In addition to the purposes authorized by this chapter, the Board of Directors of the Bear Valley Community Services District may, pursuant to Section 61601, exercise the following powers:
Provide, maintain, operate, and contract for facilities and services for the control, removal, and eradication of local pine bark beetle infestations in accordance with any required plan or program approved by the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection to ensure consistency with the policies of the Board of Forestry.
Acquire, construct, improve, or maintain mail receptacle facilities for mail delivery services to the district and its inhabitants.
Notwithstanding Sections 61600 and 61601, whenever the board of directors determines, by resolution, that it is feasible, economically sound, and in the public interest for the district to exercise its power, the board may contract with the United States Postal Service for mail delivery services to the district and its inhabitants, including, but not limited to, leasing space to the United States Postal Service, a nonprofit corporation, or a private entity for mail delivery and packaging services.
If the board does contract with the United States Postal Service to provide mail delivery services as provided in subdivision (b), the board shall submit a ballot measure to the voters of the district no later than November 3, 1998, for this purpose. If the voters reject the measure, the board shall terminate the contract at the earliest reasonable time.