The Director of General Services may sell, exchange, sell combined with an exchange, or lease for fair market value and upon those terms and conditions as the Director of General Services determines are in the best interest of the state, all or any part of the following real property: Parcel 1. Approximately .92 acres, located at 806 North Beaudry Avenue, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County.
Parcel 2. Approximately 5.52 acres with improvements thereon, known as the Fernwood Seed orchard, located in Humboldt County.
Parcel 3. Approximately 2 acres with improvements thereon, known as the Manton Forest Fire Station, located on Ponderosa Way, in
Manton, Tehama County.
Parcel 4. Approximately .92 acres with improvements thereon, known as the Hesperia Forest Fire Station, located at 16661 Yucca Street, Hesperia, San Bernardino County.
Parcel 5. Approximately 2 acres with improvements thereon, known as the Valley Center Forest Fire Station, located at 28741 Cole Grade Road, Valley Center, San Diego County.
Parcel 6. Approximately .33 acres with improvements thereon, known as the San Marcos Forest Fire Station (Old) located at 236 Pico Avenue, San Marcos, San Diego County.
Parcel 7. Approximately 3 acre portion of the 5 acre parcel known as the San Marcos Forest Fire Station (New), located at Monticello Drive, Escondido, San Diego County.
Parcel 8. Approximately .39 acres located mid-block on the north side of Golden Gate Avenue,
between Gough and Franklin streets, City of San Francisco, County of San Francisco.
Parcel 9. Approximately 1.74 acres with improvements thereon, known as the EDD Indio Office, located at 47110 Calhoun Boulevard, Indio, Riverside County.