, and his or her designee, or the peace officer responsible for the detainment of the person shall not be civilly or criminally liable for any action
by a person released at or before the end of the period for which he or she was detained or admitted pursuant to the provisions of the appropriate article.
(a)A designated facility or nondesignated hospital, as defined in subdivision (c) of Section 5160, or a physician or other professional staff person who has received training in managing persons who have been detained for evaluation and treatment and determination of probable cause in accordance with Section 5150, and who is acting within the scope of his or her official duties, employment or contractual obligations, or clinical privileges for the designated facility or nondesignated hospital shall not be liable for any of the following:
(1)An injury caused by an eloping or eloped person who has been detained for a mental health disorder or addiction.
(2)An injury to, or the wrongful death of, an eloping or eloped person who has been detained for a mental health disorder or addiction.
(b)Nothing in this section shall exonerate a person described in this section from liability if that person acted with gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct.
My name is . I am a
(peace officer/mental health professional)
. with
(name of agency)
. You are not under criminal arrest, but I am taking you for an examination by mental health professionals at .
(name of facility)
You will be told your rights by the mental health staff. |
My name is . |
My position here is . |
You are being placed into this psychiatric facility because it is our professional opinion that, as a result of a mental health disorder, you are likely to (check applicable): |
◻ Harm yourself. ◻ Harm someone else. ◻ Be unable to take care of your own food, clothing, and housing needs. We believe this is true because |
(list of the facts upon which the allegation of dangerous or gravely disabled due to mental health disorder is based, including pertinent facts arising from the admission interview). |
You will be held for a period up to 72 hours. During the 72 hours you may also be transferred to another facility. You may request to be evaluated or treated at a facility of your choice. You may request to be evaluated or treated by a mental health professional of your choice. We cannot guarantee the facility or mental health professional you choose will be available, but we will honor your choice if we can. |
During these 72 hours you will be evaluated by the facility staff, and you may be given treatment, including medications. It is possible for you to be released before the end of
the 72 hours. But if the staff decides that you need continued treatment you can be held for a longer period of time. If you are held longer than 72 hours, you have the right to a lawyer and a qualified interpreter and a hearing before a judge. If you are unable to pay for the lawyer, then one will be provided to you free of charge. |
If you have questions about your legal rights, you may contact the county Patients’ Rights Advocate at
(phone number for the county Patients’ Rights Advocacy office)
. Your 72-hour period began
. |
Unless the context otherwise requires, the following definitions shall govern the construction of this article:
(a)“Emergency department of a nondesignated hospital” means a basic, comprehensive, or standby emergency medical service that is approved by the State Department of Public Health as a special or supplemental service of a nondesignated hospital. For purposes of this part, an emergency department of a nondesignated hospital shall include an observation or similar unit of the hospital that meets both of the following criteria:
(1)The unit is operated under the direction and policies of the emergency department.
(2)The unit provides continuing emergency services and care to patients prior to an inpatient admission, transfer, or discharge.
(b)“Emergency professional” means either of the following:
(1)A physician and surgeon who is board certified or pursuing board certification in emergency medicine, or a qualified licensed person, as defined in subdivision (e), during any scheduled period that he or she is on duty to provide medical screening and treatment of patients in an emergency department of a nondesignated hospital.
(2)A physician and surgeon, or a qualified licensed person, as defined in subdivision (e), during any scheduled period that he or she is on duty to provide medical screening and treatment of patients in the emergency department of a nondesignated hospital that is a critical access hospital within the meaning of Section 1250.7 of the Health and Safety Code. A physician and surgeon on duty under this paragraph shall include a physician and surgeon on call for a standby emergency medical service who is responsible to provide professional coverage for the emergency department. A physician and surgeon on duty under this paragraph does not include a physician and surgeon who is providing on-call specialty coverage services to the emergency department of a nondesignated hospital, unless the physician and surgeon is an emergency professional under paragraph (1).
(c)“Nondesignated hospital” means a general acute care hospital, as defined in subdivision (a) of Section 1250 of the Health and
Safety Code or an acute psychiatric hospital, as defined in subdivision (b) of Section 1250 of the Health and Safety Code, that is not a designated facility, as defined in Section 5008.
(d)“Psychiatric emergency medical condition” has the same meaning as defined in subdivision (k) of Section 1317.1 of the Health and Safety Code.
(e)“Psychiatric professional” means a physician and surgeon licensed by the Medical Board of California who has completed an approved psychiatric residency training program and who provides specialty services to the emergency department of a nondesignated hospital.
(f)“Qualified licensed person” means a licensed person designated by the medical staff and governing body of a nondesignated hospital to provide emergency services and care, to the extent permitted by applicable law, in an emergency department of the nondesignated hospital
under the supervision of a physician and surgeon.
(a)This section shall apply to a person who has been detained for evaluation and treatment by a peace officer or an authorized professional and is taken to an emergency department of a nondesignated hospital for emergency services and care.
(b)While the person is in the emergency department of the nondesignated hospital, the detention of the person for evaluation and treatment shall continue, unless the person is released from detention pursuant to Section 5164.
(a)This section shall apply if, during a person’s examination or treatment in an emergency department, there is a need for a determination of probable cause for the detention of the person for evaluation and treatment.
(b)If a person who has not been detained for evaluation and treatment has signs or symptoms, in the judgment of the treating emergency professional, that indicate probable cause for detention for evaluation and treatment, the person shall have the right to a prompt probable cause determination in accordance with any of the following:
(1)The hospital may contact the county to arrange for a probable cause determination by an authorized professional, including, but not limited to, a member of a mobile crisis team.
(2)As part of an evaluation, an authorized professional may conduct a probable cause determination and, upon a finding of probable cause, detain the person for evaluation and treatment in accordance with Section 5150.
(3)The treating emergency professional may conduct a probable cause determination and, upon a finding of probable cause, detain the person for evaluation and treatment in accordance with Section 5150.
(c)If the person is detained for evaluation and treatment pursuant to this section, the detention shall continue during his or her stay in the emergency department of a
nondesignated hospital, unless the person is released from detention pursuant to Section 5164 or the detention ends by reason of the expiration of 72 hours pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 5150.
(a)This section shall apply to a person who is first detained pursuant to Section 5150 for evaluation and treatment in a nondesignated hospital emergency department or has been detained pursuant to Section 5150 for evaluation and treatment and first taken to an emergency department of a nondesignated hospital.
(b)(1)Except as provided in subdivision (e), the nondesignated hospital shall notify the county in which the nondesignated hospital is located of the person’s detention.
(2)If the person was detained for evaluation and treatment and taken to the emergency department of the nondesignated hospital pursuant to Section 5161, the notification shall occur after the hospital has performed an initial medical screening of the person in accordance with paragraphs (1) and (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 1317.1 of the Health and Safety Code.
(3)If the person is first detained for evaluation and treatment in the emergency department of the nondesignated hospital pursuant to Section 5162, the notification shall occur when the probable cause determination has been completed.
(c)The notification to the county shall be made using the 24-hour toll-free telephone number established by the county’s mental health program for psychiatric emergency services and crisis stabilization if the county’s mental health program has a 24-hour toll-free telephone number in
operation on January 1, 2017, for this purpose. The notification shall be documented in the patient’s medical record.
(d)The nondesignated hospital shall advise the county of all of the following:
(1)The time when the 72-hour detention period for evaluation and treatment expires.
(2)An estimate of the time when the person will be medically stable for transfer to a designated facility.
(3)The county in which the person resides, if known.
(e)The notification to the county under this section shall not be required if the treating emergency professional determines that the person will be
admitted, pursuant to Section 5165, to an acute care bed of a nondesignated hospital for the primary purpose of receiving acute inpatient services for a medical condition that is in addition to the person’s psychiatric condition.
(a)This section shall establish a process for releasing from detention a person who has been detained for evaluation and treatment during the time that the person is detained in the emergency department of a nondesignated hospital.
(b)If the treating emergency professional, after an examination of the person, determines that a person does not have a mental disorder, the treating professional may release the person from detention for evaluation and treatment.
(c)If the treating emergency professional, after an examination of the person, determines that a person has a mental disorder, but there is no
longer probable cause to continue the detention for evaluation and treatment, the treating emergency professional may release that person only when the treating emergency professional has conducted a face-to-face examination and determined that the person does not pose a danger to himself or herself or others, and is not gravely disabled.
(d)Nothing in this article shall be construed to prevent a treating emergency professional from consulting with an authorized professional, including a psychiatric professional, for the purposes of determining whether a person has a mental disorder or whether there is no longer probable cause to detain the person because the person does not pose a danger to himself or herself or others, or is not gravely disabled.
(e)Nothing in this article shall be construed to prevent an authorized professional, including a psychiatric professional, from directly releasing the person after conducting a face-to-face examination and determining there is no longer probable cause to detain the person because the person no longer poses a danger to himself or herself or others, or is not gravely disabled.
(a)A nondesignated hospital and the professional staff of the nondesignated hospital shall not be civilly or criminally liable for the transfer of a person detained for evaluation and treatment to a designated facility in accordance with this article.
(b)The peace officer or authorized professional responsible for the detention of the person for evaluation and treatment who transfers the custody of the person to an emergency professional of a nondesignated hospital shall not be civilly or criminally liable for any of the following:
(1)The continuation and enforcement of the detention for evaluation and treatment during the person’s stay in the emergency department of the nondesignated hospital prior to the discharge of the person from the hospital in accordance with this article.
(2)The release of the person from detention for evaluation and treatment in accordance with this article.
(3)The transfer of the person detained for evaluation and treatment to a designated facility in accordance with this article.
(c)Nothing in this section shall exonerate a person described in this section from liability if that person acted with gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct.
(a)A provider of ambulance services licensed by the Department of the California Highway Patrol or operated by a public safety agency, and the employees of those providers who are certified or licensed under Section 1797.56 of the Health and Safety Code, shall be authorized to
do both of the following:
(1)Transport a person who is in a hospital or facility on a voluntary basis to a designated facility for psychiatric treatment.
(2)Transport, and continue the detention of, a person who is detained for evaluation and treatment in a hospital or facility to a designated facility for psychiatric treatment.
(b)This section shall apply to transfers from any type of facility, including nondesignated hospitals and other facilities.
(c)A person shall not be detained for evaluation and treatment solely for the purpose of transporting the person, or transferring the person by a provider of ambulance services, to a designated facility
or an emergency department of a nondesignated hospital.
(a)Notwithstanding Section 5328, peace officers, authorized professionals, emergency professionals, and other qualified professionals who participate in the examination, consultation, treatment, placement, referral, or transport of a person who is, or for whom there may be probable cause to be, detained for evaluation and treatment under Section 5150 may engage in communication of patient information among each other and with county behavioral health professionals and staff, in the provision of emergency services, referral, and placement for the person with a designated facility or other agency. This includes communication about the historical course of the person’s mental disorder, as defined in Section 5150.05.
(b)Communication of patient information under this section also includes both of the following:
(1)Communications between emergency medical personnel and emergency professionals at a licensed hospital, as defined in subdivision (a) or (b) of Section 1250 of the Health and Safety Code, in examination and treatment of a person at the scene of an emergency or in transport of the person to a hospital for emergency services and care.
(2)Communications among emergency medical personnel, emergency professionals, and authorized professionals at a designated facility or a nondesignated hospital at which the person may be evaluated, treated, placed, referred, or transported, including during the course of transport.
(c)For purposes of this section, communications among emergency medical personnel, emergency professionals, and authorized professionals include communications with licensed persons working under the supervision of emergency professionals and authorized professionals.
Nothing in this chapter supersedes or abrogates the provisions governing medical control set forth in Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 1798) of Division 2.5 of the Health and Safety Code.
(a)Notwithstanding Section 5113, if the provisions of Section 5270.35 have been met, the professional person in charge of the facility providing intensive treatment, his or her designee, the medical director of the facility or his or her designee described in Section 5270.35, the psychiatrist directly responsible for the person’s treatment, or the psychologist shall not be held civilly or criminally liable for any action by a person released before or at the end of the 30 days of intensive treatment pursuant to this article.
(b)The professional person in charge of the facility providing intensive treatment or his or her designee, the medical
director of the facility or his or her designee described in Section 5270.35, the psychiatrist directly responsible for the person’s treatment, or the psychologist shall not be held civilly or criminally liable for any action by a person released at the end of the 30 days of intensive treatment pursuant to this article.
(c)The attorney or advocate representing the person, the court-appointed commissioner or referee, the certification review hearing officer conducting the certification review hearing, or the peace officer responsible for detaining the person shall not be civilly or criminally liable for any action by a person released at or before the end of the 30 days of intensive treatment pursuant to this article.